post #9000000 GET!

Bridget - Guilty Gear Strive

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ravenmelloowo said:
If I look up "trans" the site tells me I should have looked for "gender_transitioning" because transness is apparently a thing you do and not a thing you are, and if I look up "futa" I realize this site defines futa as "a fun, cuh-razy completely apolitical kink where a cute totally cisgender woman grows a penis!! wowsers!!!"

In the context of anime drawings, how do you visually distinguish between trans girls and the "fun crazy cisgender woman with a dick"?

Astolfo said:

I didn't say it should exclusively be tagged one way or the other at any point.

That's literally what I said yes.

Kay so you are doing it on purpose, good to know. I can't make it any clearer than I already have that the question isn't "is Bridget trans?" it's "How do we handle tagging Bridget now that she's confirmed trans?"

Bridget is trans in identity only. Are identities visible now? Was there a /r/outside patch I missed?

Diet_Soda said:

In the context of anime drawings, how do you visually distinguish between trans girls and the "fun crazy cisgender woman with a dick"?

Idk, and there shouldn't be a need to, but when characters like Bridget who are outwardly transfem are still tagged as male instead of smth like futa, they are drawing a distinction.

sinko5peso said:

Funny that the thread was doing pretty good, talking about usefulness and better archiving, until the vote was publicized, then it turned into typical shitflinging by people who will never use this site. They just want another victory for more internet points

Well, to be fair, it's been getting worse over the days. Today was just the tipping point.

Last few days have been people insulting each other rather than having any good arguments we could use.

ravenmelloowo said:

Bridget looks like a girl, so.. unless there's art with her penis, tag her as a girl?

Thank you, this is exactly what makes the "TWYS" argument bullshit here. Most art isn't NSFW on here.

blindVigil said:
Did you even read what that BUR will do? It would only affect 168 posts, not the entire Bridget tag.

Yes, and these 168 posts include art from artists who continue seeing Bridget as a male trap/femboy/otoko no ko and not as a trans girl and that would be in the same situation pro-trans art of Bridget is right now. The proposed solution is still too broad and with more downsides than upsides.

This is why I'm advocating for only changing the images from artists that explicitly called Bridget female (be it in the original description, in tags or in the image itself) and leaving everything else untouched for the sake of not messing with other dozens of tags and filters that potentially affect hundreds of images. Start with the existing 11 images mentioned in #222668 (bridget_(guilty_gear) transgender_flag rating:g) and then apply the same strategy (tag 1girl only if the artist said "their" Bridget is a girl) to every new image that matches this criteria.

This way the will of both artists who see Bridget as female and those who see her/him as male would be respected, the number of users affected by these changes would be minimal (less images would bypass their current filters), the work of taggers would be reduced (less stuff to tag in a particular way) and most fans (because even without the brigade of new accounts most people voted no to the change) would be satisfied.

This isn't about choosing what's morally/socially/politically correct, is about choosing what is more useful for the sites and users, and my proposed approach of only changing art where Bridget is explicitly seen as female would be more useful (or at least less destructive) than changing all post-Strive SFW art and affecting negatively a bigger part of the users.

Astolfo said:
I don't know why you're aggroing me like I said anything about transphobia or how I thought the character should be tagged.
I said the character is trans as per GG Strive, which is true, and that the subject of the debate isn't the character's current identity or what you feel about the story but how to tag it now on this imageboard, which is also true.

I was talking about the derailment that began around 5 pages ago that doesn't help with the actual debate and only went downhill. I wasn't referring to you or anyone else in particular.

bakanon said:

Actually Bridget's past story is relevant, because most of the art hosted here is from pre-Strive Bridget, where the character was treated as male by the author, artists and fans alike. Hundreds of images of a boy who identified as a boy drawn by artists who saw as a boy and that would be tagged in a completely incorrect way if the proposed bulk change is approved in its current form. Post-Strive Bridget art drawn by artists who don't like or don't care the new canon and still see Bridget as male would also be affected negatively.

Approving the proposed bulk change won't solve the problem, it would simply shift it to another direction (cis male Bridget being tagged as 1girl instead of trans female Bridget being tagged as 1boy) AND affect a much bigger pool of art (thousands of pics where Bridget is seen or treated as male vs dozens of pics where artists state that they see Bridget as female).

You fools keep arguing about transphobia and unrelated real life stuff while ignoring the real problem that actually affects boorus.

How exactly does changing only the strive pics with a general rating affect any of that?

sadodere said:

Well, to be fair, it's been getting worse over the days. Today was just the tipping point.

Last few days have been people insulting each other rather than having any good arguments we could use.

As i said in the past, we should put this issue on hold for some months, wait until the war settles down. There's a new anime season in one week, most of warriors on both sides will change their sight towards newer stuff, and we're gonna be left with people who at least have some interest and investment on the character and tagging system

sadodere said:

Thank you, this is exactly what makes the "TWYS" argument bullshit here. Most art isn't NSFW on here.

That opens up a whole new host of problems, in particular involving old-design Bridget. That character was canonically male, his whole personality and character was pursuing ways to act more masculine. Tagging "1girl" for those depictions of Bridget runs into the same problem, except much worse considering how many more pieces of art that character has compared to this new one, and EXPLICIT canon and developer interviews stating it.

To all the transphobes pushing for Bridget to be trans, go away. Get of this planet. We don't need you here. You just want to make trans people look like groomers because grooming is your fetish. You're not a trans ally or anything. You're just here to cause trouble and jerk off to ruining a group. Bridget was forced to be raised as a girl and if his village found out he was a guy the moment he was born, he and his family would have been killed. So yes, that is grooming and anyone who supports that will be reported on sight.

Usagi307 said:

To all the transphobes pushing for Bridget to be trans, go away. Get of this planet. We don't need you here. You just want to make trans people look like groomers because grooming is your fetish. You're not a trans ally or anything. You're just here to cause trouble and jerk off to ruining a group. Bridget was forced to be raised as a girl and if his village found out he was a guy the moment he was born, he and his family would have been killed. So yes, that is grooming and anyone who supports that will be reported on sight.

And to add onto this, stop attacking trans people and artist for calling out the transphobic narrative.

Usagi307 said:

To all the transphobes pushing for Bridget to be trans, go away. Get of this planet. We don't need you here. You just want to make trans people look like groomers because grooming is your fetish. You're not a trans ally or anything. You're just here to cause trouble and jerk off to ruining a group. Bridget was forced to be raised as a girl and if his village found out he was a guy the moment he was born, he and his family would have been killed. So yes, that is grooming and anyone who supports that will be reported on sight.

We are now at the point where 4channers are coming in to ramble about grooming and fetishists

ravenmelloowo said:

We are now at the point where 4channers are coming in to ramble about grooming and fetishists

Well we're also at the point where zoomers think May and Bridget are a lesbian couple because Daisuke drew them together in 2008. The universe is expanding and there's no big crunch in sight.

clawyf said:
How exactly does changing only the strive pics with a general rating affect any of that?

Again, Strive pics include art made by artists who still see Bridget as male, and they would be affected by the bulk update in the same way art made by artists who see Bridget as female is affected by the current policies. Doing the bulk update would put everyone in the same situation that started the topic, with the added problem of having even more images affected by it.

ravenmelloowo said:

We are now at the point where 4channers are coming in to ramble about grooming and fetishists

Apparently we were at the point where biological dudes become female because they say they are a short while before they came in.

Usagi307 said:

To all the transphobes pushing for Bridget to be trans, go away. Get of this planet. We don't need you here. You just want to make trans people look like groomers because grooming is your fetish. You're not a trans ally or anything. You're just here to cause trouble and jerk off to ruining a group. Bridget was forced to be raised as a girl and if his village found out he was a guy the moment he was born, he and his family would have been killed. So yes, that is grooming and anyone who supports that will be reported on sight.

Transgrooming isn't real, if it was it would mean cisgrooming would be real, and considering trans people exists that is obviously not the case.

avidd said:
That opens up a whole new host of problems, in particular involving old-design Bridget. That character was canonically male, his whole personality and character was pursuing ways to act more masculine. Tagging "1girl" for those depictions of Bridget runs into the same problem, except much worse considering how many more pieces of art that character has compared to this new one, and EXPLICIT canon and developer interviews stating it.

  • Keep regular (not gender bent) pre-Strive Bridget tagged as 1boy, including new art that has Bridget in his old appearance or costume.
  • Tag art that depicts Bridget (pre and post-Strive) with breasts and/or vagina (stuff that implies genderswap, newhalf or futanari) as 1girl
  • Tag post-Strive Bridget where the artists refers to the character as male (through a description, tags like male/boy or otoko no ko or in the image itself, like Bridget saying "I'm a boy :P") as 1boy
  • Tag post-Strive Bridget where the artists refers to the character as female (through a description, tags like (trans) female/girl or in the image itself, like Bridget holding a trans flag) as 1girl
  • Tag post-Strive Bridget where the artists didn't openly state what they think of Bridget as 1boy to prevent these images from escaping popular filters like yaoi and otoko_no_ko (which are valid for SFW art too).

This should cover most cases without reducing the usefulness of the tagging/filtering system.

Incineration said:

Transgrooming isn't real, if it was it would mean cisgrooming would be real, and considering trans people exists that is obviously not the case.

There's a difference between being forced as a child and choosing to as an adult. You are fetishizing grooming and making trans people look like groomers. Quit grasping at straws.

Incineration said:

Transgrooming isn't real, if it was it would mean cisgrooming would be real, and considering trans people exists that is obviously not the case.

So it's a coincidence that Gen Z has an ABNORMALLY high % of people coming out as trans compared to previous generations? It's not the culture influencing it in any way at all? You can absolutely cisgroom your child. You can groom your child into being a quarterback, a ballet dancer, a cultist, anything. It just happens that transgrooming appears to now be actively pushed by a disturbing amount of people, and doing so has genuine physical risks, not just mental/emotional.

But again, let's take the culture war stuff out of here. This is about image quantity and tagging criteria.

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