
Change log for Danbooru 1.17.0

Posted under General

Deciding on pixiv number instead of name, huh. This seems like unnecessary complication that would cause constant tag adjusting madness, since one can change their pixiv username whenever they want, many many times (might even be unlimited). And the Japanese language makes for multiple uses of the same name when different kanji/gana/kana are translated to romaji. Using the number in the absolute seems like a much more stable method than going to the creative extremes used to differentiate, say, one "hato" from another.... It might be humanly impossible to remember all those numbers, but the number's the only thing that never changes. And with the number, all this disambiguating wouldn't be necessary.

Also, completely unrelated except concerning pixivness, for the "Pixiv account" link, using the* link to their gallery as opposed to the* member profile link would be more direct and eliminate distractions caused by other pretty pictures.

I'm just a nublet, and there could well be big! big! major important reasons for either, so please don't upbraid me >.< Also, here still might not be -exactly- the right place, but it seemed better by far than posting this in the "*_(pixiv#####) aliases" thread where all the disambiguating nonsense gets done.

torinoko said: Deciding on pixiv number instead of name, huh.

No, it's the exact opposite. Do not use _(pixiv#####). We have discussed this a thousand times, as you seem to be aware already. It's not open for debate.

Also, completely unrelated except concerning pixivness, for the "Pixiv account" link, using the* link to their gallery as opposed to the* member profile link would be more direct and eliminate distractions caused by other pretty pictures.

The policy has been to link to the main page, not subpages. People can handle one more click if they want to go to the gallery. There's not a huge difference, but we might as well be consistent with what we've been doing.

Granola said: still think it should just be the URL name.
for example

Yes, the url name ("someartist") is a good default/disambiguation option when there is major ambiguity or no personal homepage or whatever else. That's been used for some time.

But when there's a better option, it should always be pursued when possible. The closer we can get to the artist's real name or official pen name, the better. That's always the ideal.

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