post #9000000 GET!

Question pertaining to Terms of Service

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Since it was brought up, no, score will never, ever be a determining factor in acceptance. People will, without fail, upvote crap. Even (especially?) clear TOS violations. Score does not work.

スラッシュ said: Here's how I see it:
Just my view of things.

Completely agree on all counts. Danbooru is not a closed system, but neither is it a free for all. And that is by design. Every imageboard has some rules and norms and expectations. There may be imageboards that suit certain people's tastes better than Danbooru. And since the software is completely free and available, anyone can make their own with the requisite technical skills. The reason I choose Danbooru instead of any other imageboard is because it does have quality control, and a TOS (which I feel is too narrow if anything, not too broad), and mostly like-minded moderators. If that drives some people off with more extreme tastes, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that bothers me. Sorry.

I understand nobody wants the site to turn into one of those *chan sites. (I'm in agreement with that concept considering how ridiculous they can be). But what's the point of having a site if your not willing to branch out to the users? It's like being Anime Figurines, useless paper weights that serve no purpose, (I know that sounds like blasphemy considering where I am, but it is true). Granted I understand the concept of trying to weed out posts and users that say and upload crap, but who's to say what's crap and what's not? Don't get me wrong I respect the jobs admins, mods, janitors, ect. do, but that doesn't mean they're the voice of everyone on the site. The tags like the given example of huge futanari that was presented, doesn't bring down the quality of the site at all. The site has many ways to avoid tags that don't interest others. And I'm pretty sure the ToS was like ePlus pointed out a guideline really, not a set in stone law. What's going on now seems more like a play of elitism and alienation of users. Special account members aren't the only ones using the site.

jxh2154 said:
And since the software is completely free and available, anyone can make their own with the requisite technical skills. The reason I choose Danbooru instead of any other imageboard is because it does have quality control, and a TOS (which I feel is too narrow if anything, not too broad), and mostly like-minded moderators. If that drives some people off with more extreme tastes, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that bothers me. Sorry.

The problem with that is, as I pointed out elitism. there's no point in having a site open to all like this, if you only favor a select few that agree with you. Granted no one is holding a gun to anyone's head saying they have to go to this site and look at what you tell us to. But in the end it's bringing the site down in the same way as you see people with extreme fetishes are.

jxh2154 said:
Since it was brought up, no, score will never, ever be a determining factor in acceptance. People will, without fail, upvote crap. Even (especially?) clear TOS violations. Score does not work.

It's not an impossible thing to do, you don't have to branch it out to the random stop in to joke around *channer like users. It's possible to have the votes count on diligent, constant users. The ones who loyally visit the site.


I wanted to simplify the prohibited content listing:

  • Photography: Photographs in general are not accepted.
  • Furry: Any image or movie where a person's skin is made of fur or scales.
  • Watermarked: Any image where a person who is not the original copyright owner has placed a watermark on the image.
  • Poorly compressed: Any image where compression artifacts are easily visible.
  • Grotesque: Any depiction of extreme mutilation, extreme bodily distension, feces, or bodies that are far outside the realm of normal human proportion (for example, breasts or penises that are as large as the body).
  • Nude Filter: Images that have been edited by someone other than the original creator to remove clothing or censorship. These typically feature crude drawings of breasts or genitalia laid on top of the original image.

There's a question of whether these should be hard bans. That way it's easier to enforce. But exceptions could easily exist. There's plenty of beautiful guro art. Photographs of figures straddle the borderline. Bad compression might be acceptable if it's some rare scan of a popular and incredibly skilled artist.

But these are hard judgement calls to make, both for the uploader and the approver.

You're asking for danbooru to go back to the way it was before quality moderation, but I'm fairly certain that will never happen. It was tried (before my time, admittedly), and it didn't work. We aren't running a charity or a democracy.

I feel like you either didn't read my post or it didn't penetrate, because that's exactly what I addressed: we don't provide for all the people here. That's just not what danbooru is about, the moment we installed a mod queue and quality control, we removed any trace of objectivity from danbooru. I think it's better than the alternative, but then, I'm a moderator, so I would say that...

We eliminate certain elements because we see them as detrimental to the quality of the site as a whole. The semenonfigure stuff, the nude filters recently... We remove them because they represent something that we don't want danbooru to represent.

Some people like those things of course, but the people in charge decide whether those things stay or not. I mean, one reason we install guidelines like that is because we think that most people (especially the silent masses, and especially people who come to danbooru for the quality of the art) are not just not interested, but even repulsed by that type of material.

I believe there actually is a 'booru site that runs with practically no moderation though: Gelbooru. Try that? (Not meant in a "you don't suit us, go away" type post either, but if you want that level of freedom of content, I really think that site or another like it would be more suited to you than danbooru.)

EDIT: albert--is this "no photos" rule new? I was under the impression that photos were accepted. There's a lot of photographed content that I've been approving (paper dolls, figurines, good cosplay..).


Since when don't we accept photos? I remember the rushed photo purge from a month back, about which I'm still bitter, but I'm not aware of any rules that would actually forbid on-topic photos.

Fencedude said:
I don't really see how photos are topical here at all, with some very specific and narrow exceptions.

You wouldn't - you were one of the prime culprits who wildly misinterpreted the "off topic" purge 葉月 is referring to as "delete all photos regardless of of whether they're off topic or not".

That might have to be an "exceptions made on a case-by-case basis" system, then, wouldn't it?

I mean, I'm all for low-quality/low-res manga scans being taken off. However, what if it's the only known scan of that page(s)?
Would it be a decent workaround, perhaps, to keep the lower-res images until higher quality scans show up to supplant them?

Then again, it might be better to disallow posting entire manga chapters. Just the cover and one or two pertinent pages may be enough.

Just throwing out a few ideas.

I've been rejecting manga pages recently, since in my opinion the danbooru interface is not good for serial manga (in the sense that you need to read every page to get the story). I've still been approving 4koma and such though.

Low quality stuff is difficult. If the art is by one of my favorite artists or a really popular artist I sometimes approve them, like you said with the hope of supplanting it with a higher quality version in the future. In fact that's exactly what happened with that ino drawing of Meiko from a couple months ago. We started with a screenshot from the making of video on nicovideo and ended up with a high res version from piapro.

albert said: I think there was discussion about banning manga pages, unless a particular page by itself met quality standards.

Manga pages (if allowed at all; I very rarely approve them) should generally have the same criteria applied to them as game_cg. You can upload it, but it should stand on its own like any other independent piece of art, and we really don't need whole chapters or volumes.

Dragon_Samurai said: The problem with that is, as I pointed out elitism.

And by definition, that is what it is. Danbooru has never denied this. But it's seen as a degree of elitism necessary to avoid, as you noted, letting danbooru become one of the *chan sites. Which, btw, is practically what it had degenerated to before it went down and invite only for a long time.

I thought this was a Art Appreciation Website.

I mean it's just like Suiseiseki Said:

"I have to say, if everyone removed images they hate from danbooru, there wouldn't be anything left. People's tastes vary greatly, and something you find incredibly attractive may make someone else vomit.

That said, the only person who's opinion really matters is albert's, this is his system, he pays for it. He's yet to say futa/guro/pee doesn't belong here. There's a blacklist for a reason, use it."

If you hate the guro don't look at it, if you hate the dick girls DON'T LOOK AT IT! Turn around say you didn't see anything and begone, cause clearly..seems you guys are closet homosexuals the one who complain about this trivial nonsense. I really thought you guys were intelligent enough to just click the backspace button, not bash on the fans.


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