post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

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For changelogs, see the Danbooru changelog thread.


I don't plan on it. I don't like adding options for fiddly things like "what should the Enter key do?". If you look on the settings page, half the options under the Advanced tab are for fiddly things that don't need to be configurable, they only exist because we changed some random thing 8 years ago and people demanded an option to put it back. So now we're stuck supporting a bunch of pointless options forever.

evazion said:

I don't plan on it. I don't like adding options for fiddly things like "what should the Enter key do?". If you look on the settings page, half the options under the Advanced tab are for fiddly things that don't need to be configurable, they only exist because we changed some random thing 8 years ago and people demanded an option to put it back. So now we're stuck supporting a bunch of pointless options forever.

kittey said:

You can write a simple user script to submit with just Enter.

Alright, fair enough.

Account settings:

  • Removed the option to disable the next/previous post navbar under posts.


  • Removed the option to disable tag autocomplete.

Is there a rationale for this? Especially the navbar option. I also use a "phrase completer" program to enter tags, so I do find tag autocomplete somewhat redundant for several tags.

MaskedAvenger said:

Is there a rationale for this? Especially the navbar option. I also use a "phrase completer" program to enter tags, so I do find tag autocomplete somewhat redundant for several tags.

Navbar rationale:

Remove the enable_sequential_post_navigation option. This option was used to disable the next/previous post navbar below posts.

This option was originally added in issue #674 because of people complaining about the navbar when it was originally added. Also there were complaints about URLs being uglier because of search params in the URL (e.g. /posts/1234?q=touhou). There were also various minor bugs with it at the time, such as keyboard shortcuts not working correctly, or the
page not remembering your search after a tag edit.

These complaints are irrelevant nowadays because a) people are used to the navbar by now (and more often complain about it *not* being there for order:score searches), b) post URLs always contain the search now, this option hasn't disabled that for years, and c) the initial bugs with it were fixed years ago.


However, just use custom CSS to hide the navbar if you don't like it.

#c-posts #a-show #nav-links {
    display: none;
Autocomplete rationale:

This option was originally added in issue #1747. But only ~350 users ever disabled autocomplete, only ~120 of these were seen in the last year, and only 9 new users who signed up in the last year disabled it.

Users wishing to disable autocomplete can use this CSS:

.ui-autocomplete { display: none !important: }

or this Javascript:



I'll note that using the CSS option won't keep your browser from querying the network to fetch the information for autocomplete.


BrokenEagle98 said:

Users wishing to disable autocomplete can use this CSS:

.ui-autocomplete { display: none !important: }

or this Javascript:



Tried the CSS one. Didn't work. BTW, how does one insert custom Javascript?

As for the navbar, it works, but as a side effect, when viewing a post that is part of a pool, the navbar is not showing, in effect hiding the name of the pool.

mordredpendragon said:

vote indicator for the post tooltip is broken.


MaskedAvenger said:

Is there a rationale for this? Especially the navbar option. I also use a "phrase completer" program to enter tags, so I do find tag autocomplete somewhat redundant for several tags.

Very few people used either option. To put it into perspective: 60,000 people signed up for Danbooru last year. Of those, 9,500 people enabled dark mode, 60 disabled the navbar, and only 10 disabled autocomplete.

I'm getting rid of options that are barely used or are extremely niche because, as I mentioned above, we have too many options that basically only exist to disable some change to the UI we made like ten years ago.

DeadW@nderer said:

Today I noticed new design changes for commenting sections - I sorta welcome these, but new quotes are blending with replies for me, just saying.

Same, i feel it should be a darker shade of grey, or have a little of background.
I also feel like the new upvote/downvote colours are too dark, and don't fit well with the rest of the colour scheme.

I'm not sure if it's just me, but currently Series pools show up as blue instead of purple, and only become purple if you hover over them.

About the change of hitting ctrl+enter to submit. Will this be changed in the future or should it already work? Because I can still submit with only pressing enter and that's pretty annoying when you want to use the auto-complete which doesn't always load correctly or fast enough.

Guaro1238 said:

About the change of hitting ctrl+enter to submit. Will this be changed in the future or should it already work? Because I can still submit with only pressing enter and that's pretty annoying when you want to use the auto-complete which doesn't always load correctly or fast enough.

CTRL+Enter has always worked. The change is the deprecation of the enter key being pressed alone, which will be done in phases.

BTW the tab key works too to select autocomplete entries.

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