post #9000000 GET!

Question pertaining to Terms of Service

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Regarding post #427268, it was deleted due to a violation of ToS. I was wondering shouldn't previously posted pictures depicting abnormally-sized penises, usually of futanari, become deleted as well, including such instances that may be posted in the future?

The Terms of Service clearly state "Grotesque: Any depiction of extreme mutilation, extreme bodily distension, feces, or bodies that are far outside the realm of normal human proportion (for example, breasts that are as large as the body)"

Isn't a penis that extends mostly the length of a person's body fall into this category? Here are a few examples:
post #429036
post #407196
post #385681

Note that the last example was a picture I uploaded myself awhile ago, though I was unaware that it conflicted with the ToS, until recently. I apologize for even posting that. Ultimately, I wanted to clarify if these images go against Danbooru's rules, resulting in their deletion. Appropriate and respectful feedback would be much appreciated. If I am wrong, I apologize in advance for making this a waste.

Updated by jxh2154

Suiseiseki said:
Often the exceptions have redeeming qualities that make them acceptable, despite breaking the ToS. post #427268 has a lot of problems, but may have been left alone if ecchi rebirth hadn't made a big deal out of it.

Wait a minute. That post's parent was deleted at some point for the same reason as its child. Someone changed it back? Why? That, post #429890 (where this argument is also taking place), and the posts quoted here are clearly out of normal proportion, so either they go for the same reason as gigantic breasts or the grotesque clause needs a rewrite.


RaisingK said:
Wait a minute. That post's parent was deleted at some point for the same reason as its child. Someone changed it back? Why?

I'd like to know as well. I don't care much for that picture but I want to know the reason why one goes and the other stays. My theory is that that's one sexy slime. But I may be wrong.

I think whether a picture gets deleted or not all depends on A. which mod gets to it first,
B. which crowd (daytime, nighttime, morning) sees it first, and
C. what the immediate reaction to the picture is before another crowd can vote on it.

It's the testicles. You can get away with huge cocks (sometimes), but people hate huge testicles. Personally, I find these extreme futa pictures hilarious for their what value.

I think it would help things a lot if futanari was blacklisted by default. It would just be better for everyone involved if the majority of people who hate it didn't have to see it. Last I checked, it was actually the most blacklisted tag out there anyway.

RaisingK said:
post #429890 (where this argument is also taking place), and the posts quoted here are clearly out of normal proportion, so either they go for the same reason as gigantic breasts or the grotesque clause needs a rewrite.

I dunno, that image to me just looks like a perspective pic. It IS bigger than normal, but not overly out of proportion like the other pics in question. Someone else in the thread said the same.

PaizuriKin said:
Could someone tell me why guro/pee/scat all go untouched? If I could I would purge every image with the following involved. (the same for yaoi, I don't give a shit how old of a post)

Terms of Service

Grotesque: Any depiction of extreme mutilation, extreme bodily distension, feces, or bodies that are far outside the realm of normal human proportion (for example, breasts that are as large as the body).

Hm. Well, you can have guro without "extreme mutilation", judging by the last image I remember tagged with it, but I'm not familiar with that. There's nothing in the ToS about peeing, though you may be onto something with scat.

As if we didn't have enough to argue about...


I have to say, if everyone removed images they hate from danbooru, there wouldn't be anything left. People's tastes vary greatly, and something you find incredibly attractive may make someone else vomit.

That said, the only person who's opinion really matters is albert's, this is his system, he pays for it. He's yet to say futa/guro/pee doesn't belong here. There's a blacklist for a reason, use it.

RaisingK said:
It's not about hate, it's about following the ToS. It's called Prohibited Content. If X isn't actually prohibited, then the ToS is wrong and needs to be fixed.

Sorry, it was intended as a reply to PaizuriKin, your post intercepted mine. (I usually take a very long time to think about my posts)

EDIT: it was going to be a direct reply (its bad form to quote the post right above yours) I didn't see your post when I uploaded mine.


Granola said:
If its already there, they should stay. They've had their chance to be deleted.

Bullocks, TOS violation is TOS violation. Plus the ones recently deleted had already been there, for weeks even. Better start now or we'll have this place swamped in no time.

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