post #9000000 GET!

Change log for Danbooru 1.17.0

Posted under General

Not sure if that's the word either, but I get what you mean. What I tried to sentiment was that if someone is forced to such a small upload count, even if their threshold of quality doesn't change, having to choose the picks of their litters would (hopefully) afford something closer to Danbooru's standard.

As a 'solution', perhaps once a user hits 0 per day, there can be a ratio-based formula for a timespan between posts, given one isn't pending (for me, maybe one every quarter/half/one year *cringes*).


Aren't we trying to promote the quantity of preeminent art by doing this? The fact that your opinion of quality differs from ours doesn't justify anything. However I will agree that the permanent disallowance of uploads is a tad harsh, but I also think figuring out a workaround that everyone agrees with may prove to be a challenge.

Once a month isn't very reasonable, whereas a weekly or biweekly schedule seems more fair. There are always users who won't learn, but we've dealt with them on a larger scale up until now and letting some of them slip through the cracks (and only into moderation) once every week or two won't do any harm. I really think we should avoid coming off as too strict about this.

I hate to suggest more mod queue redesigns, but this might help solve the issue with the new dynamic upload slots.
Change the setup of the mod queue, with an accept, ignore, and bad button. Require X mods/janitors to label that image as being bad before it counts against the uploader. Images that fall off the mod queue before receiving X bad marks don't count against the post count (but are still tallied on their deleted posts of course.)

Not every image that isn't danbooru quality is genuinely bad.

Similarly, I was thinking that under the current system, getting a post deleted from the mod queue because it is that bad is actually beneficial to the uploader, since it clears up their upload slot. I've stopped deleting images but I kinda like to give reasons when the image is so bad that it warrants deletion (like if an explicit ToS rule has been broken).

I've thought about this before, and would it be a good idea to have an optional "feedback" item to fill in in the mod queue when you pass on something? I know that would create extra work for mods if they choose to fill it in but like I said, I'd have it as a completely optional thing. I'd use it though, I think it could help some people who aren't malicious but are a bit misguided in their uploads. I still feel that the current system is skimpy with feedback on your rejected uploads (my first 2 uploads on Danbooru were rejected with a clear reason, and that helped me greatly, just as an example).

Suiseiseki said: Change the setup of the mod queue, with an accept, ignore, and bad button. Require X mods/janitors to label that image as being bad before it counts against the uploader.

Not sure it's necessary enough to warrant albert's programming time, but if it's an easy addition then I think it could be useful. I hide plenty of posts in the queue, with my reaction ranging from "I hope the uploader dies in a car crash tomorrow" to "That's really borderline, has some redeeming values, but is just barely outside what I think is acceptable." Big difference in quality there.

スラッシュ's feedback option is a decent idea too. I would not use it often, given the amount of time it takes to run through the queue already, but there are times where it'd be useful. I'd suggest it be anonymous, though, only because the last thing mods need is a flood of "What do you meeeeeeean it has jpeg artifacts why do you hate me accept my upload pleeeeeease" replies to every bit of feedback. Of course mods would need to make sure to only leave factual, constructive feedback.

Yeah, I agree that it should be anonymous and thinking about it, I think the best way to design it would be as one field that all the other mods can also see/edit. That way there wouldn't be 5 varying (perhaps even contradictory) pieces of feedback on one image. And you'd get some peer review of whether the feedback is fair.

On the contrary, I think separate fields would be a good idea, but make sure that what others have entered already appears to new pairs of mod eyes. That way they can remain noncontradictory, and mods can even perhaps make use of the feedback of other mods. Making one field editable could lead to one mod leaving a comment only to have it modified to something that they didn't originally intend. Not all mods think exactly alike, and that's a good thing.

That may be true, but we do need to keep sort of a unified front when it comes to feedback towards users... I guess you could do a history system of sorts... But that would be too much effort for a simple feature like that.

Well, maybe the whole feature is just too much trouble either way. Forget I said anything.

I don't know that it's worth the effort of special multiple fields or whatnot. If anything, I'd say use one wiki-style editable field that supplements the normal "this post not approved" message that shows when the post is deleted.

That would utilize the most existing code, and if the post gets accepted, it's not essential that the flaws get pointed out.

I think if we are trusting people with the ability to delete and undelete, we can trust each other to not have a petty edit war.

スラッシュ said:
Well, maybe the whole feature is just too much trouble either way. Forget I said anything.

Yeah, this is a whole lot more complicated than just spotting 'banned' users without any pending posts a free upload slot.

I'm on Safebooru right now, and my recent tags list looks like this:
[['[[\'hat'00]['pixiv'00]['pixiv-tan'00]['pixiv fantasia'00]['short hair'00]['silver hair'00]['tetsuo'00]['thighhighs'00]]'00]['fura'00]['gundam'00]['gundam 00'00]['marie parfacy'00]['soma peries'00]]
Clicking on it adds it as one whole tag. I did edit posts with those tags...a week ago.
forum #17573 also happens in Safebooru, but both seem to be fine on Danbooru.
I'm not getting new mail notifications on either version as well.


- Fixed an issue with images from blog-imgs-##-origin not getting normalized.
- Admins can now change the base upload limit on a per-user basis. If you think someone is uploading too much/not enough, let either jxh2154 or me know.
- Pool updates should now be versioned, to help with vandalism issues. It's not very elegant.

I see the profile page got some new stuff added to it. The upload limit calculator will definitely help people keep track of their uploads, and I can see the user upload randomizer being a good way for finding new images from different uploaders.

albert said: - Admins can now change the base upload limit on a per-user basis. If you think someone is uploading too much/not enough, let either jxh2154 or me know.

Got what I asked for (displaying how many slots they have) and then a bit more. Hmm, interesting.

Tieria said:
The random post function is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. This is really fantastic, it gives a good example of the level of quality in each user's contributions~

I rather like this too. Could this also be an option on favorites? I would find that to be somewhat useful.

Not sure when this was implemented (haven't noticed it talked about yet), but I noticed that doing asterisk searches with tags lately actually sorts the tags by post count with highest first. I like this as well.

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