
"Get Danbooru Gold" button doesn't work.

Posted under Bugs & Features

exhibitionistfan said:

Curious, has there been a reason given yet why crypto isn't being implemented? Is it not feasible for some reason?

One problem with crypto is that its hard to make an automated system that can securely connect the user id to the transaction. Evazion is the only one that handles the money on this site. He cant manually accept crypto for every account, because sleep and stuff.

Not saying its THE reason why crypto hasnt been implemented. But it has been mentioned before.

ion288 said:

One problem with crypto is that its hard to make an automated system that can securely connect the user id to the transaction. Evazion is the only one that handles the money on this site. He cant manually accept crypto for every account, because sleep and stuff.

Not saying its THE reason why crypto hasnt been implemented. But it has been mentioned before.

How does 4chan do it then?

ion288 said:

One problem with crypto is that its hard to make an automated system that can securely connect the user id to the transaction. Evazion is the only one that handles the money on this site. He cant manually accept crypto for every account, because sleep and stuff.

Not saying its THE reason why crypto hasnt been implemented. But it has been mentioned before.

How exactly? Crypto payment processor APIs are just as easy to implement as stripe is.

Do you think people won’t do it? I and others here have wanted to, at least try it. People can buy/withdraw crypto on PayPal now, if you document how to easily do it I think people will.

averie said:

How exactly? Crypto payment processor APIs are just as easy to implement as stripe is.

Do you think people won’t do it? I and others here have wanted to, at least try it. People can buy/withdraw crypto on PayPal now, if you document how to easily do it I think people will.

So, should we wait for the bottom to stop dropping out of the crypto market, or owners of the various exchanges to stop getting arrested for fraud/etc ?

Cryptocurrency is kind of a joke, and all the cryptobros pushing it don't really help it.

DeusExCalamus said:

So, should we wait for the bottom to stop dropping out of the crypto market, or owners of the various exchanges to stop getting arrested for fraud/etc ?

Cryptocurrency is kind of a joke, and all the cryptobros pushing it don't really help it.

That's really only a concern if you're holding onto large amounts, and not cashing out regularly.
Not a big fan of crypto, but it's better than nothing.

DeusExCalamus said:

So, should we wait for the bottom to stop dropping out of the crypto market, or owners of the various exchanges to stop getting arrested for fraud/etc ?

Cryptocurrency is kind of a joke, and all the cryptobros pushing it don't really help it.

You can sell it or swap it to a stable coin. It’s a common and normal thing now for shops selling items worth value and have profit margins to accept crypto, we are talking about a donation here. Wouldn’t it have amounted to something after all these months?

People trusting their crypto with a centralized exchange has been heavily warned about for 13 years, crypto completely functions without them, it’s a separate entity who scammed their users and not something that should condemn crypto itself.

You’re calling crypto a joke here, when the alternative has dropped the site because it shows pictures they don’t like. Crypto can’t be against you and what you love, yet you hate it.

averie said:

You can sell it or swap it to a stable coin. It’s a common and normal thing now for shops selling items worth value and have profit margins to accept crypto, we are talking about a donation here. Wouldn’t it have amounted to something after all these months?

People trusting their crypto with a centralized exchange has been heavily warned about for 13 years, crypto completely functions without them, it’s a separate entity who scammed their users and not something that should condemn crypto itself.

You’re calling crypto a joke here, when the alternative has dropped the site because it shows pictures they don’t like. Crypto can’t be against you and what you love, yet you hate it.

It just sounds like they not even trying to find alternatives for donations.

nonamethanks said:

Don't mistake some random user for site staff. As far as I know crypto is not off the table, but these things take time.

This. Despite my fancy purple name, I'm just some random person with my own opinions that don't necessarily reflect the site's/site's staff as a whole. If cryptocurrency is what it takes to get the money flowing, then more power to it.

I’ve been a lurker on danbooru for awhile and only finally made an account recently for the sole purpose of upgrading to a gold. I am a bit shocked this isn’t resolved yet. I want to give my money. Can’t one of the mods just let me paypal them or something under the table and upgrade my account anyway? 🥲

cybiin said:

I’ve been a lurker on danbooru for awhile and only finally made an account recently for the sole purpose of upgrading to a gold. I am a bit shocked this isn’t resolved yet. I want to give my money. Can’t one of the mods just let me paypal them or something under the table and upgrade my account anyway? 🥲


If Paypal was possible then it would be done already. Paypal tends to be shifty about NSFW stuff, often arbitrarily dropping peoples accounts whenever they discover that NSFW transactions were involved. Nobody here wants to dox themselves for the purpose of doing 'totally legit' transactions either.

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