Shinjidude said:
I've personally been watching you for a few days now. You haven't quite hit the guidelines for invitation yet, but you are getting very close.
I appreciate that. It’s good to know my efforts are going to pay off, and I’m looking forward to finally being able to search more than 2 tags. But honestly, I’m not really too concerned with “regaining my right to vote.” I am far more concerned with everyone else’s. The value of the scoring system has, in my opinion, been reduced to the point where ability to vote in it doesn’t mean too much to me. With this change in effect, the only ways the majority of Danbooru users have to express their appreciation of an image is to make an inane comment, or to fav it. Since the former is outlawed, the latter will eventually come to dominate. And then we’re left with exactly what moe.imouto has: a ranking system without down-votes.
I would also like to point out that the system I described above could easily emulate the system we have now. When you keep track of what users voted which way, it’s quite simple to calculate the vote based on only priv+ voters. You could actually split the popular page into “Popular Among Everybody” and “Popular Among People Who Have Proven Themselves Not To Be Morons,” or maybe just make it an option to ignore Member votes everywhere. However, I get that the change has already been made, so the new system is how things will be for a while at least. I just hope that someday alternatives will be explored.
As for the “should have said something sooner” thing, yeah, I regret not doing so. I saw the thread when Granola posted it, but I didn’t think such a huge change would be implemented a mere 3 days later. I guess I underestimated how fast stuff can change around here. I will definitely make an effort to check the forums more often after this.