post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

BrokenEagle98 said:

You have to click the version link which will then drill down to the searching commentary by post.

For most items on this site, the revert links only become visible when searching by the instance types that they are attached to. This is because the revert links have no context when they are just in the general listing.

Sorry, I can’t figure out how to revert commentary changes. Even when I click on the version link or use the commentary history link from a post, I don’t see any revert links. Clicking previous/subsequent/current anywhere doesn’t help either. :-?

As for undo links, they are only available on post versions at this time.


Several improvement in the post versions are already being made in issue #4369. If you have any suggestions beyond those, then those could be considered and added in as well.

Those planned changes look good. It’s just very hard to sift through tag vandalism at the moment because highlighting of obsolete changes was removed before the new style was rolled out.


kittey said:

Sorry, I can’t figure out how to revert commentary changes. Even when I click on the version link or use the commentary history link from a post, I don’t see any revert links. Clicking previous/subsequent/current anywhere doesn’t help either. :-?

You have to click the version links as I said. See the following for where I outlined them.

That particular view also becomes available when you click the "Commentary" link under History on a post.

BrokenEagle98 said:

You have to click the version links as I said. See the following for where I outlined them.

That particular view also becomes available when you click the "Commentary" link under History on a post.

Yes, that’s exactly where I went. I tried both.

I got it now. The problem was that the revert links – and only the revert links – are off-screen. There’s a lot of blank space in the middle and the whole list basically looks the same as the list without the revert links, including the properly centered footer. See here. (All user CSS is off, btw.)

Edit: Apparently the table width is set to 100% but the thumbnail is not part of it, so the full-width table is placed next to the thumbnail inside a flex environment, resulting in the off-screen overhang. The commentary history without the revert links has the thumbnail inside the table, so everything fits.


kittey said:

Yes, that’s exactly where I went. I tried both.

I got it now. The problem was that the revert links – and only the revert links – are off-screen. There’s a lot of blank space in the middle and the whole list basically looks the same as the list without the revert links, including the properly centered footer. See here. (All user CSS is off, btw.)

Edit: Apparently the table width is set to 100% but the thumbnail is not part of it, so the full-width table is placed next to the thumbnail inside a flex environment, resulting in the off-screen overhang.

Yeah, I see. It's not doing that in Chrome, which is why I didn't notice it. I tested it on Firefox which is where I saw the issue. I'll go ahead and file an issue for that.


Created issue #4378.
Created PR #4379


Text which is displayed partially or fully outside of the note box is now visible even in non-embedded notes. This is a problem because it did not used to be the case. In posts like post #3341502 where the text is supposed to be cut off, it is instead fully displayed and simply looks like a non-sequitur.

Just wanted to say, I'm removing locked:note and locked:rating from all those old posts that had them. This has caused us many problems in the past, like member level users not being able to change ratings for posts, and there's no reason for so many posts (13k for rating, 5k for notes) to be locked.
The vast majority of them seems to be under ID 300000 for notes, so they're not really a realistic target for vandalism either.
I've also opened issue #4395 because it doesn't seem like we're currently recording who locks what.

nonamethanks said:

Just wanted to say, I'm removing locked:note and locked:rating from all those old posts that had them. This has caused us many problems in the past, like member level users not being able to change ratings for posts, and there's no reason for so many posts (13k for rating, 5k for notes) to be locked.
The vast majority of them seems to be under ID 300000 for notes, so they're not really a realistic target for vandalism either.
I've also opened issue #4395 because it doesn't seem like we're currently recording who locks what.

I've had some very, very questionable changes to formatted notes I've made before. Some of them seem intentional, in which case the moderators took care of it from there, but some may have been unintentional. Locking the notes also locks whether the notes are embedded or not, which can greatly affect how they look. If we're adding tracking to changes on tag and note locks, we should also track changes to the embedded status of notes, imo.

Zurreak said:

I've had some very, very questionable changes to formatted notes I've made before. Some of them seem intentional, in which case the moderators took care of it from there, but some may have been unintentional. Locking the notes also locks whether the notes are embedded or not, which can greatly affect how they look. If we're adding tracking to changes on tag and note locks, we should also track changes to the embedded status of notes, imo.

I've left a note on that issue.

Editing error when the current picture number matches the specified parent number.

Error: undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass

ActionView::Template::Error exception raised
app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:108:in `block (2 levels) in respond_with_post_after_update'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:43:in `respond_with'
app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:100:in `respond_with_post_after_update'
app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:56:in `update'

Site update



  • Removed the "include commentary" checkbox. Commentaries are now included by default. Clear the commentary box if you don't want to add a commentary.
  • You can't see uploads by other users on the uploads listing any more. You can only see your own uploads.

Post histories:

  • Show obsolete tag changes again (tags that were added but later removed, or tags that were removed but later re-added).
  • Added more advanced search options.


  • Embedded notes now show "Click to edit" instead of the entire note on hover.
  • Embedded notes can now use the justify-content and align-items attributes in .note-box-attributes to change how the note text is aligned.


  • When a user deletes their account, their old username is recorded and is visible to mods.
  • Name changes are now shown on user profile pages. Note that:
    • Name changes were already visible to other users on the user name changes page before, they just weren't shown on profile pages.
    • Previous names are only visible to logged-in users, they're not visible to Google or other search engines.
    • Only mods can see previous names for deleted accounts.


IP Bans:

  • Added a new type of IP ban, the partial IP ban. A partial ban restricts new accounts created by the IP from being able to edit anything until after they've added a verified email address. Note that disposable emails aren't allowed, the email must be with a well-known provider (Gmail, etc).
  • Added hit counters for tracking how many times a ban has blocked someone, and when they were last blocked.
  • Bans are soft deleted now (marked as deleted instead of permanently destroyed).

Custom CSS: you can use to view a page with custom CSS disabled.

  • Fix borders around note boxes not showing up in the dark theme.
  • Fix thumbnails in the parent/child preview box being extremely wide if the thumbnail fails to load.
  • Fix not being able to see the revert links on the artist commentaries page because the table was too wide.
  • Fix a couple more types of Twitter video thumbnails not working.
API Changes
  • /wiki_pages.json?title=touhou now redirects to /wiki_pages/touhou.json instead of returning a search with a single result.

Full changelog:

evazion said:

  • Removed the "include commentary" checkbox. Commentaries are now included by default. Clear the commentary box if you don't want to add a commentary.

Ok, i know why it was done, i get it, but i hate it.
I've always been one of the proponents for "if the commentary doesn't add anything to the image, we don't need it" just adds more work for translators and an extra, distracting layer above the user comments section.

Again, i get why it was done, if it was needed but... can we have some CSS to add it back if we want it?
The extra time to era/check if the comment is useful for shorter ones isn't adding that much time to each upload, but it stacks up.