
New/repopulated tag discussion thread

Posted under General

I thought that there should be a discussion thread for this so that the New/Repopulated Tag Report (topic #15855) could remain free for only the regular reports or for suggestions of updates/changes to the reports.

Suggestions for changes to the topic title or the content of this opening post are welcome.

Copying over the last of the recent discussion in topic #15855/p14 to this thread.

kittey said (forum #159770):

Do we need these? Both were created by the same user for almost the same thing.

fossilnix said (forum #159771):

Maybe they could be combined with snagged and skirt_caught_on_branch to have a general tag for caught clothing. (Unless they're distinct enough to be kept separate?)

Unbreakable said (forum #159773):

I move the first one (before your post) to hanging in clothes so it could be more general but I'm open to suggestions.


Since someone had repopulated f, should there be an f_(letter) tag?

More information on single-letter tags: The letters E, N, P, R, and S have *_(letter) tags, while the letters A and H exist as unambiguated tags. (Moving A to A_(letter) would be troublesome because the early usage was for the Azamanga Daioh "speech bubble with あ! in it" trend -- that is, the posts don't actually contain the letter "A".) M is an artist (that got mistagged on a whole gallery-worth of Creayus posts), V and W are hand gestures, X is a shape, and Z is aliased to ZZZ.

Yeah, I'd say that letters that are supposed to mean English letters should have the _(letter) qualifier. If we're going to make this a qualifier though, we should probably rename the artist yon_(letter) that is currently using it (artist #111766).

Speaking of similar qualifiers, should we also do the same with the numbers? It seems like some already have the _(number) qualifier, though the majority currently don't. Either way, it should probably be standardized. There's also a couple of artists with number as a qualifier that would need to be renamed.

BrokenEagle98 said:

I thought that there should be a discussion thread for this so that the New/Repopulated Tag Report (topic #15855) could remain free for only the regular reports or for suggestions of updates/changes to the reports.

Could you link this thread at the bottom of every (new) report so that new users know about it? (And lazy users don’t need to search. :P)
“Discuss any new or repopulated tags in topic #16337.”

fossilnix said (forum #159771):

Maybe they could be combined with snagged and skirt_caught_on_branch to have a general tag for caught clothing. (Unless they're distinct enough to be kept separate?)

Are there no shirts or other articles of clothing caught on branches? I’d support a general tag for caught clothing.

I’m all for _(letter) and _(number) tags because that makes single character typos easier to catch.

iridescent_slime said:

I noticed that nearly_naked_shirt was repopulated with 19 posts yesterday after being purged six years ago (topic #9601). The reason given for its deletion at the time was that it was essentially the same as a no_pants search, which seems to true of its new incarnation as well. Do we want to nuke this tag once again?

I vote yes. Incidentally, all those posts are indeed already tagged no_pants. (How is post #3738755 even “nearly naked”? Her whole torso is covered by a t-shirt.)


Useful? It seems to have something to do with dress_lift and skirt_lift, but it's hard to say what. The term "semicircle" is really confusing here; many of the images with this tag (e.g. post #3342564 and post #3691295) don't have any obvious shapes that I would describe as a semicircle, so it's hard to see what this tag is doing here. If this tag is to be kept, it desperately needs a wiki (and possibly a rename) to make its purpose clear to everyone.

EDIT: I just noticed that @finalwar has created numerous related tags in the past couple months: air_pantyshot, circle_dress, clothes_between_thighs, spread_dress, spread_skirt, swing_clothes, teppeki_skirt, umbrella-flared_dress, umbrella-flared_skirt. There may be more, but those are the ones I've found so far. Is it useful to have such an extreme degree of granularity among different skirt/dress positions?


iridescent_slime said:


Useful? It seems to have something to do with dress_lift and skirt_lift, but it's hard to say what. The term "semicircle" is really confusing here; many of the images with this tag (e.g. post #3342564 and post #3691295) don't have any obvious shapes that I would describe as a semicircle, so it's hard to see what this tag is doing here. If this tag is to be kept, it desperately needs a wiki (and possibly a rename) to make its purpose clear to everyone.

I don't see any real use out of this tag (as with most tags created by the same user) and it can't really say I get it either.

I agree that some tags should be renamed.
Just think about we can add some child tags for skirt lift/dress lift to differentiate some common and special patterns.
There are many posts with those patterns, but often without any lift tag. In other words, no tags can cover those types at all.
And I think the scope of skirt lift/dress lift (also skirt flip/dress flip) is too broad, not very useful. Or we can make floating clothes more useful.

Then we can also consider some directional lift like front lift , back lift , side lift .

finalwar said:

Just think about we can add some child tags for skirt lift/dress lift to differentiate some common and special patterns.
There are many posts with those patterns, but often without any lift tag. In other words, no tags can cover those types at all.
And I think the scope of skirt lift/dress lift (also skirt flip/dress flip) is too broad, not very useful.

I'm not at all opposed to creating new tags as required, but there has to be some kind of reasonable limit to how specifically we tag all the different variations on how clothes hang from the body. Otherwise we run into the problem of diminishing returns as it gets harder for uploaders to objectively determine exactly which tag to use for any given image, and fewer users will have a use for tags as they get progressively narrower.

For comparison, we have six different tags for breast size and six different tags for hair length, which is more than adequate for quantifying these things. On the other hand, in topic #16431 you proposed ten new classes of tags for skirts and dresses, and now you're adding even more suggestions. This is complete overkill. At most, I can see some value in tags for skirts that flare out or are tucked in along the hem, and a single tag for skirts and dresses stretched out into a circle seems fine. But tagging the precise angle or the shape made by a windblown skirt is simply not necessary.

Or we can make floating clothes more useful.

Floating_clothes is a vague and inconsistently-used tag that we could probably do without. Some of the earliest uses of this tag were for things like garments floating on water or levitating without any connection to the body, which contrasts with whatever you've been using the tag for. It should probably be removed from all dress_lift and skirt_lift posts if not nuked altogether, since we don't need a tag that ends up being largely redundant to a ~dress_lift ~skirt_lift search.

Then we can also consider some directional lift like front lift , back lift , side lift .

Again, probably not necessary. We don't tag the direction in which hair gets blown by the wind either, and I can't imagine why this would be more important than that, considering that most character art is focused on heads and faces rather than skirts.

I shall confess to being the one who revived nearly naked shirt. Firstly in my defense, I couldn't have known that it had already been purged six years ago, since that was before I joined the site. Secondly, I based it on nearly_naked_apron which is well-established with 630 posts.


@iridescent_slime said:

The reason given for its deletion at the time was that it was essentially the same as a no_pants search, which seems to true of its new incarnation as well.

no_pants is tremendously underpopulated. For example, every one of those 630 nearly_naked_apron posts should be tagged no_pants as well; only 8 of them, 1.3%, actually are.

I'll start from the point where I've almost created a tag mess. So here we are.

I been creating and populating character tags for that small number "Dead By Daylight" posts (killers, specifically) and then was struck - the game now has a lot killers as direct references from (in)famous "bloody" horror movies (Leatherface, Fredy Krugger, Michael Myers etc). So how we should tag "cross-reference" characters, as most arts with killers' line-up are, in fact, just tribute to characters with no relation to game at all?

DeadW@nderer said:

I'll start from the point where I've almost created a tag mess. So here we are.

I been creating and populating character tags for that small number "Dead By Daylight" posts (killers, specifically) and then was struck - the game now has a lot killers as direct references from (in)famous "bloody" horror movies (Leatherface, Fredy Krugger, Michael Myers etc). So how we should tag "cross-reference" characters, as most arts with killers' line-up are, in fact, just tribute to characters with no relation to game at all?

Does the game give the killers unique names or aliases (e.g. "The Butcher")? Unless the studio got a license to use the iconic characters, they should be differentiated enough.

Hillside_Moose said:

Does the game give the killers unique names or aliases (e.g. "The Butcher")? Unless the studio got a license to use the iconic characters, they should be differentiated enough.

According to official wiki, they do both with few exceptions. Danbooru tags started with names though (Rin Yamaoka was among first ones, so I've continued that way). Exceptions were "The Legion", who represents four people under same alias.
I've came here to draw the line, where we should tag character from the movie or from the game. One of my opinions, that we are tagging the "guest character" anyways, so why not we tag both?

The game do have it's unique characters, but "name" vs "alias" IMO is still in the air.


nonamethanks said:

I think it's meant to be for cum that remains in the uterus after sex, rather than actually holding semen, so while the tag has potential it should be renamed to something clearer.

That's kinda obvious by looking at the images though, I'm wondering if it's distinct enough to have a tag for it rather than using searches.

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