post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

CNyte said:

I'm not a fan of removing artist URLs from the upload page. It means that I have to check their artist entry URLs -- a few extra clicks -- to check their Pixiv page when uploading from Twitter to see if there's a better picture, when before they were right on the upload page.

I thought it was worth complaining about.

Also not liking this change, created a github issue for it.
Also, as it stands now, if you collapse the 'related tags' menu, the suggested artist tag is hidden. GG?

API Changes

  • You can now have multiple API keys.

New API keys are much shorter than old keys (24 vs. 43 characters). Is that intentional?

Related tags

  • Selected tags are now shown in bold with a checkbox, instead of highlighted in blue. This is so you can see the tag type of selected tags.

text-stroke: .5px is blurry and very hard on the eyes, at least on Firefox/Linux. Why are you not using font-weight: bold for bolding?


CNyte said:

I'm not a fan of removing artist URLs from the upload page. It means that I have to check their artist entry URLs -- a few extra clicks -- to check their Pixiv page when uploading from Twitter to see if there's a better picture, when before they were right on the upload page.

I thought it was worth complaining about.

+1. Adding extra steps by removing the URLs seems kinda backwards to me.

Is tag blacklisting broken for other people. I notice that and some of my Better Better Booru plugin settings stopped working this afternoon like the auto-hide for the sidebar. Better Better Booru has broken before after some big changes, but I have all my blacklist stuff in my actual user account settings so I don't see why that would have anything to do with the plugin.

Edit: Okay never mind the changes just seem to have confused the Better Better Plugin a little and I just had to put everything back to default and then it showed that it had somehow toggled blacklisting from enabled to disabled. All very strange but seems to be back to normal now.

CNyte said:

I'm not a fan of removing artist URLs from the upload page. It means that I have to check their artist entry URLs -- a few extra clicks -- to check their Pixiv page when uploading from Twitter to see if there's a better picture, when before they were right on the upload page.

I thought it was worth complaining about.

DeusExCalamus said:

Also not liking this change, created a github issue for it.
Also, as it stands now, if you collapse the 'related tags' menu, the suggested artist tag is hidden. GG?

Used to be very convenient to just put a URL in to see if the artist tag exists and all listed URLs associated with said artist tag, especially to check for other variants or higher quality versions uploaded elsewhere.

Also why is the "Source" box for URLs so small? Don't think it was like that before


Kaioshin_Sama said:

Is tag blacklisting broken for other people. I notice that and some of my Better Better Booru plugin settings stopped working this afternoon like the auto-hide for the sidebar. Better Better Booru has broken before after some big changes, but I have all my blacklist stuff in my actual user account settings so I don't see why that would have anything to do with the plugin.

Edit: Okay never mind the changes just seem to have confused the Better Better Plugin a little and I just had to put everything back to default and then it showed that it had somehow toggled blacklisting from enabled to disabled. All very strange but seems to be back to normal now.

BBB has been broken for a long time, and its functionality has been replaced by other userscripts. You should disable it.

Selected tags are now shown in bold with a checkbox, instead of highlighted in blue. This is so you can see the tag type of selected tags.

I really miss the blue highlight, as it looked way better than those checkboxes and is kinda easier to see which tag I already added. It doesn't seem really necessary to me. Especially when using a userscript for tagging that doesn't add the checkboxes.

I'm neutral on the colour changes so far.

I'm not so sure about the color changes. By having every color be darker than before, it makes them blend into each other a little more, especially with certain posts with parents or children. As for the artist removal, I also do not agree with that and would like to have it back.

pc88 said:

Also why is the "Source" box for URLs so small? Don't think it was like that before

It's now shorter than before.

Imo the current colours are a bit hard on the eyes, at least on light mode. Yeah, it's easier to distinguish between gold and builders now, but i believe they may be improved.
I'm somewhat neutral on the tag script change. The colour-coding was nice (and the effect is still present when you go in Note mode on a post, so i don't really see why the consistency was removed). Maybe it could be possible to change the colour of the corner that appears around the thumbnails based on the tag script in use?
Other than that, the new child/parent colours feel somewhat unintuintive, mainly children being orange rather than yellow. I'd personally associate orange to something like "not approved" or "duplicate", which is most of the time not the case.

The tag script change is not great for people using Danbooru on tablets / phones (no hovering there).

Fortunately it's easy to fix with user-defined CSS, like

body[data-mode-menu="tag-script"] {
    background-color: purple;

pc88 said:

Used to be very convenient to just put a URL in to see if the artist tag exists and all listed URLs associated with said artist tag, especially to check for other variants or higher quality versions uploaded elsewhere.

I agree with this. I currently have to open the artist tag in a new browser tab just to open one of the associated URLs. Having the associated URLs removed is somewhat of an inconvenience to me.

Username_Hidden said:

Imo the current colours are a bit hard on the eyes, at least on light mode. Yeah, it's easier to distinguish between gold and builders now, but i believe they may be improved.
I'm somewhat neutral on the tag script change. The colour-coding was nice (and the effect is still present when you go in Note mode on a post, so i don't really see why the consistency was removed). Maybe it could be possible to change the colour of the corner that appears around the thumbnails based on the tag script in use?
Other than that, the new child/parent colours feel somewhat unintuintive, mainly children being orange rather than yellow. I'd personally associate orange to something like "not approved" or "duplicate", which is most of the time not the case.

I feel a lot worse looking at these colors as well. The favorite button, the "This image has been resized" banner, everything feels lower contrast than it used to be.
The post colors are also non-intuitive. Making the child posts orange/red was a terrible ideia, the first time I saw it I thought everything was banned or something of the sort.
This should definetely be changed back to a shade of yellow.

I personally think there were no issues with the previous color scheme on light mode but
If anything, I'd be happy with having toggle on the settings panel to use the old one.

On dark mode w/ coloured usernames, platinum names should be grey-2 or grey-3 instead of grey-4; right now, it's the same as the muted text color of the forum timestamps, etc.

It seems that many text/link colours that had high contrast before now have low contrast, and text colours that had low contrast before now have high contrast. Might be better to make them closer together, else things will stand out more than others when they aren't meant to.


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