
Removing legacy shortcut aliases

Posted under General

As mentioned in forum #177736, there's a new abbreviation system for tags. This system lets you write things like /evth as a shortcut for eyebrows visible through hair. This system replaces the old system of manually creating shortcut aliases (aliases that start with a "/"). We stopped doing this over 10 years ago, but we still have nearly ~300 of these aliases to contend with (see list here).

The problem with these old aliases is that either they're redundant with the new system, or they conflict with it. For example, right now /su is a shortcut for Urushihara Satoshi, not school uniform. /ar is short for Asakura Ryouko, not artist request. There are a lot of old aliases like this that no longer make sense. This thread is about getting rid of all these old shortcut aliases in favor of the new automatic abbreviation system.

BUR #4252 has been approved by @evazion.


remove alias /abb -> arms_behind_back
remove alias /acss -> alternate_color_school_swimsuit
remove alias /aec -> alternate_eye_color
remove alias /ahc -> alternate_hair_color
remove alias /ahl -> alternate_hair_length
remove alias /am -> alice_margatroid
remove alias /b -> breasts
remove alias /booe -> bandage_over_one_eye
remove alias /brs -> black_rock_shooter
remove alias /brsc -> black_rock_shooter_(character)
remove alias /bssm -> bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon
remove alias /bssmc -> bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon_crystal
remove alias /bttts -> baka_to_test_to_shoukanjuu
remove alias /cfnf -> clothed_female_nude_female
remove alias /cfnm -> clothed_female_nude_male
remove alias /cmnf -> clothed_male_nude_female
remove alias /cmnm -> clothed_male_nude_male
remove alias /cops -> casual_one-piece_swimsuit
remove alias /dbz -> dragon_ball_z
remove alias /dff -> dissidia_final_fantasy
remove alias /dof -> depth_of_field
remove alias /dotso -> denpa_onna_to_seishun_otoko
remove alias /dq -> dragon_quest
remove alias /dtb -> darker_than_black
remove alias /eg -> elbow_gloves
remove alias /ff -> final_fantasy
remove alias /fha -> fate/hollow_ataraxia
remove alias /fnm -> fujiwara_no_mokou
remove alias /fsn -> fate/stay_night
remove alias /ga -> galaxy_angel
remove alias /gg -> guilty_gear
remove alias /hk -> houraisan_kaguya
remove alias /hm -> hatsune_miku
remove alias /hng -> hayate_no_gotoku!
remove alias /hoh -> hand_on_head
remove alias /hooe -> hair_over_one_eye
remove alias /iml -> idolmaster_million_live!
remove alias /is -> izayoi_sakuya
remove alias /kgne -> kimi_ga_nozomu_eien
remove alias /km -> kirisame_marisa
remove alias /kor -> kimagure_orange_road
remove alias /kr -> kagamine_rin
remove alias /ks -> kochiya_sanae
remove alias /kwzdk -> kore_wa_zombie_desu_ka?
remove alias /ky -> konpaku_youmu
remove alias /lav -> looking_at_viewer
remove alias /lb -> large_breasts
remove alias /lh -> long_hair
remove alias /lotr -> lord_of_the_rings
remove alias /m -> monochrome
remove alias /mlp -> my_little_pony
remove alias /msgm -> maria-sama_ga_miteru
remove alias /msln -> mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha
remove alias /mslna -> mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_a's
remove alias /mslnf -> mahou_senki_lyrical_nanoha_force
remove alias /mslnm1 -> mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_the_movie_1st
remove alias /mslnm2a -> mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_the_movie_2nd_a's
remove alias /mslns -> mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_strikers
remove alias /mslnv -> mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_vivid
remove alias /msmm -> mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica
remove alias /msn -> mahou_sensei_negima!
remove alias /mtg -> magic:_the_gathering
remove alias /mvc -> marvel_vs._capcom
remove alias /mvc2 -> marvel_vs._capcom_2
remove alias /nba -> national_basketball_association
remove alias /nfl -> national_football_league
remove alias /nge -> neon_genesis_evangelion
remove alias /o -> original
remove alias /p -> panties
remove alias /paol -> panties_around_one_leg
remove alias /pk -> patchouli_knowledge
remove alias /pp -> panty_pull
remove alias /ppd -> pani_poni_dash!
remove alias /ppd! -> pani_poni_dash!
remove alias /pso -> phantasy_star_online
remove alias /pso2 -> phantasy_star_online_2
remove alias /qma -> quiz_magic_academy
remove alias /rs -> remilia_scarlet
remove alias /rui -> reisen_udongein_inaba
remove alias /s -> school_uniform
remove alias /sal -> souryuu_asuka_langley
remove alias /sao -> sword_art_online
remove alias /sel -> serial_experiments_lain
remove alias /shnkw -> sono_hanabira_ni_kuchizuke_wo
remove alias /shny -> suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu
remove alias /smb -> super_mario_bros.
remove alias /sns -> shakugan_no_shana
remove alias /sols -> short_over_long_sleeves
remove alias /srw -> super_robot_wars
remove alias /srwog -> super_robot_wars_original_generation
remove alias /ssb -> super_smash_bros.
remove alias /suc -> swimsuit_under_clothes
remove alias /sw -> strike_witches
remove alias /sy -> saigyouji_yuyuko

This first batch is shortcuts that are the same in new system as in the old system. These aliases can be safely removed without changing anything. You'll still be able to write things like /lav for looking at viewer. Removing the alias just means that it will be an automatic abbreviation instead of a manual alias.

BUR #4253 has been approved by @evazion.

remove alias /t -> thighhighs
remove alias /tdbu -> top-down_bottom-up
remove alias /th2 -> to_heart_2
remove alias /tmnt -> teenage_mutant_ninja_turtles
remove alias /tn -> takamachi_nanoha
remove alias /tr -> translation_request
remove alias /ttgl -> tengen_toppa_gurren_lagann
remove alias /twks -> toki_wo_kakeru_shoujo
remove alias /unib -> under_night_in-birth
remove alias /vlh -> very_long_hair
remove alias /yggr -> you_gonna_get_raped
remove alias /yr -> yakumo_ran
remove alias /yy -> yakumo_yukari
remove alias /znt -> zero_no_tsukaima
remove alias /zr -> zettai_ryouiki

More aliases continued from above.

BUR #4254 has been approved by @evazion.


remove alias /ac -> alternate_color
remove alias /ar -> asakura_ryouko
remove alias /bof -> breath_of_fire
remove alias /db -> dragon_ball
remove alias /dc -> dennou_coil
remove alias /dp -> double_penetration
remove alias /fe -> fire_emblem
remove alias /fs -> flandre_scarlet
remove alias /ft -> fate_testarossa
remove alias /hb -> huge_breasts
remove alias /hr -> hakurei_reimu
remove alias /kh -> kingdom_hearts
remove alias /kk -> kamishirasawa_keine
remove alias /ls -> lucky_star
remove alias /ms -> moriya_suwako
remove alias /ny -> nagato_yuki
remove alias /os -> open_shirt
remove alias /rm -> rozen_maiden
remove alias /ro -> ragnarok_online
remove alias /sa -> shameimaru_aya
remove alias /sd -> symmetrical_docking
remove alias /sf -> street_fighter
remove alias /sh -> suzumiya_haruhi
remove alias /shns -> suzumiya_haruhi_no_shoushitsu
remove alias /ss -> school_swimsuit
remove alias /szs -> sayonara_zetsubou_sensei
remove alias /th -> to_heart
remove alias /wm -> wardrobe_malfunction
remove alias /wp -> wet_panties
remove alias /ye -> yagokoro_eirin
remove alias /zkc -> zettai_karen_children

These shortcuts will be different in the new system. For example, /hb will be hair bow not huge breasts. Some of these may take some getting used to. Most of these, though, I think aren't used much or no longer make sense.

This is what these shortcuts will be after these aliases are removed:

I'd give priority to common shortenings of copyright tags. Things like /db going from dragon ball to double bun, /fe going from fire_emblem to fox_ears, and /kh going from kingdom_hearts to kagiyama_hina feel kinda weird, since you usually see them called as such in a short manner.
An argument could be made for /sf going from street fighter to solo focus, which is a very common tag, but i feel this would mainly benefit the taggers than the common user.
On the other hand, i've never seen "SHNS" be used to refer to the haruhi series. Maybe case-by-case exceptions should be added?

Username_Hidden said:

I'd give priority to common shortenings of copyright tags. Things like /db going from dragon ball to double bun, /fe going from fire_emblem to fox_ears, and /kh going from kingdom_hearts to kagiyama_hina feel kinda weird, since you usually see them called as such in a short manner.
An argument could be made for /sf going from street fighter to solo focus, which is a very common tag, but i feel this would mainly benefit the taggers than the common user.
On the other hand, i've never seen "SHNS" be used to refer to the haruhi series. Maybe case-by-case exceptions should be added?

Same here, some of these feel very strange to me. I understand that the shortcut is based on whichever tag is bigger, but it would feel a lot more logical to me for an alias like /kh to link to something big like a series (Kingdom Hearts), especially if it's often called by that shortcut, rather than to a single character from a single franchise like Kagiyama Hina, even if the latter has more posts than the former. But then you run into the problem of having to decide which tag "deserves" the shortcut, too, so...

Astolfo said:

But then you run into the problem of having to decide which tag "deserves" the shortcut, too, so...

Most of the exceptions that would be made are main copyright tags of popular series. Copy > generic > char seems pretty straightforward to me, and not too arbitrary.
I'd be against making shortened tags of characters. I believe ones who would mainly benefit from select shortenings are series tags and generic tags.

The system is meant to make tagging faster by letting you shorten basically any tag you want, in a predictable way. You type /abc in autocomplete and you get all the tags starting with ABC, biggest tag first. This is simple and predictable.

There are no exceptions or decisions about which tags are most deserving because that makes the system unpredictable. You type something like /sh or /ls in autocomplete, thinking you'll get short hair or long sleeves first, but instead you get Suzumiya Haruhi or Lucky Star because those series were popular 10 years ago. Or you type /tr for translation request and you get Touken Ranbu instead because that's the most popular TR copyright tag. It's important that when you shorten a tag, you can predict what the results will be.

evazion said:

The system is meant to make tagging faster by letting you shorten basically any tag you want, in a predictable way. You type /abc in autocomplete and you get all the tags starting with ABC, biggest tag first. This is simple and predictable.

There are no exceptions or decisions about which tags are most deserving because that makes the system unpredictable. You type something like /sh or /ls in autocomplete, thinking you'll get short hair or long sleeves first, but instead you get Suzumiya Haruhi or Lucky Star because those series were popular 10 years ago. Or you type /tr for translation request and you get Touken Ranbu instead because that's the most popular TR copyright tag. It's important that when you shorten a tag, you can predict what the results will be.

This is exactly what I was thinking as well but I wasn't sure how to word it, it makes it more fair.

It is and isn't predictable. The fact that what comes up from a shortcut isn't static and completely dependent on tag count means that you'll never be able to reliably know what a shortcut does until you actually use it.

What about create short name group?
Sign separator "/" for fast type, or another sign ("|", "\", etc). I write cp|ch|m|a|g, but exist short name (howto:tag) also aviable to use.

If write without tag group, then use basic algorithm. Else use group filtered basic algorithm.

Pretty much what Renim said.

evazion said:

You type something like /sh or /ls in autocomplete, thinking you'll get short hair or long sleeves first, but instead you get Suzumiya Haruhi or Lucky Star because those series were popular 10 years ago. Or you type /tr for translation request and you get Touken Ranbu instead because that's the most popular TR copyright tag. It's important that when you shorten a tag, you can predict what the results will be.

I agree with this, but it's also true that if you type /fe you wouldn't expect fox_ears.
Doesn't help that Fire Emblem is gaining in popularity - the difference between fox_ears and fire_emblem is "just" of ~10k posts, but a lot of FE artworks have appeared in the past few years, and i have reasons to believe that the tag can overcome fox_ears in less than 3 years. This would mean that people who would then expect /fe to be fox_ears will suddenly be greeted with fire_emblem, again.

On a less speculative note,

You type something like /sh or /ls in autocomplete, thinking you'll get short hair or long sleeves first, but instead you get Suzumiya Haruhi or Lucky Star because those series were popular 10 years ago.

/kh would change from Kingdom Hearts to Kagiyama_hina.
While it is true that Hina has more posts overrall, KH is more famous, having games still coming out, while Hina is just a minor Touhou character coming from a 13-years old game (and i'm not sure if she has ever received any new appearance since).

NWF_Renim said:

It is and isn't predictable. The fact that what comes up from a shortcut isn't static and completely dependent on tag count means that you'll never be able to reliably know what a shortcut does until you actually use it.

You can see what the shortcut does in autocomplete before you hit enter. You're not expected to use these shortcuts completely blind without seeing what they'll do first.

The instability is unfortunate, but regular autocomplete already suffers from the same problem. You get used to a certain tag being first in autocomplete, but then we do an alias or implication and suddenly it's no longer the first tag. Or some new tag comes out and it becomes more popular than your tag. Now you have to retrain your muscle memory. It's annoying but you just have to get used to it.

Dolmatov said:

What about create short name group?
Sign separator "/" for fast type, or another sign ("|", "\", etc). I write cp|ch|m|a|g, but exist short name (howto:tag) also aviable to use.

If write without tag group, then use basic algorithm. Else use group filtered basic algorithm.

I think this is too hard to type. In most cases it would be easier to just type e.g. /fe then use down arrow if the tag you want isn't at the top of the list.

Username_Hidden said:

/kh would change from Kingdom Hearts to Kagiyama_hina.
While it is true that Hina has more posts overrall, KH is more famous, having games still coming out, while Hina is just a minor Touhou character coming from a 13-years old game (and i'm not sure if she has ever received any new appearance since).

My point is that copyrights and characters always lose popularity over time, so anything that gives priority to copyright or character tags over general tags eventually ends up with good shortcuts being wasted on old tags.

evazion said:

My point is that copyrights and characters always lose popularity over time, so anything that gives priority to copyright or character tags over general tags eventually ends up with good shortcuts being wasted on old tags.

You're right, but my point was that the opposite can also happen. FE has been getting a steady increase in fanart recently, and although i can't speak for other copyrights i doubt it's the only old copytag that is getting more attention lately.

NWF_Renim said:

Would it be worthwhile having like an automated thread that keeps track of when an existing shortcut that is over a certain age (and probably over a certain number of posts) ends up changing?

+1, would definitely be helpful

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