
Read this before asking why you can't see explicit images: How to get a privileged account

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I really don't like this concept. That's what made Gmail so irritating. It tries to look 'Members Only' when it ends up just pissing people off more than necessary.

I have TONS of pictures on my computer, so I could easily submit those to the database. One problem, however. Almost ALL of them are already posted. Not only that, but even if I did the 'good' list, (which I always do anyway,) I doubt anyone who noticed would think 'Hey, this guy could be a great addition to Danbooru!' No, more likely they wouldn't even give me a second thought.

I'll be a good boy and follow all the rules in hopes of maybe one month getting a Privileged Account on this site. But until then, there's no incentive for me to do so. Anybody who would notice my proper-grammer would be great to make a note of it, because I plan on being a HUGE member of this site once I get a Privileged Account.

Thanks, take it easy, DB.

I've invited two people thus far, simply because I liked the images they were uploading. If all your images are already here then look for news ones. The artist database contains hundreds of links to artist sites and Albert can't get there first @every@ time :p

Zeix said:
I have TONS of pictures on my computer, so I could easily submit those to the database. One problem, however. Almost ALL of them are already posted. Not only that, but even if I did the 'good' list, (which I always do anyway,) I doubt anyone who noticed would think 'Hey, this guy could be a great addition to Danbooru!' No, more likely they wouldn't even give me a second thought.

I'm utterly baffled by why you think it's so hard to upload new images. It's incredibly easy. Spend 5 minutes on 4chan or 2chan or iichan or any one of the thousand variants (this is probably what most of the new invitees have been doing). AnimeSuki has entire threads dedicated to art for recent shows. If you check the artists database...holy shit, over 3,000 URLs you can go through. And you can cross reference those with RapidSearch and upload artbooks. Don't give me this "it's too hard" crap. You're just lazy, you lousy bum.

An interesting statistic I found when playing around with the data from the users list -- ~93% of Danbooru's users have not posted a single image or translated a single note. If you want something out of the system, it's probably best to put in your own effort.

Zeix said: Anybody who would notice my proper-grammer would be great to make a note of it,

I know it's petty to pick on typos but spelling 'grammar' wrong in a context like this is always funny. Not that we don't all do it at some point, but still XD

because I plan on being a HUGE member of this site once I get a Privileged Account.

So says everyone else. Since anyone can *say* that, how are we supposed to decide without seeing you actually prove that you can contribute?

That's silly.

Zeix said:
I plan on being a HUGE member of this site once I get a Privileged Account.

Um Zeix, judging from the current front page of the post listing, you have Danbooru mixed up with Macrochan. That's not the sort of 'good' list images that will get you a privileged account.

Zeix said:
I really don't like this concept. That's what made Gmail so irritating. It tries to look 'Members Only' when it ends up just pissing people off more than necessary.

...You have no idea what you're talking about. Gmail was invite only because it was in beta, and to keep a lid on the amount of hosting they were providing until everything stabilized. Similarly, Danbooru is invite only so that bandwidth costs don't rise into the thousand dollars per month category, and so that the servers aren't flooded so full of crap that the whole system stops working.

I'll be a good boy and follow all the rules in hopes of maybe one month getting a Privileged Account on this site. But until then, there's no incentive for me to do so.

The fact that you don't want to contribute unless you're forced to automatically makes you a bad candidate for Privileged status. Danbooru is about categorizing and collecting good images. It's not a porn site. It's a community, and users are expected to contribute.

i get the whole privilaged thing, and how its exclusiveness is nessassary for this sight.

what i have to ask is exactly what is the lowest quality immage that i can post without it getting deleted, can someone show me something? i mean i have something aroung 450,000 - 650,000 but allot are either realy low quality, or i believe the biges one is 50 megs, most of the hq ones are between 1 meg to 15 megs. my uplosd sucks, so i dont want to go and up them, but i dont want to flud with crap immages either. so i think asking here will be a good places sence many people want to get privilaged, can someone link to an immage that low quality but isnt so low it shuld be deleted? this can serve as an example.

but i will also add, i never learnd to not look at the keyboard and type, that is compleatly beyond me, so yea, its a bit hard to go through everything i write and correct everything. on top of that for the most part if i write it i think it is spelt right. grnated a letter may be swiched or something but still, can someone tell me if this is bad in that respect?

Shinyboy said:
It's really hard to find all-ready submitted pics,
If anyone likes my pictures please invite me.

Actually, I'm diving into a couple of other sources right now besides the mentioned images boards and chan sites. Surprisingly it is very easy to find new images, the tagging system and artist tags are also very easy and user friendly :) A lot of artists have circles, and you can jump from site to site and discover a lot of great things! Even better we can provide sources here to help many of us gain exposure to art and artists we may otherwise not.

alidan said:
what i have to ask is exactly what is the lowest quality immage that i can post without it getting deleted, can someone show me something? i mean i have something aroung 450,000 - 650,000 but allot are either realy low quality, or i believe the biges one is 50 megs, most of the hq ones are between 1 meg to 15 megs.

I think quality is in regards to the content and artistic quality itself, and not that of compression. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. While a poorly compressed image may be likely to be deleted, I think the concern with quality here is that of the art.

alidan said:
but i will also add, i never learnd to not look at the keyboard and type, that is compleatly beyond me, so yea, its a bit hard to go through everything i write and correct everything. on top of that for the most part if i write it i think it is spelt right. grnated a letter may be swiched or something but still, can someone tell me if this is bad in that respect?

Yes, it is. Learning how to type properly is akin to learning how to write. It is a learned skill set and one that most people expect you to have obtained if you are a mostly intelligent person. That being said I think occasional slip ups and typos are not beyond anyone, and it is bound to happen. We're all human, but the issue here is having continually poor writing or typing skills. YELLING ALSO PISSES PEOPLE OFF (like this) and you are more liable to get much less attention than you wanted.

I think quality is in regards to the content and artistic quality itself, and not that of compression. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. While a poorly compressed image may be likely to be deleted, I think the concern with quality here is that of the art.

by low quality i mean the images are eitehr trying to do to much with to little, kind of like if you made a thumbnail and blew it up by 10% or the immages are low quality in reguards to the artwork, however they are styleised, so the art my be ok, that is why i asked for examples of the lowert quality that is acceptable to post.

Yes, it is. Learning how to type properly is akin to learning how to write. It is a learned skill set and one that most people expect you to have obtained if you are a mostly intelligent person. That being said I think occasional slip ups and typos are not beyond anyone, and it is bound to happen. We're all human, but the issue here is having continually poor writing or typing skills. YELLING ALSO PISSES PEOPLE OFF (like this) and you are more liable to get much less attention than you wanted.

not sure if you are talking about learning to type nice or learning to tuchtype (not sure if that is the right name for it) but i spent sence 3rd grade to 8th grade on trying to learn that. i nearly failed 7th and 8th grade because getting more than 3 f's was grounds to be held back those grades, thankfully they decided that class alone was decded no reason to hold some who can get b's or higher in anything else. any way the second part seams to be more about not being an idiot than typeing, and im usualy not that way.

albert said:
And you can cross reference those with RapidSearch and upload artbooks.

Do you mean archives/zips/rars of Artbooks, or the individual scans? This was something I was wondering about since most of my collection is artbooks I've grabbed from various places, usually in .rars.

I'm guessing individual pictures are preferred over tens of MBs of pictures in archives, since I only see one .rar on the server, and it is after all an image site. But I thought I'd ask!

Servizio said:
Do you mean archives/zips/rars of Artbooks, or the individual scans?

Individual scans, a rar would be worthless as it has no preview and would require any user who wanted to view it to download the whole thing.

Servizio said:
Do you mean archives/zips/rars of Artbooks, or the individual scans? This was something I was wondering about since most of my collection is artbooks I've grabbed from various places, usually in .rars.

I'm guessing individual pictures are preferred over tens of MBs of pictures in archives, since I only see one .rar on the server, and it is after all an image site. But I thought I'd ask!

You can upload your artbooks now by using the post parent feature, btw.

alidan said:
not sure if you are talking about learning to type nice or learning to tuchtype (not sure if that is the right name for it) but i spent sence 3rd grade to 8th grade on trying to learn that. i nearly failed 7th and 8th grade because getting more than 3 f's was grounds to be held back those grades, thankfully they decided that class alone was decded no reason to hold some who can get b's or higher in anything else. any way the second part seams to be more about not being an idiot than typeing, and im usualy not that way.

A sob story covering for your terrible grammar isn't going to win anyone over around here.

wakken said: Why do so many Members who never posted anything, never wrote anything in the forum, well, never did anything for the community privileged accounts?

Remember that at one point Danbooru was just closed, period. There were no signups for uninvited members. So if you wanted to give a friend access at all, you had to invite - even if they weren't going to post.

So yes, some people did get invited because they're friends. This was never against the rules. It's a valid way to get an invite.

Of the 15 I've invited, 4 were people I knew (all invited before the reopening, I think?). Two of them have posted a number of images, two have not. The other 11 were all members who joined after it opened again, who were invited on the basis of their posts. Not all have continued to contribute after being invited, but that's nothing we can foresee when we send the invite. ::shrugs:: On the other hand, I invited hookedup, and he's posted hundreds and hundreds of nice Touhou images, so it balances out.

There are also ways to contribute behind the scenes. Over at moe.imouto I do lots and lots of tagging, but have uploaded... probably 2-3 images, possibly none? So nobody there would really know me. Number of tag changes does not show up in your profile... which is probably good, it's easy to abuse to raise your stats, though I *would* like to see how many I've changed.

So I wouldn't go *quite* so far as phane, but his point is sound: we can use our invites as we see fit. But by and large, I think we prefer to award them based on contributions, and thus there's definitely a large meritocratic element to it, as there should be.

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