post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Pools

Posted under General

SSJG said:

Since I remembered this thread again, I'd like bring up pool #1513 once more. It's made redundant given that one can search height_difference + hetero, yaoi or yuri. The only argument I can see against it is that it's supposedly only for "romantic" images so it doesn't accept one of the partners being more dominant.

Personally, I like this argument in favor of maintaining pool #1513 so I'm not entirely against nuking it. I could see this pool working for people who just want to see partners with different heights in cute romantic situations, like post #4167111. If you look through height difference I would say 2/3 or more of the posts are either domination or friendly/neutral relationships.

mongirlfan said:

Personally, I like this argument in favor of maintaining pool #1513 so I'm not entirely against nuking it. I could see this pool working for people who just want to see partners with different heights in cute romantic situations, like post #4167111. If you look through height difference I would say 2/3 or more of the posts are either domination or friendly/neutral relationships.

If someone wants cute or romantic situations, they can search couple height_difference.

nonamethanks said:

BUR #6023 has been approved by @evazion.

mass update pool:Pokemon_-_Hypno_Persuasion -> -pool:Pokemon_-_Hypno_Persuasion

Useless pool. Proper hypnosis is under hypno hypnosis but the pool also has random posts of hypno being beat up or not using hypnosis at all.

I think this is one of those cases where subversions (e.g. hypnosis failing and getting beat up) and parodies also get included. And implied references to the trope (Hypno/Drowzee about to use hypnosis, or using a non-hypnotic method of manipulation).

Though I do agree that most of them just fall under ~hypno ~drowsee hypnosis, and the subversions under ~hypno ~drowsee role_reversal (or can be tagged role_reversal). Examples without explicit hypnosis are also very rare anyhow, so yes, perhaps this pool is unnecessary after all.

nonamethanks said:

BUR #6112 has been approved by @evazion.

mass update pool:False_Smiles -> false_smile -pool:False_Smiles
create alias fake_smile -> false_smile

Never understood why this is a pool instead of a tag.

There can often be some element of subjectivity to it, making it unsuitable as a tag for some people. Certain examples under the pool require meta knowledge to realize that the smile is, well, false. Examples:

  • post #821717
    • Requires meta knowledge of the character, the owner of the glasses, and a specific Macross plot event.
  • post #1781366
    • Requires meta knowledge of how Keine is portrayed in the Touhou fanbase.
  • post #4222511
    • Requires meta knowledge of how UMP45 is portrayed in the GFL fanbase (i.e. LOL flat character). As well as catching the chopping board visual pun.
  • post #4152944
    • Requires meta knowledge of how Atlanta (and the other shipgirls) are portrayed in Ido's fan series.

(There may also be some examples that rely on commentary text, though haven't ran into yet.)

This was probably why it was 'conceptualized' as a pool.

That said, most of the other posts are apparent at first glance, even to a viewer with zero knowledge of the character and series. And some other tags like yandere and jealous may also require similar subjective interpretation sometimes. As such, I'm not entirely opposed to turning the pool into a tag.


Abstract and subjective are two different things. We have a lot of pools like this that aren't really subjective, they're just abstract. "Cute" and "funny" and "sexy" are subjective concepts. They're completely up to personal taste. "Smiling on the outside, but unhappy on the inside" isn't a subjective concept, it's an abstract concept. The same way that something like yandere isn't a subjective concept, it's an abstract trope.

I think people get hung up on this because most tags are for concrete concepts. "This picture has a flower" or "this character has black hair" are very concrete, yes-or-no concepts. But "this character is smiling to hide her pain" is more abstract, harder to define, which gets mistaken for subjectivity.