post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

CodeKyuubi said:

Keep getting errors trying to upload a 33mb png.

Yeah, I've gotten that error too. Despite the upload limit being 50mb, anything larger than around 30mb can cause problems uploading due to something with cloudfare I don't quite remember. I was told to try uploading it to testbooru first, but since that didn't wind up working either I'm not actually sure if there's a solution.

nonamethanks said:

The issue is that there's a timeout of 60 seconds for uploads. If a large file always takes too long for you then you need to reupload it on a third party site where it won't be compressed and upload it from there via direct image. Some good hosts for this are and

I did try that 2 days ago and returned a Timeout error. I just settled for lowering the resolution of the guilty images.

Were the guilty images PNG files with alpha transparency? If so, then it's understandable that you had to resize the images if optimizing them wasn't enough. However, I managed to to get the source image for post #4478683 to be just under 30 MB when resized to 5800x5800.

The new version of Danbooru is a bit bad, I got lots of search timeouts for tags with more 10,000 posts and some had upload problems. What a pain. At least the old version of the site is a bit better though it had its own flaws too.

sammyG said:

The new version of Danbooru is a bit bad, I got lots of search timeouts for tags with more 10,000 posts and some had upload problems. What a pain. At least the old version of the site is a bit better though it had its own flaws too.

You should post what tag searches are timing out. I just checked the Touhou post search (which has 670k+ total posts), and the query only took 1.531742 seconds (x-runtime in the response headers).

BrokenEagle98 said:

You should post what tag searches are timing out. I just checked the Touhou post search (which has 670k+ total posts), and the query only took 1.531742 seconds (x-runtime in the response headers).

There's no way I can be specific about what tags I have problems with as I have search timeouts with countless numbers of tags with more than 10,000 posts, but they occur randomly in which sometimes I can see the posts related to the tag and sometimes I get the error page.

Not sure what has happened but it has nothing to do my internet speed which is good enough to see highres posts on the site.

sammyG said:

There's no way I can be specific about what tags I have problems with as I have search timeouts with countless numbers of tags with more than 10,000 posts, but they occur randomly in which sometimes I can see the posts related to the tag and sometimes I get the error page.

Not sure what has happened but it has nothing to do my internet speed which is good enough to see highres posts on the site.

I've been seeing a ton of timeouts from searching single character tags. Like today, kaga_(kantai_collection) timed out but adding the order:score metatag allowed it through, which makes no sense.

I wonder if it might not be hitting some sort of infinite loop due to implications.

tapnek said:

Will Danbooru directly support and display WEBP images soon? More and more browsers are supporting them now and I can't get images that aren't WEBPs from websites like Skeb.

The only site we support that currently uses webp is newgrounds, and only for the secondary pictures. I looked at skeb and I don't see webp (also the strategy is currently broken but should be fixed with next site update). Do you have any example of skeb webp images?

tapnek said:

I uploaded from this link just now. Does it display as a WEBP?
edit: Okay, Firefox reported it as a webp while Chrome reported it as a jpeg. That's odd.

Yeah that's pretty weird. For some reason seems they're serving webp files to firefox user agents but normal images to other browsers. We'll see if it becomes an issue later on.

In any case supporting that filetype should be fairly painless, but it's up to evazion whether he wants to accept those uploads.

tapnek said:

edit: Okay, Firefox reported it as a webp while Chrome reported it as a jpeg. That's odd.

It's consistently a JPEG if you remove auto=format from the query or request it with Accept: image/jpeg.

I'm getting timeout for tiger_&_bunny. The suggested workarounds work, kinda - order:score seems to works fine; age:<1month works, up to 11year works, 12 or more = timeout; limit:5 works but is very slow to load pages.

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