A sudden platinum upgrade raffle has appeared!

Changes to the voting system

Posted under General

evazion said:

There have been several major changes to the voting system. In summary:

  • All users can now vote on posts. Before only Gold users could vote. Now everyone with an account can vote. You can create an account here if you don't already have one.
  • On the main page, there's a new "..." menu in the top right. You can click on that and choose "Show scores" to show scores and vote buttons beneath thumbnails. This lets you vote on posts from the thumbnail page.
  • Upvotes are now public by default.
  • You can see who upvoted a post by hovering over the score or clicking on it. This also shows how many people downvoted it. Note that downvoter names aren't public, but they are visible to admins.
  • You can see who favorited a post by hovering over the favcount or clicking on it. Before seeing who favorited a post was a Gold-only feature; now everyone can see it.
  • You can search e.g. upvote:evazion to see yours or someone else's upvotes.
  • You can browse the post votes page to see all recent upvotes.
  • You can browse the favorites page to see all recent favorites.
  • You can make your favorites and upvotes private by turning on "Private favorites and upvotes" in your account settings.
  • Making your favorites and upvotes private is now a Gold-only feature. This is to prevent abuse. If your favorites were private before, but you don't have a Gold account, then they will remain private as long as you don't disable the private favorites setting. If you disable it, then you'll need a Gold account to make them private again.
  • Private favorite groups are now also a Gold-only feature. If you're not a Gold user, and you already had private favgroups before, then they will remain private as long as you don't make them public. If you make a private favgroup public, then you'll need a Gold account to make them private again.
  • Banned and Restricted users can no longer favorite or upvote posts. Your account will be restricted if you signup from a proxy or VPN and don't verify your email address.

Altogether, this is a fantastic outcome and gives more users the ability to express their thoughts on a given upload via votes. If the bot-downvoting users come back, they can get banned, but the rest of us who vote normally shouldn't suffer for the actions of this extremely small minority. Happy voting!

Mailer said:

I mean, I think an "about me" page/paragraph would be a nice addition. Pixiv has one, and I think it would be a solid addition. Personalization goes a long way, and if nothing else, it serves as a reminder that everyone here is a unique person with thoughts and feelings. In my mind, that can only be positive

(edit: I'm not at all saying Danbooru needs a bio/about me page *because* Pixiv has one, I just wanted to provide an example of a similar site that's made use of the feature)

I think it's better to not go down that road. You can clearly already grasp someone's thoughts and tastes by their comments and IDs, patterns on public favorites, favorite groups, upvotes, post changes, appeals and even uploads.

Blue_Stuff said:

I've noticed that while hovering over the favorites does show all of them, hovering over the score does not, especially for older posts. Is that just because the system didn't keep track of votes back then?

Yeah, up until September 2019 all votes used to be pruned after 2 weeks.

Mailer said:

I mean, I think an "about me" page/paragraph would be a nice addition.

The only reason I ever missed that feature was to leave an away message while I’m on vacation, hospitalized or not available for a longer time for some other reason. Contributing on Danbooru is Serious Business and I think almost nobody is interested in personal stuff of other users. At most you’d browse someone’s favorites if you find someone with tastes similar to yours, but you don’t need an About Me section for that.

chongjunxiang said:

However I suggest admin can consider to limit the age of account before provide votes (ie 24 hour before full account activation). This is to prevent socket accounts to spam votes.

That wouldn’t help at all and would only annoy new regular users. History has shown that the problematic users just register a bunch of sockpuppets weeks or even months in advance.

I gave it some consideration, and this change is neither exciting nor upsetting. Seeing a post having popularity with more users than before is probably good. If it turns into automatic flagging/deleting downvoted posts or users downvoting a post because it has a fetish they don't like, that'd be bad. DB is an image catalog/database, not a social media platform, and ideally it should not become one.

Hex. said:

That reduces the premium users bonuses....

Gold/Platinum has its benefits, but in my eyes it should not be commercial. I paid because I've been using this site for so long I want to give it some support.

Downvoting a post because you don't like its content is exactly what the voting system is for, it's just another method of saying you like or dislike it, and score has no effect on approval or deletion and never will.

user_491970 said:

gonna be funny when the most popular pic of all time for a subject isn't now something from 5 years ago but something from 2 days ago

I think it is right that popular pics are always updated in the first place. If this place is complacent without any change, it will be stagnant and rotting.

AkaringoP. said:

I think it is right that popular pics are always updated in the first place. If this place is complacent without any change, it will be stagnant and rotting.

yeah but it's purely a mechanical one lol, like letting motorbikes into a foot race. Obviously some pictures will not be hurt by it, Tamaki will always draw in new viewers no matter what since everyone gets curious eventually

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