I was just noticing that for some old reason the tag short hair and very short hair is not meant to be tagged on male characters.
topic #2799
topic #13365
After reading those two topic I still only know that the reason to exclude males is, that if you want to search for short_hair, you want girls with short hair in your results (because it was like that in the past?). But I think that this rule is pretty much outdated, given the time that has passed by now and the arguments given in the specific topics about it. I don´t think it´s really necessary to exclude males, given some reasons:
It´s not really user friendly anymore. Even if we joke about it, that most users come here to see alot of cute anime girls, I don´t think that most of those users are really searching for short hair as a tag "alone". I guess they can search for, for exampel: bob_cut or tomboy, or any other way to get short hair like that. On the other hand it also destroys the possibility to search for 1boy alone with short hair. Last year ago I was searching for boys with short hair for private reasons and now I get, why I wasn´t able to get some good results out of it. It´s on any way hard to search for specific copyrights (with only 2-tag-search) and short hair, if you want some boys from them. Searching for fate_(series) and short hair will by now only get you a big amount of saber, jeanne, gudako and alot of mistagged hair_lenghts. The possibility to search for some boys with short hair is kinda zero. You would have to search for the specific character, but if you don´t know the name of him, it´s even harder to find stuff, because it´s a swamp of all those same characters repeating themselves over and over again, and the amount of original boys with no copyright is rising.
It´s also no argument to say, that boys are not upped that much, because then, it wouldn´t be a problem to tag them, because if I really want to search for cute girls with short hair, those few boys are not in the way. And I don´t think that member level users with restricted search are saying: "Man, boys have short hair too, thats a very shitty imageboard"
Another thing: topic #17086
We can´t tell anybody to "tag what you see", if this isn´t even correct. New users and when I started upping I was like that, looked at an image and assumed: I see short hair, I tag it. We can´t even assume that everybody is reading the wiki, even if we want it that way. It´s even bold to assume that everybody reads howto:tag, and given that specific wiki under general tags: No exclusion of male hair_lenghts
Character's features: hair length, hair color, hair style, decorations on head (hat, hair_ornament, hair_ribbon, etc), eyes color, and recognizable special attributes.
Goin on: Gettin the argument "you can search for it by excluding medium_hair and long_hair" I would have to assume, that every image is correctly tagged and as I know that this isn´t the case, you can just try searching for any specific character I didn´t clean and try "[character] -short_hair -medium_hair -long_hair -head_out_of_frame -very_long_hair" and try to figure for how many cases it´s not possible to take this method. (for example: hakurei_reimu -short_Hair -long_hair -medium_hair -head_out_of_frame: 25024 posts, where the hair_length is maybe not tagged correctly) You also can´t exclude it, if you want to have "party" image with more male_characters in it, because those results would be excluded.
Another one:
I won´t be able to search for boys with a specific shorter hair_lenght that, we all now, is given to. I don´t think, for exampel, that Gilgamesh has the same hair_lenght in most images than other male characters (post #3992220 against post #3773761 ; or, not fate: post #3997422) I wouldn´t be able to get those, because I cant search for very_short_hair, what is prohibited too. But you have to admit, that there is way more to go, between bald and medium_hair/shoulder_hair. Short hair isn´t exactly short hair.
And personally my last point is, that you don´t every copyright character and sometimes you have to search for them as a new user. It´s already hard enough to search for some (new) females, given that people tend to tag stuff as grey hair when it´s silver, white when it´s silver or whatever. If I wanted to search for, for example "Alexander" from Fate and I don´t know the name, I would go onto danbooru and try to search for him, for exampel with short_hair+red_hair+fate or 1boy+short_hair+fate. But I won´t get any usefull result of it, even if it´s sometimes really useful to do those kind of searches.
So, what I think make things easier:
1. Tag every person as we tell it all the time: "Tag what you see" and change the Wiki
2. Make specific hair_lenght tags for every sex (which is ugly): short_hair_boy, medium_hair_boy, short_hair_girl etc etc.
3. Let it stay like that and nuke "1boy solo -1girl" every few years, because people won´t stop tagging short_hair on 1boy solo images and following tag gardening, because those images aren´t always solo.
1. searching for 1boy short_hair is only possible if you´re ok to search for 1girl or multiple girls at the same time too
2. searching for 1boy -medium_hair -long_hair would mean that anybody is really adding the hair_lenght to their image and you won´t get any long_haired or medium_haired boys
3. you wont be really able to search for a character you don´t know
If I´m not to a specific copyright and don´t know the protagonist of "Kaguya-sama love is war" I would search for 1boy blonde_hair or 1boy short_hair to get him, but option 2 wouldn´t work here
4. It makes things way to complex
5. It´s more user friendly, bein able to search for 1boy and short_hair with only 2 possible tags to search / or male_focus short_hair
Maybe I forgot some arguments while I was at it, but I guess you can get my point. What are other opinions on this specific topic, as it´s pretty old right now?