post #9000000 GET!

Cleaning up the sweden tag

Posted under Tags

The sweden tag is currently used pretty haphazardly and inconsistently. I want to structure its usage better, so I'm making this thread to ask people's opinions on my idea for doing that.

I'm going to bring up both posts that I think fit the tag and those that I don't think fit the tag. I will link to many individual posts and also divide them into categories to discuss them as a group. I may draw comparisons to the usage of other national tags, though I leave the management of those to people who are interested in them. Sweden has more posts than any of the other nordic tags, but I find that the ones with the fewest have the most thematic coherence.
If you have an interest in how this tag is used, please have patience with me as this is a long post. Freely express your opinion both in general and on individual posts. I have added some of my recommendations in bold and unless someone raises an argument against them I will adhere to them when I begin pruning the tag.

Current usage of the tag falls under the following categories:

  • Actual Swedish locations
  • Strong Swedish themes
  • Swedish uniforms
  • Swedish-made military equipment or with Swedish markings
  • Post has a swedish_flag in it...
  • IKEA...

I'm happy to say that at the very least the tag hasn't been carelessly used on every post with sweden_(hetalia) in it. That would have been a pain.
Some posts fall or tentatively fall into multiple categories.


Actual Swedish locations

This is the easiest category to right off the bat say should definitely stay. These locations ARE sweden, after all. Some of these could also be considered to have strong Swedish themes.

Posts in this category:
post #1193902
post #3255010
post #3293321
post #3322932
post #4043687 and its children

post #465959 (Please double check. It looks like it could be an actual building in Sweden, but I don't know for sure. However, even if it's not an actual location, it may still fall under strong Swedish themes. Found! It's Riddarholmskyrkan in Stockholm.)
post #3449681 (Please double check. A comment claims the scenery to be Gotland, but I to my knowledge Gotland doesn't have such mountains, but that could be an artistic error/liberty or somewhere along the coast of the mainland. I don't know about the townscape on the coast though. But it is unlikely for there to be so many Japanese shipgirls near the Swedish coast. They are also eating sweet potatoes, which is not a very Nordic thing. All of this leads me to think that the post depicts a place in Japan, as you'd expect of KanColle.)

Recommendation: keep


Strong Swedish themes

This category could be somewhat arbitrary. What falls under this category? Viking or mother_svea imagery? Sport imagery? Historical persons? Patriotic imagery? Characters in swedish_clothes (national dress)? I think that each post will have to be judged individually in this category.

Posts in this category:
post #463754 (Could be considered patriotic imagery, but frankly I think it's just sweden_(hetalia) with some swedish_flags.) Recommendation: remove
post #705345 (mother_svea + a lion.) Recommendation: keep
post #954695 (Does this count as sport imagery? A flag body paint doesn't have the same thematic feel to it as, for example, a football shirt. It already has swedish_flag.) Recommendation: remove
post #1118099 (This one is quite confused. The girl is Finnish and wearing Finnish clothes, but the Dala...älg(?) is definitely a Swedish thing (inspired by the Dalahäst which is a common decoration/souvenir made in Dalarna in Sweden). The main reason to keep the tag on this one is to make sure that people don't think that the Dalahäst is a Finnish thing. Unless she's actually visiting Sweden (Baltland in the Strike Witches franchise) in this image, but then why would she be wearing Finnish national dress?)
post #1145495 (Historic imagery: carolean.) Recommendation: treat as Swedish uniform posts
post #1552292 (Historic/patriotic imagery: en_svensk_tiger.) Recommendation: keep
post #1687208 (Historic imagery: gustavus adolphus. The image could also reasonably be assumed to take place in Sweden.) Recommendation: keep
post #3178940 (Sport imagery. Has swedish_flag.)
post #3183583 and post #3182820 (Sport imagery. Possibly mother_svea/viking imagery. Has swedish_flag.)
post #3256590 (Viking/mother_svea imagery? The child post is the same image but without the background, but that one doesn't feel like it should have the sweden tag (and it doesn't). Does that mean that the only thing it has going for it is the swedish_flag in the background?)

No general recommendation, help me make individual judgements.


Swedish uniforms

For these posts, I recommend creating a new swedish_uniform tag. And if no other category applies the sweden tag should be removed.
Posts with American uniforms don't all get tagged with america or u.s.a..

Posts in this category:
post #269550 (M90)
post #1145495 (carolean)
post #2753971 (WW2-era tank crew uniforms)
post #3531810 (Police)
post #3561661 (Desert M90. Also has an ak_5.)
post #4155097 and one of its child posts (M90)

post #465959 (Is this an actual uniform? I don't think it is.)
post #1687208 (Is what sweden_(hetalia) is wearing here a uniform?)
post #2344395 (Is what drottning_victoria_(ship) is wearing here an actual uniform? I don't think it is...)
post #2936161 and its child post (Is what gotland_(warship_girls_r) is wearing here based on an actual uniform?)
post #3905184 (I think this is an actual uniform, but I'm not sure.)

Recommendation: remove
Apply the swedish_uniform tag, if applicable.


Swedish-made military equipment or with Swedish markings

This category is one that has been tagged the most irregularly. For example, only half the posts with stridsvagn_103 or stridsvagn_103_(personification) are tagged with sweden and there's no real logic behind it. For aeroplanes with Swedish markings, there's already the svenska_flygvapnet tag though.
On top of tagging equipment, there's also the issue of personifications of those weapons. The most prominent of which is gotland_(kantai_collection). Luckily, those don't seem to be tagged with sweden unless there's something extra, like a swedish_flag in the image.
Posts with American equipment don't all get tagged with america or u.s.a..
I will point out when the post has swedish_flag for the sake of argument that they might have gotten sweden simply because they have the flag.

Aeroplanes (or personifications thereof) with Swedish markings (already added to svenska_flygvapnet):
post #52413 (saab_gripen, personification.)
post #243549 (saab_gripen and saab_viggen, personifications.)
post #370037 (saab_gripen, personification.)
post #1062136 (saab_draken)
post #1093900 (jas-39_(flight_highschool) saab_gripen, personification.)
post #1156662 (saab_draken and saab_viggen, but as some kind of small children's toy vehicles...)
post #1344163 (saab_gripen)
post #1790362 (saab_viggen)
post #2256714 (saab_gripen, personification. Has swedish_flag.)
post #2416872 (Unknown plane type)
post #2511467 (flygsystem_2020)
post #2727053 (saab_draken, personification)

Swedish-made aeroplanes (or personifications thereof):
post #2272873 (saab_gripen, personification. Has swedish_flag)
post #2272875 (saab_gripen, personification. Has swedish_flag)
post #2375733 (saab_gripen, personification.)

Swedish-made tanks:
post #269550 (stridsvagn_103_(personification). Has swedish_flag. Wears an M90 uniform and is thus eligible for swedish_uniform.)
post #2434999 (stridsvagn_m/40)
post #2637842 (stridsvagn_103 and pansarbandvagn_302. Looks like a Swedish military manoeuvre, but the scenery doesn't look Swedish at all to me.)
post #2753971 (leo_(tank). Has swedish_flag.)

Swedish warships (they are all personifications):
post #2344395 (drottning_victoria_(ship). Has swedish_flag.)
post #2562496 (gotland_(warship_girls_r). Has swedish_flag. Might be wearing a national dress.)
post #2605283 and its child post (gotland_(warship_girls_r). Might be wearing a national dress.)
post #2936161 and its child post (gotland_(warship_girls_r). Outfit might be based on a uniform.)
post #3254037 (gotland_(kantai_collection). Has swedish_flag.)
post #3255010 (gotland_(kantai_collection). Actual Swedish location.) Recommendation: keep
post #3256590 (gotland_(kantai_collection). Strong Swedish theme? Has swedish_flag.)
post #3293321 (gotland_(kantai_collection). Actual Swedish location.) Recommendation: keep
post #3322932 (gotland_(kantai_collection). Actual Swedish location.) Recommendation: keep
post #3449681 (gotland_(kantai_collection). Actual Swedish location???)

Swedish small arms:
post #3241116 (cbj-ms. Has swedish_flag. I'm ignoring the fact that the character is c-ms_(girls_frontline) as it's not relevant in my opinion.)
post #3561661 (ak_5. Also a desert M90 uniform and is thus eligible for swedish_uniform.)

post #4155097 and its children (ak_5, mg3 (Ksp 94), stridsvagn_103, leopard_2 (Strv 121 and Strv 122), saab_tunnan, saab_draken, saab_viggen. The planes have Swedish marking on them so the post is tagged with svenska_flygvapnet. Soldiers are wearing M90 uniforms so the post is thus eligible for swedish_uniform. Has swedish_flag. The image doesn't obviously take place in a Swedish location, but the scenery is reminiscent of the Swedish north and the concentration of Swedish troops implies a military manoeuvre in Sweden as well as creates a strong Swedish theme.) Recommendation: keep

Recommendation: remove


Post has a Swedish flag in it

I believe that if the only reason that post has sweden is because it has swedish_flag it should not have sweden. I believe that it cheapens the tag to use it where swedish_flag suffice.
I already removed one where the flag was simply part of a decorative flag string, like those you see at carnivals or in magic tricks (there is a large number of those, but only one of them had sweden tagged on it).

Posts in this category:
post #2343125 and its children (For these there's already swedish flag bikini)
post #3254037 (gotland_(kantai_collection))
post #3728479 and its children (It's just the foreign shipgirl dormitory.)

Recommendation: remove

An additional point of discussion:
Should posts with swedish_flag in which the only Swedish flag is a swedish_flag_bikini really have the swedish_flag tag?
Alternatively, should swedish_flag_bikini imply swedish_flag?
A comparison to make here is with the most common flag bikini out there; american_flag_bikini, which has 95 pages of results. However, if you add american_flag to the search you only get 9 pages of results, some of which actually have a flag in them. This means that it's not common practice to add the flag tag to flag printed bikinis. american_flag_bikini also only implies bikini and flag_print. At the moment, swedish_flag_bikini doesn't imply any other tags.

1. Remove swedish_flag (if there's no actual flag) <<< Recommended
x. Do nothing
2. Create implication swedish_flag_bikini -> swedish_flag


IKEA stores exist all over the world. Unless the image shows that it's definitely in Sweden, it should not automatically have the sweden tag, even if the character in the employee uniform is Swedish, like gotland_(kantai_collection).

Posts in this category:
post #3835501 and its children

Recommendation: remove
Frankly, I already took the liberty of removing the tag from these...


If there are no objections, I will start pruning the tag in a while according to my own views on what is fitting. I'll probably do it in stages from what I'm most certain about to what I'm least certain about. Any input would be great for the things I'm uncertain about, but also tell me if you disagree with me on a judgement.

post #1193902 (Actual Swedish location)
post #3255010 (Actual Swedish location)
post #3293321 (Actual Swedish location)
post #3322932 (Actual Swedish location)
post #4043687 and its children (Actual Swedish location)
post #465959 (Actual Swedish location. Should swedish_uniform be added?)
post #705345 (Strong Swedish theme)
post #1552292 (Strong Swedish theme)
post #1687208 (Strong Swedish theme)
post #4155097 and its children (Strong Swedish theme. Add swedish_uniform to it and one of its children.)

post #2343125 and its children (For these there's already swedish flag bikini.) Removed (also removed the swedish_flag tag)
post #3728479 and its children (Just a flag.) Removed

post #463754 (Just sweden_(hetalia) with some swedish_flags.)
post #954695 (Just flag bodypaint.)

post #52413 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)
post #243549 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)
post #370037 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)
post #1062136 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)
post #1093900 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)
post #1156662 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)
post #1344163 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)
post #1790362 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)
post #2256714 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)
post #2416872 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)
post #2511467 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)
post #2727053 (svenska_flygvapnet is sufficient.)

post #2272873 (Only a flag and a plane.) Removed
post #2272875 (Only a flag and a plane.) Removed
post #2375733 (No Swedish imagery.) Removed

post #2434999 (No Swedish imagery.) Removed

post #3241116 (Only a flag and a gun.) Removed!

post #2562496 (Should swedish_clothes be added?) Removed (She's actually wearing Norwegian clothes...)
post #2605283 and its child post (Should swedish_clothes be added?) Removed (She's actually wearing Norwegian clothes...)
post #3254037 (Just a shipgirl and a flag.) Removed!

post #269550 (swedish_uniform added.)
post #1145495 (swedish_uniform added.)
post #2753971 (swedish_uniform added.)
post #3531810 (swedish_uniform added.)
post #3561661 (swedish_uniform added.)
post #2344395 (Should swedish_uniform be added? Added!)
post #2936161 and its child post (swedish_uniform added)
post #3905184 (swedish_uniform added.)

Need feedback:
post #1118099 (Dalaälg)
post #3178940 (Football shirt)
post #3183583 and post #3182820 (Football shirt motif viking. Possibly mother_svea imagery.)
post #3256590 (Possible mother_svea/viking imagery.)
post #3449681 (gotland_(kantai_collection). Actual Swedish location???)
post #2637842 (Does this look like a Swedish scenery?)
post #4269628 (Is Lucia an exclusively Swedish tradition? Should there be a tag for it?)


Country tags in general can be a bit of a mess, to look at the Balkan country tags for instance;

  • Yugoslavia at the moment seems to relate strictly to the Yugoslav army, with one having a relevant emblem, and the other two using military attire (though until last year, post #1314351 was also tagged with the tag, alongside all of its constituent republics given their personifications as little kids, which made the tag's use slightly more ambiguous; keep this in mind as we look at the respective countries):
    • Serbia is the most populated of the bunch, and akin to here, it's a bit of a mess divisible roughly into the next couple of categories: use with traditional clothes, use with military-adjacent tags and use with code of arms/heraldry (underpopulated tags, FYI) - with two sub-categories related to football and location.
    • Montenegro currently is mainly used for location, due to the city of Perast being portrayed.
    • North Macedonia was a tag, while Kosovo never had one.
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina is divided into two categories: football and Yugoslav War-era portrayals.
    • Croatia is the second-most populated tag, and it can be divided into: traditional clothes, football and location.
    • Slovenia also has a category for football, but is primarily tagged due to its camouflage.
  • Greece is a mix of posts referring to Ancient Greece, those containing elements of Greek mythology, those that directly have Greece labeled on them, ancient/traditional clothes, location (Santorini even being a tag), football, and those that vaguely have a Greek aesthetic to them.
  • Romania is a mix of posts referring to location (including the 1983 film The Keep, set in Romania), military-adjacent tags (whether Soviet or not), football and traditional clothes.
  • And Bulgaria is one part Soviet, one part traditional clothes, and one part personification.

The impression I get from the lot of these is that country tags are used as multi-tools, overarching tags that to some degree make it easier to find the things related to them. Heck, the wiki America implies as much, with images that contain "references to the USA, most commonly showing the American flag, depicting real world locations, or using jokes pertaining to American culture", and United States seems more akin to the mess we see elsewhere with these tags.

Meanwhile, despite Germany's wiki saying it is strictly for modern post-war Germany, and that it can be replied if the content is "related to [German] culture", people still tag it for Nazi Germany stuff when Nazi is intended for it, though when you read its wiki, you find that it actually has a more narrow area of application than the former wiki suggests (to a lesser extent this applies to East German too). Not to mention the 'diversity' under tags such as France, and not even considering the potential for folks to not tag coat of arms (or tag them as flags).

This is good input, but other tags being messes too doesn't mean that it's a good idea to let it remain that way.

The issue is that they aren't used consistently. Like tagging some Gripen fighters that don't even have Swedish markings or not tagging some that does. The same goes with tanks and other military equipment. If all posts with svenska_flygvapnet should be tagged with sweden, then we might as well implicate them. I don't think I mentioned it before, but there is a swedish_clothes tag for national dresses, might as well implicate that too if we go that route. There's 140 posts of sweden_(hetalia) and in multiple of those there's also a swedish_flag, but not all of those are tagged sweden, so where do we draw the line? Does stella_bremer posing in a swedish_flag_bikini really have any place being tagged with sweden? If yes, then why not when gotland_(kantai_collection) does it?

While it is a good idea to have some umbrella for all the tags that relate to a country, I think that's better done by listing related tags on the wiki page for the country tag. Of course, for country tags with only a handful of posts, dividing up the content isn't really worthwhile and would instead create a more cluttered environment. However, I don't have an interest in maintaining other countries' tags, only sweden.

I'm actually going to take the liberty to create a list of related tags on the wiki page for sweden right away.

Just to note, I didn't mean to imply that just because they are messes that's a reason to let them remain that way. If nothing else, I was just showing my own rationalization as to why they are this way now, even without delving into the fact that, as you mention, the tags aren't applied consistently. If anything, I don't think there's been any discussion on the proper application of these tags at all, just general discussion ala topic #17481.

Even in the examples I named, based on the posts in United States, something like post #3191836 should have the Yugoslavia tag, but it merely has the Yugoslavian flag tag because of its appearance in the post.

I just thought it was relevant to mention, since even if you only have an interest in maintaining this tag in particular, it could lead into a wider discussion into these tags in general.

Understood. Your input is appreciated.
If this thread can contribute to a wider discussion about better structuring the usage of national tags then that would be my pleasure.

In other news, I found that the building in post #465959 depicts Riddarholmskyrkan in Stockholm. I should just have Googled "Stockholm kyrka" to begin with...

Edit: I've now also updated the sweden wiki page to have an extensive list of related tags. Hopefully it will be of interest to anyone looking for all things Swedish, and hopefully people will help by adding to it. I should create the swedish_uniform tag now.

Edit 2: After further study, I've determined that -while the hat is messed up- the uniform in post #3905184 is supposed to be an Enhetsuniform m/1910 and the outfit in post #2936161 (and its child) takes inspiration from the uniform articles Kask m/1887, Vapenrock m/1854 and Vapenrock m/1886. I'm going to look into drottning_victoria_(kome)'s outfit now, though I'll try uploading a few other images of her first. I found three that hadn't been uploaded before.

Edit 3: I determined that drottning_victoria_(kome)'s uniform borrows features from both new and old Swedish admiral uniforms, I tagged her with swedish_uniform in all but one of the images she's in.


Through some research I found that Gotland (Warship Girls R) is actually wearing traditional Norwegian clothes, so I removed the Sweden tag from post #2562496 and post #2605283 and its child post.

I went ahead and untagged post #2343125 and its children (I also removed Swedish flag so that it only has Swedish flag bikini).
I untagged post #3728479 since all it had was a Swedish flag.
I untagged post #2375733 and post #2434999 because they have no Swedish imagery other than that the tank and plane are of Swedish designs.

Hello, @Andros752-G. I saw that you added the sweden tag to post #4631837 and post #4938563. I had intentionally left it out when I uploaded the latter, but since I seem to be the only one maintaining the sweden tag I'm open to feedback.

Would you like to help out? If you're interested in helping out, please read the first post in this thread. I know it's a long read, but it will inform you of my motivations for certain changes I make and where I'm most uncertain and would like the most feedback. I also occasionally update the last part of that post by striking out posts when I've decided to remove the sweden tag from.

Please also check out the wiki page for sweden, because I added a long list of relevant tags there.


Did all the work I put into the wiki page for Sweden break some guideline?
Someone clearly thought so as it has been almost completely cleared out.

I know it was a lot of links, but that's why I put them in an expandable section.
I just wanted a place for people to find every tag related to Sweden.

I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm whining, but this is just so... discouraging.

Nacha said:

You have to ask @TrueKringe why he removed all the information without discussion.

Well, sorry for not making any talks. But I don't think listing literally everything Sweden-related into a single nation tag would be any useful, especially since some of these stuff were quite trivial (i.e. characters or things from Sweden).

Basically, nation tags were meant to be used to the general political and cultural concept of that specific nation, not everything that came from it. In my opinion, only things that were particularly associated with that nation (such as food or brands) should be linked to the nation tag. For Sweden's case, I think most people would think of IKEA or Saab more than any other specific characters when they think of Sweden.