KagayakuShiningGate said:
Idk, they seem pretty solid to me. The only "problem" here might be just the fact the style is a bit western...?
Please do not give advice like this. If you're not certain - doubly so if you're not an approver - it's better to not say anything in this thread. Otherwise you'll just cause confusion.
TatsumiTengu said:
Hello. Please, reconsider your decision about this art. There is a cute pink bat. In addition, it's a connected meme. Please note that he's, sitting at the black table, that's not a badly loaded art, you can see it from the incident light. Line is okay too.
After all, this art is a meme and without it the whole point is ruined. Also, the bat is drawn as in the game.
Images are judged on their own merit. It doesn't matter if they're a meme or part of an image set.
Further, you can copy/paste that number at the end of the URL and use post #5390831 instead of posting a whole URL every time.
landstar said:
Hi, I feel compelled to appeal this one. post #5417533
It's already been approved, but if you feel compelled to appeal you can just appeal. This thread is for clarification more than it is for an appeal. There's a button on the sidebar below the tags labelled "appeal".
In addition, I again have to state that images are judged in isolation. We do not need your opinion on the artist or his work experience.