
Changes to the voting system

Posted under General

Provence said:

The only thing I question is the value of still seperating scores and faves as the difference between these two is negligible at best now.

Yeah I agree with this, there really isn't much point in having them separate as the numbers are basically the same.

I can only speak for myself, but I vote at least 1000 times more than I favorite. I can't imagine I'm the only one. It's also probable that many Member-level users used favoriting as a form of voting, and now that they can vote, could possibly lead to them favoriting less. So with that in mind, I still see a lot of value in keeping both numbers.

Besides, that number is already available and not going away, so there's no reason not to show it. Also, I'm not sure evazion would ever get rid of favoriting. Favorite groups really can't replace it, since those top out at 10K posts, and some users have favorited at least half of the posts on this site.

BrokenEagle98 said:

I can only speak for myself, but I vote at least 1000 times more than I favorite. I can't imagine I'm the only one. It's also probable that many Member-level users used favoriting as a form of voting, and now that they can vote, could possibly lead to them favoriting less. So with that in mind, I still see a lot of value in keeping both numbers.

You put into words what I'd change my behavior to - and I believe many others - now that we can vote as members. Gonna change some of my "false" favorites to upvotes sometime.

@evazion could you guys/gals make it that if you upload a post/comment that you have automatically liked the post like they do on Reddit?
That way people don't have to debate with themselves whether doing so is proper and people who do upvote their own uploads do not get a "advantage" over people who hold themselves back because they feel it is impropper.

In essence i think that if you go trough the effort of uploading / tagging a new image that it is already quite sure that you like what you are uploading.

BrokenEagle98 said:

I can only agree about faving and upvoting. I generally only upvote images, because not everything I would upvote, is favorable for me. Searching for the first 20 images under order:rank shows, that more people see it like that, because out of those 20 images, 16 have a higher score than a higher favcount (between 1 and 6 votes more than favs). Only time can tell, if this will change into one or the other direction, but I wouldn't say, that it's useless to have both.

As far as I can see the score value isn't that much different from the fav value.

The currently 1st post in order:rank has 127 score and 127 favorites. And you would expect these numbers to differ stronger the more votes a post gets.

It actually behaves like loli (Gold+) images do: Scores and favs are more or less the same. And that seems to be true now that every category of images get treated like loli images before.

Personal voting may differ, but it doesn't seem to have much impact at all as most seem to fav instead of vote, and if they vote, they are also likely to fav.

e? said:

I think some people would find it helpful if making favorites private and making upvotes private were two separate settings; would also allow people to use the original behaviour for their account. Might see a lot more private favs now if people previously upvoted really objectionable stuff but avoided faving it.

I agree 100% with this.

166417 said:

You could just make it so that favoriting a post doesn't automatically upvote the post.

That would be nice. I don't favorite posts much, but when I do, it's to temporarily favorite batches of posts in order to edit their tags all at once via tag script. This has the annoying side effect of clearing any downvotes on those posts, because the present system makes it impossible to downvote a favorited post.

I realize that this isn't the intended use of favorites, though, and I'm probably an anomaly in this regard.

iridescent_slime said:

That would be nice. I don't favorite posts much, but when I do, it's to temporarily favorite batches of posts in order to edit their tags all at once via tag script. This has the annoying side effect of clearing any downvotes on those posts, because the present system makes it impossible to downvote a favorited post.

I realize that this isn't the intended use of favorites, though, and I'm probably an anomaly in this regard.

Could always use Favourite Groups for that instead, and you can downvote favourited posts if you do it after you favved it.

You could just make it so that favoriting a post doesn't automatically upvote the post.

If you think about it, there is some logic here.
Some users use the favorites feature in bookmark format. This does not mean that they like all the "bookmarks".
The same can be said about the publication of posts. There was a proposal to automatically rate your own posts. It is not right. A image may not like, but it complements the pool of related works or replaces the picture of a lower quality.

I feel like if the score was moved towards the top of the web page people would be more likely to interact with it. Scrolling down to the score isn't very inconvenient but when you have to do it *every* time it gets cumbersome.

166417 said:

You could just make it so that favoriting a post doesn't automatically upvote the post.

I would support this. Upvoting a post should be a conscious choice, not a byproduct of favorites. And it would help to separate the score and favcount to at least some degree, because now they are nearly duplicates.

Shoeb said:

I feel like if the score was moved towards the top of the web page people would be more likely to interact with it. Scrolling down to the score isn't very inconvenient but when you have to do it *every* time it gets cumbersome.

I've often worried that this could be the case. It helps to have the tags at the top, that way taggers/uploaders can quickly compare against the image to see if any tags are missing or wrong tags have been added. However, I'm not sure that the tag list always needs to be fully blown out. I have had an idea on this for a while, as well as a few other ideas which could help out.

1. Collapse the taglist
1.A Fully

Have the taglist start out fully collapsed, and have it expand and contract when clicking on it.

1.B Intelligently

Have the taglist intelligently collapsed so that a certain portion of the tags are visible, and have the height of this be no greater than the height of the image itself. That way, the Information section, which includes the score controls, would always be at least at the bottom of the image or higher.

2. Move the score controls

Beneath the image, in the same place as the favorite controls.

3. Have voting hotkeys

There is already favoriting/unfavoriting hotkeys. There should also be voting/unvoting hotkeys.

An example hotkey setup:

  • Vote up: shift + arrow up
  • Vote down: shift + arrow down
  • Unvote: shift + delete

Is there currently a way or are there any plans to make this feature on by default? I've had to manually turn it on several times just in the last few minutes.

It will probably become the default after the UI is finalized. I don't want to make it the default while the UI is still subject to change.

The only thing I question is the value of still seperating scores and faves as the difference between these two is negligible at best now.

I have considered doing this, but not any time soon. Even before, around 90% of upvotes came from Gold user favorites. Now it's more like 95% of upvotes come from favorites. People say they want to upvote separately from faving, but not many people actually do.

The problem with keeping them separate is that we don't really have room to show both scores and favorites everywhere, and even if we did, it would be mostly redundant.

@evazion could you guys/gals make it that if you upload a post/comment that you have automatically liked the post like they do on Reddit?

You're free to favorite/upvote your own posts or comments if you want. It's not automatic because heavy uploaders may not want their favorites filled with their own posts.

You could just make it so that favoriting a post doesn't automatically upvote the post.

Wontfix. Most posts would have a score of near zero if this were the case.

I'll throw my support in for favourite and voting visibility being two separate options as well. I'd appreciate it.

Wontfix. It's a single option for simplicity and so that naive users can't shoot themselves in the foot. Otherwise it would be possible to do things like make your favorites private and your upvotes public, but oops, each favorite is an upvote, so your upvotes reveal your favorites anyway. Or you make your favorites public and your upvotes private, but oops, 99% of the time you only favorite, so your favorites reveal all your preferences anyway.

Frankly, the only reason privacy exists is because it was added a long time again and it's too late to take back now. I think private favorites were a mistake, and that everything on Danbooru should be as open and transparent as possible. If you really want privacy, you should use a throwaway account, just like you do on Reddit or Twitter or any other site when you want full privacy.

1. Collapse the taglist

I have thought about some scheme where the taglist is partially collapsed by default, with only the most interesting or relevant tags shown by default and all the bullshit tags hidden. This relies on having a good definition of tag relevance.

(Cue all the "but how can I live if I can't tell right away if a post is tagged eyebrows visible through hair??". You'll live.)

2. Move the score controls
Beneath the image, in the same place as the favorite controls.

I'm probably going to move the score and everything else in the Information section to beneath the image, Youtube-style. This is probably going to be another "reeeee, this is different and I hate it" moment, but people can deal with it.

3. Have voting hotkeys
There is already favoriting/unfavoriting hotkeys. There should also be voting/unvoting hotkeys.

The problem is that keyboard shortcuts are designed to be used one-handed, but there aren't really any good shortcut keys left that make sense mnemonically, and are easy to use with only the left hand. This is probably going to require changing existing shortcuts.

evazion said:
The problem is that keyboard shortcuts are designed to be used one-handed, but there aren't really any good shortcut keys left that make sense mnemonically, and are easy to use with only the left hand. This is probably going to require changing existing shortcuts.

WASD style. It's already used without shift key: Scroll up & Scroll down.
SHIFT+W = SHIFT + UP; SHIFT+S = SHIFT + DOWN. +A = + LEFT (previous); +D = +RIGHT (next).
One of the sites uses this method, only other letters have their own functionality. All letters are in the left area (qwer|asdf|zxc).

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