post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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I assume every time you open a post page from a search result page, there is a search query run simultaneously as or before the post page is loaded, judging from the "q" parameter in the query string of the resulting post link URL. (Example: Opening post #4257394 from touhou results in the URL
Again, I assume this is to facilitate the post navigation functionality on individual post pages.

When "Enable post navigation" is disabled in a user's settings, does the query parameter actually provide any additional functionality to the user?
If not, I would suggest disabling running the previously assumed search query when the setting set to 'disabled', as well, in order to cut down on unnecessary search queries being run.

No, it doesn’t run a search query when opening a post. It just fills the search box in the top left with whatever the “q” parameter is. See here for an example.
I think it’s just a convenience for you if you want to adjust your search.

Site update

Tag abbreviations

There's a new tag abbreviation system. You can type, for example, /evth as an abbreviation for eyebrows visible through hair. This works in searches and when tagging posts. Some other examples:

  • If two tags have the same abbreviation, then the larger tag takes priority. For example, /be is short for blue eyes, not brown eyes, because blue eyes is bigger.
  • If there's already a shortcut alias with the same abbreviation, then the alias takes priority. For example, /sh is short for Suzumiya Haruhi, not short hair, because there's an old shortcut alias for /sh -> Suzumiya Haruhi. Most of these legacy shortcut aliases will be removed going forward.

There are a few major changes to autocomplete:

  • You can abbreviate tags in autocomplete, as described above. For example, you can type /evth for eyebrows visible through hair.
  • You can type Japanese words in autocomplete to find the Danbooru tag. For example, you can type 東方 and it will show Touhou. You can type 獣耳 and it will show animal ears.
    • This works by using the Other Names listed in wiki pages and artist pages. You can add new translations by editing the tag's wiki page (or the artist page, if it's an artist) and adding the Japanese name to the Other Names field.
    • Most of these translations are based on Pixiv tags. Sometimes you'll get unexpected results because Pixiv tags don't always map to Danbooru tags well. For example, if you type 下着 (underwear), you'll get Kantai Collection as one of the results, because there's a 下着艦娘 ("shipgirls in underwear") tag on Pixiv.
  • Tuned autocorrect to offer better suggestions when your search contains a typo.
  • Improved caching to reduce latency and improve responsiveness, especially for users outside the US.

For Builders, there are a couple more autocomplete changes:

  • You now have to type a slash (/) character to abbreviate a tag. Previously you could type evth for eyebrows visible through hair. Now you have to type /evth. This is an intentional change so that abbreviations don't interfere with regular tags.
  • Fixed unexpected or wrong tags sometimes showing up at the top of the list. Now tags are always ranked from largest tag to smallest (before they were ranked with a more complicated ranking system, which sometimes put unexpected tags on top).
Other changes
  • You can see your own email address on your profile now. Other users can't see your email address (unless they're a Mod).
  • Mods can see the email addresses of regular users now. This is to help detect spam and sockpuppet accounts.
  • New rules for user promotions:
    • Mods can only promote users up to Builder level (before they could promote up to Mod level).
    • Admins can only promote users up to Mod level (before they could promote up to Admin level).
  • Added a new user level for the site owner. The Owner level is one rank above the Admin level, and has a couple special privileges related to things like resetting passwords and viewing dmails.
  • Tags are limited to being less than 170 characters long now.
  • Wiki page names now have to follow the same rules as tag names. This means that if something can't be used as a tag name, it can't be used as a wiki name either.
  • Added a basic server status page at /status. For now this just contains technical information that's mainly only relevant to people troubleshooting their own Danbooru installs, or advanced users.
  • A new /autocomplete.json API was added. This API is not guaranteed to have a stable interface.
  • The /tag/autocomplete.json and /saved_search/labels.json APIs were removed. The /autocomplete.json API replaces them.
  • Fixed an issue where gifting someone a Gold upgrade would demote them if they were already above Gold level.

Full changelog:

skylightcrystal said:

How exactly does this 90% work? If, hypothetically, none of the images with the child tag also have the parent tag at present, would that mean the implication couldn't be proposed if more than 45% of the parent tag post-update would contain the child one, without spending a large amount of time tag scripting the parent tag onto the child before making the proposal?

It's 90% of the combined size of both tags. For example, if you wanted to imply cat to animal, we would compare the size of cat with the size of ~cat ~animal to make sure that the animal tag won't just be 90% cat posts.

If the parent tag is empty, this requirement is skipped. But if the parent tag already exists, then yes, it would have to be populated first if the child would make up 90% of it. I think implying a huge tag to a tiny tag is usually a bad idea, especially if people don't already use the tags together.

kittey said:

No, it doesn’t run a search query when opening a post. It just fills the search box in the top left with whatever the “q” parameter is. See here for an example.
I think it’s just a convenience for you if you want to adjust your search.

It's to fill in the search box and to let you navigate to the next or previous post. For example, you search for touhou, click on a post, then you can use the A/D keys (or the next/prev links above the post) to move to the next or previous post in your search.

Hmm, I noticed tab stopped working in the tag window and works like 'normal' now (That is, tab-selecting the next option, the submit button), is there an alternative?

Edit: Seems to happen only for specific tags. The ones in particular so far are long_hair and virtual_youtuber.
Edit2: azur_lane also among them.


Trying to use the bookmarklet on Nijie is almost entirely broken. The only way to make an upload work is to open the image directly, however it won't fetch any tags(other than the artist) or commentary and the source after upload will be the direct link.

An error occurred: error: Sources::Strategies::Base::DownloadError - Download failed: couldn't find download url for

app/logical/sources/strategies/base.rb:158:in `download_file!'
app/logical/upload_service/utils.rb:77:in `get_file_for_upload'
app/logical/upload_service.rb:50:in `start!'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:55:in `create'

Site update

  • Updated the account upgrade page. Added a new payment page that supports more payment types.
  • Added a new 404 page.
  • Mods can see when you were last online on your profile page.
  • Fixed a bug where you would get logged out of Danbooru when visiting Testbooru.
  • Removed the /user/index.xml and /artist/index.xml endpoints. These were legacy Danbooru 1 endpoints got zero traffic.
  • Removed some other legacy URL redirects that were unused or little used.
  • The /tag/index.xml endpoint is deprecated. Please use /tags.xml instead.

Full changelog:

CodeKyuubi said:

Hmm, I noticed tab stopped working in the tag window and works like 'normal' now (That is, tab-selecting the next option, the submit button), is there an alternative?

Edit: Seems to happen only for specific tags. The ones in particular so far are long_hair and virtual_youtuber.
Edit2: azur_lane also among them.

Is this still happening? Make sure you're not using any userscripts, or that they're up to date if you are.

Sanctity said:

Today my danbooru bookmark took me to the nice new 404 page. Was wondering what was going on at first, but then noticed that my bookmark url is not nor I'm guessing that since a 404 page didn't exist, you would previously get redirected to the first page when using an invalid url. Right?

evazion said:

  • Removed some other legacy URL redirects that were unused or little used.

/post was one of the legacy redirects that got removed. Please update your bookmarklet.

Ars said:

Trying to use the bookmarklet on Nijie is almost entirely broken. The only way to make an upload work is to open the image directly, however it won't fetch any tags(other than the artist) or commentary and the source after upload will be the direct link.

@Ars not sure if evazion did something but now it works for me.

Ars said:

Still getting the same error as before:

This is what the page looks like when I use the bookmarklet:

I get the feeling this is related to an update about 4 months that added upload support for Nijie doujins: forum #171540

I don't think it is, because in my local instance it works fine. I think it might be a problem with evazion's Nijie account or the danbooru server IP (something like Nijie refusing the connection), because I've tried to reproduce this error on my installation of danbooru and found no issues.