
Changes to the voting system

Posted under General

If any taglist collapse option is ever introduced then PLEASE give us the option to disable it as otherwise it would make tag gardening vastly more effort than currently (even with that option it would probably lead to a big reduction in casual tag gardening* as you'd no longer get people noticing that a tag was/wasn't present when it shouldn't/should be and editing it).

*which for a lot of tags would make up a large proportion of their edits

skylightcrystal said:

If any taglist collapse option is ever introduced then PLEASE give us the option to disable it as otherwise it would make tag gardening vastly more effort than currently...

I believe if such a thing were introduced, then it would be expandable/contractable via a click, so it would quite literally require almost no effort at all. Also, don't count on more user settings, as evazion hates those. However, depending on how it gets implemented, it could very well likely be forced to be fully expanded with some sort of custom CSS.

evazion said:

There have been several major changes to the voting system. In summary:

  • All users can now vote on posts. Before only Gold users could vote. Now everyone with an account can vote. You can create an account here if you don't already have one.
  • On the main page, there's a new "..." menu in the top right. You can click on that and choose "Show scores" to show scores and vote buttons beneath thumbnails. This lets you vote on posts from the thumbnail page.
  • Upvotes are now public by default.
  • You can see who upvoted a post by hovering over the score or clicking on it. This also shows how many people downvoted it. Note that downvoter names aren't public, but they are visible to admins.
  • You can see who favorited a post by hovering over the favcount or clicking on it. Before seeing who favorited a post was a Gold-only feature; now everyone can see it.
  • You can search e.g. upvote:evazion to see yours or someone else's upvotes.
  • You can browse the post votes page to see all recent upvotes.
  • You can browse the favorites page to see all recent favorites.
  • You can make your favorites and upvotes private by turning on "Private favorites and upvotes" in your account settings.
  • Making your favorites and upvotes private is now a Gold-only feature. This is to prevent abuse. If your favorites were private before, but you don't have a Gold account, then they will remain private as long as you don't disable the private favorites setting. If you disable it, then you'll need a Gold account to make them private again.
  • Private favorite groups are now also a Gold-only feature. If you're not a Gold user, and you already had private favgroups before, then they will remain private as long as you don't make them public. If you make a private favgroup public, then you'll need a Gold account to make them private again.
  • Banned and Restricted users can no longer favorite or upvote posts. Your account will be restricted if you signup from a proxy or VPN and don't verify your email address.

can we favorite as many posts as we want? there used to be a limit but somehow i've surpassed that number

It's been about three weeks since the change, and I thought it would be better to post this here than make a new thread.

I'm wondering if there might be changes to posts prior to November 24th, that would do something along the lines of changing their scores to match their favcounts.

Perhaps it is arbitrary, and I'm certainly not going to complain if the change isn't made. However, I believe that doing something along those lines would make everything more level.

To help clarify my point, I'll use some images from the Fate_(series) tag since that's currently what I pay the most attention to.

There's currently a post since the voting change that is within the top 50 images when using order:score, this being post #4951145. This is admittedly nowhere near the top post, but at the same time when looking from the perspective of order:favcount, the same post isn't even within the top 1,000 posts, it's somewhere closer to around 1,400.

I do realize that if there's a desire to find what would be the "true" highest scoring image that a person can turn to order:favcount for that going forward past a certain point. But considering that in some cases there's a massive gulf between what a post's score is and what it would be under the changed system - for example the top post which is post #3126673 which has a score of 815 under the old system but would have a score of over 2,000 with the new standard - I was curious as to whether the oddity would be addressed, or if it will be left as is.

Changing the old posts scores to that of their favcounts wouldn't be a completely accurate reflection of course, but it would bring things more in line with the standard that's been set.

I would be against changing the scores of past posts. Those all have valid meaning for that time period. We would in effect be destroying information if we were to do such a thing.

Instead, I've thought about applying something akin to economic inflation to an adjusted score attribute. Meaning basically that old votes would have a higher weight than newer votes, i.e. the value of votes would keep decreasing as time goes forward. Though the computation and math for that is outside my wheelhouse and seems like it would be pretty complex.

I whipped up some Javascript which will upvote all of one's favorites that they haven't upvoted. I'd be against doing this systematically though, since there may also be those that want to favorite but not upvote.


To use the following, open the dev console (F12) and paste in the following. Depending on the size of one's favorites, it can take a while. It was voting at a rate of around 100 per minute when I was testing it out. Also, the window/tab needs to be left open and visible and the page cannot be navigated from either. When windows/tabs are hidden, I've experienced it where the Javascript drastically slows down or outright stops, which I'm assuming is some kind of browser optimization.

(async function () {
    let username ='name')
    let page_id = 0;
    while (true) {
        let posts = await $.get('/posts.json', {tags: `fav:${username} -upvote:${username}`, page: 'a' + page_id, limit: 200});
        if (posts.length === 0) {
        let valid_posts = posts.filter(val => ('id' in val));
        for (let i = 0; i < valid_posts.length; i++) {
            let post = valid_posts[i];
            await $.post(`/posts/${}/votes?score=1`)
                    console.log("Successfully voted:",;
                    console.error("Vote failure:",;
        page_id = Math.max( =>;
        console.warn("Page ID:", page_id)


Shoeb said:

I feel like if the score was moved towards the top of the web page people would be more likely to interact with it. Scrolling down to the score isn't very inconvenient but when you have to do it *every* time it gets cumbersome.

BrokenEagle98 said:

There is already favoriting/unfavoriting hotkeys. There should also be voting/unvoting hotkeys.

Dolmatov said:

WASD style. It's already used without shift key: Scroll up & Scroll down.
SHIFT+W = SHIFT + UP; SHIFT+S = SHIFT + DOWN. +A = + LEFT (previous); +D = +RIGHT (next).

I've posted a userscript to add hotkeys for voting in line with these suggestions in forum #203486

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