Recently, when I was checking posts posted by me, I looked at the scores.
I noticed a trend similar to what happened yesterday. post #437898 was voted down to -50 within the span of four hours (and is ongoing as I type this). Odd since it wasn't incredibly horrible, and the other pictures by that artist (mekabu) were voted down similarly (only the ones that I posted, the rest are normal scores). I brushed this off as annoying sockpuppetry, whatever, right?
Today I noticed that quite a few posts under user:granola order:score_asc were voted as much as -50 as well. This happened in one day, I remember not seeing this yesterday or even this morning. All of the posts marked down are explicit.
I don't know if this happened to other users, but its pretty ridiculous to see the score system abused this way. I know I am not the most popular user on the internet but this is kind of ridiculous. Instead of letting the same IP vote a random number of times per hour, why not once in forever?
And if the scores can be reset to the original, it would be nice too, but that might be too hard.
Updated by evazion