post #9000000 GET!

About the rules for uploading...

Posted under General

It says not to upload yaoi(sp?) furry, etc. I think that it should say something like "it can only have one tag and that is yaoi/furry/etc." So that people could still look for them, but they wouldn't find one on accident.

Updated by Youko

Youko said:
But it doesnt, so you just gona have to go along the rules in their current form. Go to 4chan for furry, kthnx.

Uhh...could you please have a fucking clue before you throw insults around?

4chan HATES Furries. Even more than we do here.

So while I disapprove of furfaggotry as much as anyone, please don't throw things around as insults if you don't have a fucking clue, 'k?

Splitter said:
It says not to upload yaoi(sp?) furry, etc. I think that it should say something like "it can only have one tag and that is yaoi/furry/etc." So that people could still look for them, but they wouldn't find one on accident.

The attitude behind that idea is that this site is not 'owned' by anybody; you have the right, as a member of the community, to upload what you want, and if other people don't want to see it, they can just not look at it.
But that isn't true, see. You are using the webspace and bandwidth of those who own this place. If they said "you can only upload pictures of pineapples," you couldn't upload gay dogs or animu girls or anything else, because it's their place.