
Change log for Danbooru 1.17.0

Posted under General

Granola said:
But this completely removes the point of anonymous voting! Please change it back immediately!

Seconded. Last time trackable voting was in it was pretty swiftly and unanimously agreed that it was a bad thing.

How about a super annoying spellcheck feature?

If you create a tag that wasn't created before, danbooru should ask you before you post it "ARE YOU SURE TOUHOUSOU IS WHAT YOU WANTED TO TYPE" and do it for every single upload. If the tag is already present, no message appears.

Actually, they haven't been, which is good because we aren't supposed to be hosting them, and if we double delete them, they can get uploaded again and perhaps not be noticed.

A better solution would be to leave them as they are, but simply change the uploader to "anonymous". That way we'd be protecting against them being uploaded again, and no one is penalized for deletions that weren't their fault. I beleive the way things are set up, that would need to be done outside the system, so only Albert would have the ability to do that.

And yeah, I guess it would hurt to have 20% of your deletions due to an artist posting a cease and desist.

albert said:
- You can now search for posts you've upvoted/downvoted using the voteup and votedown metatags. Example: voteup:albert

This would have been the best course of action. it would stop users from hiding behind anonymity and vandalizing other people's post scores. Not only that this would have been a better solution to sock puppet voting than restricting voting to contributors and privs.

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