post #9000000 GET!

Read this before asking why you can't see explicit images: How to get a privileged account

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

You need a privileged account to see unsafe posts.

You get a privileged account by being invited.

You get invited by uploading good posts, contributing to the wiki, helping others in the forum, and helping with translation efforts.

Asking for an invite, especially on the forum, is in poor taste. If you believe you deserve one, come to IRC (#danbooru at and make your case.

Is this whole system elitist? Yes, it is. Why does it exist? To limit bandwidth usage, and to provide an incentive for users to contribute to the site.

Updated by jxh2154

Good things you can do to contribute
- posting good images (interesting thoughts in forum #2555)
- adding useful tags (see forum #2047)
- reporting incorrect ratings
- identifying artists and adding entries to the artist db
- identifying sources
- tracking down other useful information
- filling in the wiki
- making interesting comments
- translating

Bad things that make it harder for you to get invited
- bad posts, especially if flooding
- poor tagging of your uploads
- useless comments and forum posts
- bad wiki edits
- terrible spelling and grammar (check forum #2156)
- making useless forum threads to beg for invites
- trying to make the site what it is not (see forum #2565)

(I plan to flesh out the details by editing this post in the future)


RocketZX said:
how do u report ratings?
and yes underprivleged user can change ratings, i jsut did that a while ago

Comment it, or make a forum post
Actually I think it has been disabled the ratings for unprivileged

VGK said:
Hmm, priviledged account aside, is there a way to get access to ONE tag, NWS posts containing it or no?

Simple one-word answer. No.
You can't have access to ANY NWS images

Shuugo said:
Comment it, or make a forum post
Actually I think it has been disabled the ratings for unprivileged

Unprivileged users can mark posts as questionable by adding the rating:questionable tag.

I'd like to ask how many privileged users are there? Is there a great deal, or a small percentage of the user base? The reason I ask is because I'd like to know how difficult it is to become one. I'd very much like to be able to view all the images on this site, but I'm not tremendously good at identifying sources, or uploading images that don't already exist in the database here. I can't translate either. I love this site, and I don't think I've ever abused the rules (nor will I), but I don't know how I will ever get privileged rights. Is this permanently enacted or temporarily?

It didn't take long for me to get invited. I uploaded ~100 images. 100 images is a VERY microscopic portion of my collection.

Basically, I wouldn't upload stuff you just got off of 4chan (most is all re-posts hence the "every post is a repost repost" quote or whatever it is).

Ultimately I say just upload quality stuff. Its the best, probably easiest/fastest way to get invited.

As for how many privileged there are, I can't say... I dunno. But from the amount of posts I'd say the unprivileged outweigh the privileged.

*Note to self: Learn to spell privilege (misspelled it three different ways X.x)*

I too, cannot spell privilege. Not when I need to at least. Hehe, ok... uploading (quality) here we go. Will have to take this day by day. I also have some great images to upload, but I'm not sure that I can since they aren't anime styled per se. Very neat, but influenced by other kinds of styles and cultures.

extollere said:
I too, cannot spell privilege. Not when I need to at least. Hehe, ok... uploading (quality) here we go. Will have to take this day by day. I also have some great images to upload, but I'm not sure that I can since they aren't anime styled per se. Very neat, but influenced by other kinds of styles and cultures.

Please put some effort into your tagging. Every image you have uploaded has just been 1 tag.

I myself wondered what I would need to do to become privileged, so I looked at some of the others who are privileged. Most of them have been registered for over a month. Not all of them have a ridiculous amount of posts. Some do a lot of translations or wiki entries or just have privileged friends who owe them. Some are probably just cool guys that people like. I think it's best just to do what you can and hope for the best. In the mean time, some of the safe pictures are really quite good and worth a look.

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