
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

iridescent_slime said:

Pools are for posts that are either part of a series or which share a unifying theme. This pool ("Danbooru GET") is neither. Just like the long-gone "Swimming in the Pools" and "Tag Panic" pools, it's based entirely on meta information from Danbooru's gallery. We don't do that anymore.

I could live with it if it were limited to million post GETs, as those are somewhat interesting and there is at least some usefulness in being able to browse them easily. As it stands though, this pool is just a bunch of random shitposts from 10+ years ago that weren't interesting GETs even back then.

BUR #4060 has been approved by @evazion.

mass update pool:5611 -> -pool:5611

pool #5611 - "Imouto" - technically is for characters behaving like younger sisters, but in truth more than half of the posts are for a specific character (pool:Imouto kyon_no_imouto) and there's all kind of posts in there: solo posts, pantyshots, nude pics with no dialog nor any way to tell the character is behaving younger than they are, and of course the obligatory streak of incest porn. Hardly worth keeping around, especially since we have siblings and derivative tags.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4060 (forum #176637) has been approved by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Looks like we had an imouto tag before, then we replaced it with a pool, then the pool became garbage too. This is why I don't believe in turning subjective tags into pools. If a tag is shit then making it a pool isn't going to make it less shit. If we want a tag for the concept or stereotype or an imouto, then just make it a tag and keep it well gardened.

pool #4169
pool #2233
pool #13382
Are character groups pools like these really necessary? Supposedly, pools shouldn't exist in place of tag combinations (my proposal for a Kancolle character pool a while back got rejected on that ground). I also remember that way back there was a similar pool with Marisa, Alice, and Patchouli that got deleted.

SSJG said:

pool #4169
pool #2233
pool #13382
Are character groups pools like these really necessary? Supposedly, pools shouldn't exist in place of tag combinations (my proposal for a Kancolle character pool a while back got rejected on that ground). I also remember that way back there was a similar pool with Marisa, Alice, and Patchouli that got deleted.

For reference, there's an entire section in pool_group:touhou for those pools.
I personally think some may be worth keeping? Mainly the broader ones such as pool #4169 or pool #2353, where they group many kinds of searches together.