post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Can I get some feedback on post #5660468? I do not see any serious objective flaw in the image; though of course taste is subjective.

And to be honest I feel the same with at least 50% of the pics posted here. How strictly dependent on subjective taste are approvals, really? I'm ok with it being that way, I just want to know, so I won't bother that much and upload elsewhere. I ask explicitly because I got "1 believe it has poor quality. 7 did not like the post enough to approve it." I understand the first reason but the seconds seems arbitrary.

Duck8978 said:

Can I get some feedback on post #5660468? I do not see any serious objective flaw in the image; though of course taste is subjective.

Extreme body proportions aren’t particularly popular with the approvers and neither are broken spines/ribcages. This one also comes with bad hands and lower legs and whatever that black thing pretending to be a restraint is. No background either.

I ask explicitly because I got "1 believe it has poor quality. 7 did not like the post enough to approve it." I understand the first reason but the seconds seems arbitrary.

The “… did not like the post to approve it” is the default rejection reason if an approver didn’t choose any of the other reasons, such as “poor quality” or “breaks rules”.

It wasn't exactly deleted but I have the feel it will be, so I just want to ask what exactly means "poor quality" in this scenario, the flag put that as reason but the draw doesn't look sketchy and maybe the background isn't detailed but like that's why "blurry background" tag exist right? So why exactly is "bad quality"?

post #5672099
post #5672100

kars41 said:

Not sure what was wrong with these images

post #5656736
post #5626560

Edelgard's shading is very weak and whole image lacks detail.
The second the artist says they played around with 3d and it really shows. I don't know how much of it they played around with, but something pushed it into the uncanny.

Pizzastoners said:

post #5660379
post #5663089
post #5665407

She seems out of place in the image and the neck turn is going a bit far.
Weird back.
His face and head is odd.

BaraStuff19 said:

It wasn't exactly deleted but I have the feel it will be, so I just want to ask what exactly means "poor quality" in this scenario, the flag put that as reason but the draw doesn't look sketchy and maybe the background isn't detailed but like that's why "blurry background" tag exist right? So why exactly is "bad quality"?

post #5672099
post #5672100

Batsy there has an issue I've never seen in bara before, but is common in stuff that ends up in this thread:
A wonky spine bend leading to oddly placed hips.

Qeemo said:

why is this post #5664253 was mine who post first got deleted .
but this post later than me 2 hours post #5664864 got aproved? is this playing favored?

This is called "1upping". It's a tragic thing that happens fairly often whose solution got stalled out for many reasons out of our control. It's not a matter of favoritism, either. The person who uploaded the higher-quality version is an unrestricted user, meaning they don't need to get approved.

Shikii said:

I really don't understand what the reason for the flaggs is, I still don't understand what he calls "offtopic" I'm thinking the reason is because it's simply yaoi post #5338162 post #5338160 post #5337957 post #5336609 post #5337958 post #5337992 post #5338208 post #5340683 post #5338227 post #5338009

No, it's mostly likely because it's a distinctly western comicbook style. Anyone else, especially an admin, can come in to tell me otherwise, but I think things with the exact DC dark age comics style is not gonna fly.

Veradux said:

No, it's mostly likely because it's a distinctly western comicbook style. Anyone else, especially an admin, can come in to tell me otherwise, but I think things with the exact DC dark age comics style is not gonna fly.

Yeah, that's pretty much the definition of western toon porn, which is against our upload rules. Even if we try to stretch the definition of on-topic, it looks like it's been lifted out of a comic book.


H9IIIa said:

post #5678211
>It has been reviewed by 11 approvers. 2 believe it breaks the rules.
Why? o_0

Please read the third-party edit wiki. It mentions that third-party edits are generally against the upload rules.

This one was also upscaled and the edits aren’t even done well. The redrawn parts where the text was removed look terrible. Also, removing artist signatures is an absolute no-go on Danbooru.