
"Get Danbooru Gold" button doesn't work.

Posted under Bugs & Features

Still not accepting payments? I'd rather not have a bank receipt for unlocking loli/shota art, but the two tag limitation is still super rough. I'm not sure how new users do it when the exploration pages have been taken out of sight.

blindVigil said:

Tagging and forum participation can earn Builder. Just demonstrate an interest in improving the site.

Not to be rude, but... if only it were that simple. Even if you do want to help out, the threshold for builder is likely far above what the kind of person who just wants to pay $20 is willing or able to reach. I don't think it should be seen as a real substitute.

I honestly don't know how some people even have tens of thousands of uploads or post changes. It takes me half an hour or more just to meticulously tag a single upload.

wakasagi888 said:

Not to be rude, but... if only it were that simple. Even if you do want to help out, the threshold for builder is likely far above what the kind of person who just wants to pay $20 is willing or able to reach. I don't think it should be seen as a real substitute.

I honestly don't know how some people even have tens of thousands of uploads or post changes. It takes me half an hour or more just to meticulously tag a single upload.

Okay, look. Several of us have epxlained multiple times that earning builder is not a life time investment. It took me nine months of doing frankly almost nothing and I just suddenly had builder. Literally all I did was talk in the forums, I had like 600 tag edits at the time. It is not that hard, it just might take a while.

None of us are trying to say, "Stop whining and just tag 10,000 images in a day." Obviously, no one wants to wait a year for something they're willing to pay for right now. Believe me, I understand. We are just suggesting the only alternative available until this gets sorted out, because we can't help you any other way. It's not a substitute. It is quite literally your only option for the time being.

Attempts at being helpful, however little it's appreciated, has to be preferable to every response from builders, approvers, and mods instead being, "Tough luck get fucked." or just complete silence.


blindVigil said:

Okay, look. Several of us have epxlained multiple times that earning builder is not a life time investment. It took me nine months of doing frankly almost nothing and I just suddenly had builder. Literally all I did was talk in the forums, I had like 600 tag edits at the time. It is not that hard, it just might take a while.

None of us are trying to say, "Stop whining and just tag 10,000 images in a day." Obviously, no one wants to wait a year for something they're willing to pay for right now. Believe me, I understand. We are just suggesting the only alternative available until this gets sorted out, because we can't help you any other way. It's not a substitute. It is quite literally your only option for the time being.

Attempts at being helpful, however little it's appreciated, has to be preferable to every response from builders, approvers, and mods instead being, "Tough luck get fucked." or just complete silence.

Well there is gelbooru and both free sankaku is so fucking easy to builders status less then two weeks

Also there is a lot of platinum users selling their accounts over there.

dylan54 said:

Well there is gelbooru and both free sankaku is so fucking easy to builders status less then two weeks

Also there is a lot of platinum users selling their accounts over there.

Maybe it's so easy over there precisely because quality of posts and of tagging isnt nearly as good as danbooru, having used those (and still doing a quick visit on gelbooru once in a while), tags on those are so desperately unreliable they barely function because undertagging and mistagging is litteraly the norm on those sites, no wonder it'd be easy as hell to stand out by being one of the rare people there to care about tags correctly serving their purpose

wakasagi888 said:

Not to be rude, but... if only it were that simple. Even if you do want to help out, the threshold for builder is likely far above what the kind of person who just wants to pay $20 is willing or able to reach. I don't think it should be seen as a real substitute.

I honestly don't know how some people even have tens of thousands of uploads or post changes. It takes me half an hour or more just to meticulously tag a single upload.

Not to be a bitch, but you only have 100ish edits and most of it is just adding and removing barefoot.

Grab a tag you're interested in and do a search by order:tagcout_asc. I earned it in a few months by tagging during lunch breaks at work, it's very much doable.

Mayhem-Chan said:

Maybe it's so easy over there precisely because quality of posts and of tagging isnt nearly as good as danbooru, having used those (and still doing a quick visit on gelbooru once in a while), tags on those are so desperately unreliable they barely function because undertagging and mistagging is litteraly the norm on those sites, no wonder it'd be easy as hell to stand out by being one of the rare people there to care about tags correctly serving their purpose

Implying danbooru does not have same problem Especially yuri and futa artworks.

zetsubousensei said:

Not to be a bitch, but you only have 100ish edits and most of it is just adding and removing barefoot.

Grab a tag you're interested in and do a search by order:tagcout_asc. I earned it in a few months by tagging during lunch breaks at work, it's very much doable.

I'm not personally trying to get builder in the first place, I just make small edits here and there if I notice something. I was only commenting on people casually suggesting something that I figured takes huge amounts of work. I didn't know about things like order:tagcount_asc though, so maybe it's just my perspective.

darkimp72 said:

Implying danbooru does not have same problem Especially yuri and futa artworks.

You forgot the little detail of no one saying danbooru's tagging was perfect, i mean most of the forum's activity amounts to a continued effort to fix tag problems, big or small. However, even while being aware there are much worse cases of bad tagging than the examples you've given on danbooru; sankaku and gelbooru (and others) are still much MUCH worse, to a point it's not even comparable, or even the same problem anymore, danbooru's average tag is actually reliable and serves it's purpose, even ones that are relatively "niche", while even the most basic tags on the other sites are just purgatory. And let's not talk about the amount of trash posts polluting every search you can possibly launch on there, even with the quality posts that fail to get approved on danbooru, i'd still much rather have that than the virtually uncurated lot of posts on the other boorus

Mayhem-Chan said:

You forgot the little detail of no one saying danbooru's tagging was perfect, i mean most of the forum's activity amounts to a continued effort to fix tag problems, big or small. However, even while being aware there are much worse cases of bad tagging than the examples you've given on danbooru; sankaku and gelbooru (and others) are still much MUCH worse, to a point it's not even comparable, or even the same problem anymore, danbooru's average tag is actually reliable and serves it's purpose, even ones that are relatively "niche", while even the most basic tags on the other sites are just purgatory. And let's not talk about the amount of trash posts polluting every search you can possibly launch on there, even with the quality posts that fail to get approved on danbooru, i'd still much rather have that than the virtually uncurated lot of posts on the other boorus

Says person doesn't understand there way more uploads on those sites then here. Also mods Aren't assholes like here. For example yuri a set of cg first looks very futa but you tagged as yuri next are futa try to change tags mods change back.

dylan54 said:

Says person doesn't understand there way more uploads on those sites then here. Also mods Aren't assholes like here. For example yuri a set of cg first looks very futa but you tagged as yuri next are futa try to change tags mods change back.

And the majority of the "more" uploads on those sites are mediocre quality stuff like low-effort edits or just stuff with awful anatomy that can compete with deviantart's reputation, only a few are actually good posts that just didn't get uploaded on Db, in which case you can just go ahead and try ot upload them yourself if you got the patience to search for the missing source of a significant portion of those
Also i didnt understand anything of what you said in your example

dylan54 said:

Says person doesn't understand there way more uploads on those sites then here.

I don't have a Sankaku Complex account, so I can't verify their post count, but the vast majority of Gelbooru uploads are automatically imported from Danbooru. Once you subtract imported posts, Gelbooru has 1.7 million original uploads vs. our 6.16 million. The vast majority of uploading and tag gardening is done on Danbooru.

At the end of the day, this does mean that obtaining builder status is harder (since you'll be held to a higher standard), but you will be making more of a difference, and you'll receive the benefits of our tagging system in turn.

feline_lump said:

I don't have a Sankaku Complex account, so I can't verify their post count, but the vast majority of Gelbooru uploads are automatically imported from Danbooru. Once you subtract imported posts, Gelbooru has 1.7 million original uploads vs. our 6.16 million. The vast majority of uploading and tag gardening is done on Danbooru.

Sankaku has ~33M post IDs (I can't verify how many posts actually exist as status:any or status:active don't return counts), and ~15M of those are tagged tagme which means they may as well not exist as you'll never be able to search for them. IIRC a lot of the stuff not under tagme is just bot uploaded from pixiv with only translated tags as well.

dylan54 said:

Says person doesn't understand there way more uploads on those sites then here. Also mods Aren't assholes like here. For example yuri a set of cg first looks very futa but you tagged as yuri next are futa try to change tags mods change back.

I'm a bit confused and concerned by your issue with yuri and futa. You don't have any tag edits. Can you point me to the images you have issue with? If there's actually something wrong, we can fix it.

dylan54 said:

It's not me personally but someone I know got ban for changing tags. For example is not tagged yuri and next set of pic there's men so yuri tag is invalid.

imma be real with you, even as an avid yuri fan, it does make enough sense to me that an image that immediately only shows sexual interaction between two women would be tagged yuri despite the next picture adding-in a man, especially as that next picture is a paid reward which shouldnt even be reposted anywhere, and therefore not available here. Also i would guess the post isnt tagged yuri on pixiv because there, the two images are literally the same post.
There are cases where other images related to one actually do change it's context and applicable tags, but this isnt one of them

Feel free to start a different thread if you want to continue the yuri/futa discussion beyond this, but it should be noted that our tagging policy was already explained in the comments of that post. When it comes to sequences, we don't tag things that happen in different posts in the same set.

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