
Removing legacy shortcut aliases

Posted under General

/fe now links to fox ears, but before that the autocomplete shows all other still-existing shortcut aliases, which are /fe1, /fe2, [...], which take precedence over fox ears due to them being aliases. This causes fox ears to not pop up at all in the autocomplete, which could cause confusion.
Dragon Ball has a similar issue, albeit not as much. The first result by typing /db is the /dbgt alias, but there's nothing past that.

I personally wouldn't be against removing them since they cause bloat, but some game's names are a bit of a mouthful, and i can see why someone would keep them. Maybe making them not pop up on the autocomplete would be an option?

I intend to get rid of all existing legacy shortcut aliases, exactly because of this problem of where they take priority over shortcuts in the new system.

NWF_Renim said:

Would it be worthwhile having like an automated thread that keeps track of when an existing shortcut that is over a certain age (and probably over a certain number of posts) ends up changing?

Well, if someone wants to tackle that problem, they're welcome to do so. It's tricky because it requires monitoring all tags, and there's nothing you can really do about it when a tag does change. Just like there's nothing you can do about it when regular autocomplete results change.

BUR #4447 has been approved by @evazion.


remove alias /abstractbg -> abstract_background
remove alias /aquabg -> aqua_background
remove alias /argylebg -> argyle_background
remove alias /argbg -> argyle_background
remove alias /blackbg -> black_background
remove alias /bluebg -> blue_background
remove alias /brownbg -> brown_background
remove alias /cardbg -> card_background
remove alias /censoredbg -> censored_background
remove alias /checkeredbg -> checkered_background
remove alias /ckbg -> checkered_background
remove alias /checkbg -> checkered_background
remove alias /darkbg -> dark_background
remove alias /firebg -> fiery_background
remove alias /fierybg -> fiery_background
remove alias /floralbg -> floral_background
remove alias /fruitbg -> fruit_background
remove alias /gbg -> gradient_background
remove alias /gradientbg -> gradient_background
remove alias /greenbg -> green_background
remove alias /graybg -> grey_background
remove alias /greybg -> grey_background
remove alias /htbg -> halftone_background
remove alias /halftonebg -> halftone_background
remove alias /heartbg -> heart_background
remove alias /honeycombbg -> honeycomb_background
remove alias /leafbg -> leaf_background
remove alias /multicoloredbg -> multicolored_background
remove alias /orangebg -> orange_background
remove alias /photobg -> photo_background
remove alias /pinkbg -> pink_background
remove alias /plaidbg -> plaid_background
remove alias /polkadotbg -> polka_dot_background
remove alias /pdbg -> polka_dot_background
remove alias /purplebg -> purple_background
remove alias /rainbowbg -> rainbow_background
remove alias /redbg -> red_background
remove alias /sepiabg -> sepia_background
remove alias /sbg -> simple_background
remove alias /simplebg -> simple_background
remove alias /spiralbg -> spiral_background
remove alias /starbg -> starry_background
remove alias /starrybg -> starry_background
remove alias /stripedbg -> striped_background
remove alias /tbg -> transparent_background
remove alias /transparentbg -> transparent_background
remove alias /two-tonebg -> two-tone_background
remove alias /wbg -> white_background
remove alias /whitebg -> white_background
remove alias /yellowbg -> yellow_background

Remove various legacy shortcuts for background tags. Most of these don't get any use and aren't really any easier to type than the actual tag. The only ones that get any use are /wbg, /sbg, /whitebg, and /simplebg. By that I mean I found one or two people using them in the last week, that's it. After this, you'll have to use /wb and /sb instead.

BUR #4449 has been approved by @evazion.

remove alias /blackh -> black_hair
remove alias /blondeh -> blonde_hair
remove alias /blueh -> blue_hair
remove alias /brownh -> brown_hair
remove alias /dsleeves -> detached_sleeves
remove alias /ftrad -> faux_traditional_media
remove alias /greenh -> green_hair
remove alias /hbobbles -> hair_bobbles
remove alias /hflower -> hair_flower
remove alias /hornament -> hair_ornament
remove alias /hribbon -> hair_ribbon
remove alias /lsleeves -> long_sleeves
remove alias /pinkh -> pink_hair
remove alias /psleeves -> puffy_sleeves
remove alias /purpleh -> purple_hair
remove alias /redh -> red_hair
remove alias /ssleeves -> short_sleeves
remove alias /silverh -> silver_hair
remove alias /trad -> traditional_media
remove alias /wsleeves -> wide_sleeves

These are shortcuts that aren't consistent with the current system of using just the tag's initials. In most cases, these shortcuts aren't really even any easier to type than the actual tag. For example, /blondeh or /dsleeves can just as easily be found with blond<Tab> or detach<Tab>, or even just blo<Tab> or det<Tab>.

BUR #4450 has been approved by @evazion.


remove alias /at1 -> ar_tonelico_i
remove alias /at2 -> ar_tonelico_ii
remove alias /at3 -> ar_tonelico_iii
remove alias /haganai -> boku_wa_tomodachi_ga_sukunai
remove alias /bokutomo -> boku_wa_tomodachi_ga_sukunai
remove alias /ccs -> cardcaptor_sakura
remove alias /dbgt -> dragon_ball_gt
remove alias /dq1 -> dragon_quest_i
remove alias /dq2 -> dragon_quest_ii
remove alias /dq3 -> dragon_quest_iii
remove alias /dq4 -> dragon_quest_iv
remove alias /dq9 -> dragon_quest_ix
remove alias /dq5 -> dragon_quest_v
remove alias /dq6 -> dragon_quest_vi
remove alias /dq7 -> dragon_quest_vii
remove alias /dq8 -> dragon_quest_viii
remove alias /dq10 -> dragon_quest_x
remove alias /ff4tay -> final_fantasy_iv_the_after
remove alias /ff4ta -> final_fantasy_iv_the_after
remove alias /fe11 -> fire_emblem_awakening
remove alias /fe4 -> fire_emblem:_genealogy_of_the_holy_war
remove alias /fe3 -> fire_emblem:_mystery_of_the_emblem
remove alias /fe9 -> fire_emblem:_path_of_radiance
remove alias /fe10 -> fire_emblem:_radiant_dawn
remove alias /fe1 -> fire_emblem:_shadow_dragon_and_the_blade_of_light
remove alias /fe6 -> fire_emblem:_the_binding_blade
remove alias /fe7 -> fire_emblem:_the_blazing_blade
remove alias /fe8 -> fire_emblem:_the_sacred_stones
remove alias /fe5 -> fire_emblem:_thracia_776
remove alias /fm -> fujiwara_no_mokou
remove alias /logh -> ginga_eiyuu_densetsu
remove alias /gsg -> gunslinger_girl
remove alias /hig -> higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni
remove alias /jintai -> jinrui_wa_suitai_shimashita
remove alias /jjkb -> jojo_no_kimyou_na_bouken
remove alias /jjba -> jojo_no_kimyou_na_bouken
remove alias /kir -> kirche_augusta_frederica_von_anhalt_zerbst
remove alias /kah -> kiss-shot_acerola-orion_heart-under-blade
remove alias /nakaimo -> kono_naka_ni_hitori_imouto_ga_iru!
remove alias /ksnh -> kyoukaisenjou_no_horizon
remove alias /lv -> louise_francoise_le_blanc_de_la_valliere
remove alias /pmmm -> mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica
remove alias /mahoyo -> mahou_tsukai_no_yoru
remove alias /maoyuu -> maoyuu_maou_yuusha
remove alias /marimite -> maria-sama_ga_miteru
remove alias /mgs5 -> metal_gear_solid_v
remove alias /mlpfim -> my_little_pony_friendship_is_magic
remove alias /oniai -> onii-chan_dakedo_ai_sae_areba_kankeinai_yo_ne
remove alias /otsnn -> ookami-san
remove alias /psg -> panty_&_stocking_with_garterbelt
remove alias /pspo2i -> phantasy_star_portable_2_infinity
remove alias /pkani -> pokemon_(anime)
remove alias /pkgame -> pokemon_(game)
remove alias /precuremnt -> precure_all_stars_new_stage:_mirai_no_tomodachi
remove alias /syx -> shiki_eiki
remove alias /fpp3 -> shiomi_kotone
remove alias /so1 -> star_ocean_first_departure
remove alias /so4 -> star_ocean_the_last_hope
remove alias /so2 -> star_ocean_the_second_story
remove alias /so3 -> star_ocean_till_the_end_of_time
remove alias /str -> strength_(black_rock_shooter)
remove alias /swrog -> super_robot_wars_original_generation
remove alias /ssbb -> super_smash_bros.
remove alias /ssbm -> super_smash_bros.
remove alias /loz -> the_legend_of_zelda
remove alias /railgun -> to_aru_kagaku_no_railgun
remove alias /index -> to_aru_majutsu_no_index
remove alias /to -> touhou
remove alias /uniel -> under_night_in-birth
remove alias /su -> urushihara_satoshi
remove alias /us -> urushihara_satoshi
remove alias /vivipan -> vividred_operation
remove alias /vo -> vocaloid

These are shortcuts for various copyrights and characters. These fall into a few categories:

Correct me if I'm getting it wrong somehow (even though I checked) but it seems like / followed by an acronym of an alias does not currently show up.

A few of those (like /loz and /pmmm) are acronyms of relatively common terms for the series, and from series that still generate interest, but which won't show up anymore as a result, but which people might expect to do so.

That's correct, it doesn't work for aliases. I may add this, but I'm not sure because there's a higher chance of unintended tags showing up. For example, you type /bh and you unexpectedly get Azur Lane because of the Bilan Hangxian -> Azur Lane alias.

For /loz and /pmmm, you can use /tloz and /msmm instead. These are different, but it's not a big adjustment and these shortcuts also return other related tags (e.g. /tloz returns all the Zelda copyright tags)

Ontariotaku said:

Not sure if this was an intended consequence or not, but since this applied, /to now redirects to tongue out (108k results) rather than touhou (660k results)

touhou is one word, so the new shortcut is /t. It will be second in the list once the /tt and /ttt aliases are removed.

BUR #6131 has been approved by @evazion.


remove alias /\ -> ^^^
remove alias /\/\ -> ^^^
remove alias /\/\/\ -> ^^^
remove alias /acl -> asymmetrical_clothes
remove alias /acol -> alternate_color
remove alias /acos -> alternate_costume
remove alias /adcos -> adapted_costume
remove alias /ahs -> alternate_hairstyle
remove alias /ahw -> alternate_headwear
remove alias /art -> artist_request
remove alias /awe -> alternate_weapon
remove alias /awi -> alternate_wings
remove alias /bun -> bunny_ears
remove alias /cat -> cat_ears
remove alias /char -> character_request
remove alias /com -> commentary_request
remove alias /copy -> copyright_request
remove alias /dog -> dog_ears
remove alias /fox -> fox_ears
remove alias /gar -> garter_belt
remove alias /nboys -> multiple_boys
remove alias /nfcm -> clothed_male_nude_female
remove alias /ngirls -> multiple_girls
remove alias /nmcf -> clothed_female_nude_male
remove alias /se -> serafuku
remove alias /shl -> shirt_lift
remove alias /sk -> sketch
remove alias /skl -> skirt_lift
remove alias /src -> source_request
remove alias /tt -> twintails
remove alias /tth -> two-tone_hair
remove alias /wry -> wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

These are the last remaining shortcut aliases.

For the most part these aliases don't fit into the current system, are infrequently used, and have other alternatives under the current automatic abbreviation system (for example, you can use /fe and /de for fox ears and dog ears).

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