
Score sockpuppetry, user sockpuppetry.

Posted under General

Shinjidude said:
As far as good translators or tag-gardeners go, if you notice them, promote them to privileged. I thought that was the idea behind being able to invite people to that level to begin with.

Yes, of course. But they need to be noticed first, which takes some time.

If you are so convinced the score system is irredeemable, then why are you so against changing it?

I'm not at all convinced it's "irredeemable". I don't have a big problem with how it works, really; it's somewhat polluted by the rating:e posts, but other than that, it works well enough. And "well enough" is all we could expect from an estimate like it anyway.

jxh2154 said:
As for the rest of this trainwreck of a thread, I wash my hands of it all.

Nice admin we have there.

As other people said, let only privileged or higher use the voting system, that should solve some problems...

I feel a little bad about taking even more away from regular users, though.

How about bringing back the system that kept track of all users who voted for each image, that was quickly removed a while back? This time, restrict "viewing who voted" to mods. That way, if there's obvious vote manipulation, someone can complain to a mod and they can ban all the dummy accounts.

Creating and making use of enough accounts to cause this kind of trouble is more taxing and conspicuous than the present system.

Empathy vs easiness, I guess. :p

While that could potentially allow us to hold users accountable, it wouldn't in itself prevent damage, nor allow for it to be rolled back.

Also I'm cautiously optimistic that restricting voting to more vetted members will improve the usefulness of things like the "popular" function.

葉月 said:
There's no such argument here.

What? Ive said this over and over again it has worked before. The practical argument is a strong enough argument.

葉月 said:
And what do you do about people who don't upload, but translate? Or garden the tags? I will say it again: NUMBERS DON'T WORK. You can't measure being a good citizen. Just stop trying, it's not possible.

Like Shinjiude said if you notice a tag gardener or a translator you should promote them. We're not measuring good citizens with number with this system. It's just a way to prevent dummy accounts. The reason was explained here:

Shinjidude said:
With a block based on approved uploads, a sock puppeteer would have to develop each of his sock puppets, which would probably be infeasible.

It makes it harder and more difficult because you actually have to put effort. Example, lets say I'm juggling four accounts to game the system, right now it's simple and easy but if we make it so you need to have fifty approved points to vote then I'd have to upload 200 approved posts. I'm not going to go through that so I'll just give up. On the other hand it's a reasonable amount for people just starting up.

Shinjidude said:
While that could potentially allow us to hold users accountable, it wouldn't in itself prevent damage, nor allow for it to be rolled back.

Also I'm cautiously optimistic that restricting voting to more vetted members will improve the usefulness of things like the "popular" function.

It wouldn't prevent damage, but it would allow a way to retaliate and roll back. Just change the vote count by the number of dummy accounts--someone in the Powers That Be ought to have the power to do that, right? All the dummy accounts would be banned and prevented from further mischief. If members were prevented from voting for the first week, as well (just like they can't post or whatever), this would greatly discourage vote spam.

Scalar said:
What? Ive said this over and over again it has worked before. The practical argument is a strong enough argument.

Worked well according to what metric? "Some animu forum does that" is not a practical argument; I can't count the ways I've seen various fora being retarded. I want strong, objective evidence I can look at.

Although I don't feel one way or another, I should mention that the downvoting has become hugely widespread. Considering that the highest rated image seems to be post #280703 with a score of fifty.

The point that 葉月 made, that being that (paraphrasing here) "what the shit should numbers matter?" is of course a sensible way to look at this whole thing. But I figure that at least some users probably use votecount for some purpose, even if it is only for self amusement.

While I see that the debate over whether to restrict voting to privileged or contributer and above accounts going on, and the concern that it's cutting people out of the loop, I also believe that it has been said that danbooru is not a democracy. No one has the "right" to anything, they have privileges, and if people cannot use the privileges properly without abusing them, then perhaps they do not deserve them. It's harsh, but it's not like we're talking about some life altering thing here, rather just the ability not to vote on anime pictures on a website.

With that in mind, my suggestion is just a slightly different take on the whole Only Contribs and above can vote; that to say that keep the system so that making an image a favourite does vote it up, so that way any member can vote anything up, but keep the downvoting to the contrib and above only. Either that or make something the exact opposite of a fav list, like a hate list, and once you vote either way (and assuming you don't take it back) then you've voted and people can see that you either like or don't like an image. Simple as that.

Grahf said:
Although I don't feel one way or another, I should mention that the downvoting has become hugely widespread. Considering that the highest rated image seems to be post #280703 with a score of fifty.

Heh... not quite. It's not some huge downvoting conspiracy:

Every post uploaded from day 1 to right before the site went down a couple hours ago got their scores massively slashed by the new policy. Basically, right now the only votes that have ever been made are favorites by current priv+ users. No other votes ever happened. There are ups and downs to this approach.

Kinda kills the point of voting if you only allow people that have contributed 10,000 pics, are friends with the mods and/or admins, or have dished out $20 to vote, seeing as how the whole idea of voting is to see how many people liked the pic (and to increase the e-peen of the person that posted it in the process >_>), and now you're only seeing what a small pool thinks of it.

Not like it was a huge problem.

You could just do what moe imouto did and disable downvoting, too.

I'd like to give my opinion as a lowly non-priv member. I definitely think restricting votes to priv+ is a mistake, for the following reasons:
1. The pool of priv+ users is simply too small. The low sample size significantly decreases the usefulness of the post rating statistic, even if the votes are supposedly "better."
2. How many comments are there that go something along the lines of “Stop making comments like ‘that’s so hot’! We have the rating system for that!” Taking away the rating system, and stupid comments are the only way for people to show appreciation of an image, except for adding it to their favorites, which brings me to my next point:
3. I completely agree with Shinjidude and Log in that there are tons and tons of images that I like, but don’t like enough to fav. There needs to be some level between “I don’t care about this image” and “I love this image so much!”
4. Ratings played an important role in terms of feedback. Yes, I agree with whoever said that ratings are just there to boost the e-peen of the user that posted them, but I would posit that that’s a plus. If someone posts a really great picture and it gets up-voted like crazy, we *want* people to say to themselves: “Let me find some more pictures of this quality and post them! Up-votes make feel good about myself!” Similarly, when a post gets hugely down-voted, we want people to say “Wow, everyone hates this post. Guess I better not post shit like that if I want that magical invite someday.”

Now, yes, sockpuppets are a problem. But this is an overkill solution that essentially removes the entire system. What really bothers me though is how fast we jumped to this solution rather than trying something less extreme first. From what I could tell, the multiple vote protection was a joke. I have voted multiple times from the same account on the same IP, so clearly you’re logging neither.

Logging IPs for voting has already been discussed ad-nauseum and ruled out as infeasible. The next best thing, from what I see, is logging usernames. Yes, this is not a perfection solution, as people can of course create multiple accounts. However, I think it would be good enough. The key is that voting would then be able to be traced back to users. Moderators could see something like “Post up-voted by:” and “Post down-voted by:” on the post page and easily see who’s been voting. If a post is suspected to be heavily sockpuppeted, it would certainly be possible to take a look at the voting habits of the recent voters, or maybe even implement something that looks at the voter users of a specific post and looks how many them have been voting the same way on many other posts. Then, warnings/punishment could be doled out appropriately.

Implementation would be a piece of cake. We already have a user/post association for favorites, all you need do is modify the favorite system to include multiple levels of favorites. Instead of fav/no fav, you just have “Favorite”, “Voted Up”, and “Voted Down”. This would be just implementation; the interface would just display a user list for favorites, as it does now, but maybe display the user lists for the other two could be visible to mods, as discussed above. Maybe Fav counts for +2? Whatever.

Again, this solution is not perfect. It’s still gameable, people can still vote multiple times if they really want to. But it’s still better than what we had before, more useful than what we have now, not that difficult to implement, and we haven’t even tried it. There’s no reason to jump to a solution this extreme before at least trying something like this. Does the system really have to be perfect to be useful?

Coconut said:
Does the system really have to be perfect to be useful?

No, and it's not. Neither is your solution, the old system, nor this version. I still think we end up gaining more by making people work for their ability to opine on things. If you prove yourself a good judge of quality by contributing, you will eventually be promoted, and once you are, you will regain your right to vote.

I've personally been watching you for a few days now. You haven't quite hit the guidelines for invitation yet, but you are getting very close.

In any case you should have rose your objections sometime in the last three days before this solution was implemented. Despite a couple notable dissenters, it passed by a large margin.

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