🎉 Happy 19th Birthday to Danbooru! 🎉

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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For the update Modqueue rework, did the image dimension details get put somewhere else?

Would it be trouble to add them back in the main area?
I know we can hover over the thumbnail to see those details, but having it at a glance in the queue would be great.

Is the mode menu broken for anyone else too? None of the options seem to do anything for me; it just stays in “View” mode.

Edit: The mode menu JS code was failing with NS_ERROR_STORAGE_IOERR, but a browser restart mysteriously fixed it.


kittey said:

Is the mode menu broken for anyone else too? None of the options seem to do anything for me; it just stays in “View” mode.

It's working for me. I tested both the voting and the favorite functions.

Site update

  • New users signing up from proxies or VPNs will be required to verify their email address before they can make any changes to the site.
    • This includes uploading posts, editing tags, writing comments, creating forum posts, sending dmails, and making any other changes to the site (except for personal things like favoriting posts).
    • The email address must be from a well-known email provider (Gmail, Yahoo, etc). No disposable emails allowed.
  • Posts:
    • Added "View original" and "View smaller" links to the sidebar.
    • Removed the "Fit images to window" account setting. This is now always on by default.
    • Added "Z" shortcut for toggling images between fit-to-window and full size. Mnemonic: z for zoom.
  • Permissions:
    • Approvers can now see uploader names.
    • Removed the rule that you can't leave comments until your account is a week old.
    • Removed the rule that you can't remove posts from pools until your account is a week old.
    • The posts per page account setting is now available to all users. Previously this was Gold-only.
    • Users can now delete feedbacks they've given to other users. Previously this was mod-only. Deleted feedbacks will still be visible to mods.
  • Added version comparison options to history pages. This lets you change the basis of comparison, so instead of seeing changes made by an edit, you can see changes made since the edit. Among other things, this lets you see changes other people have made to your own notes or commentaries.
  • Removed the giant "Before comment, read the how to comment guide" message beneath posts. The comment box has a link to the rules beneath it instead.
  • Removed the button for marking artist urls as inactive in the related tags section.
  • Added an IP address lookup page for mods. On the /ip_addresses page, you can click Details to see more details about the IP, including the geolocation and whether it's a proxy.
  • Searching for upvote:self no longer works. upvote:username should be used instead.
  • Fixes blacklists counting parent/child thumbnails twice on post pages.
  • Fixed not being able to do IQDB lookups for Twitter video thumbnails.
  • Fixed it being possible for users to undelete their own forum posts after they were deleted by a mod.
  • Fixed fav:username returning an error when the user didn't exist.
  • Fixed username autocomplete not working on the post disapprovals page.
  • Fixed the artist commentary versions page erroring out when viewing certain old commentaries with blank fields.
API Changes
  • Removed the ability to authenticate using the login and password_hash params. If you were using this method you should generate an API key and use login and api_key instead.
  • Certain selectors on the posts page have changed:
    • #image-container is now .image-container.
    • #note-container is now .note-container.
    • #image-resize-link is now .image-view-original-link.
    • The HTML structure of notes has changed.
  • The data-current-user-is-voter attribute on the <body> tag has been removed.

Full changelog: https://github.com/danbooru/danbooru/compare/production-2020.03.18-085712-utc...production-2020.03.27-060435-utc

evazion said:

Site update

  • New users signing up from proxies or VPNs will be required to verify their email address before they can make any changes to the site.
    • This includes uploading posts, editing tags, writing comments, creating forum posts, sending dmails, and making any other changes to the site (except for personal things like favoriting posts).
    • The email address must be from a well-known email provider (Gmail, Yahoo, etc). No disposable emails allowed.

Let's hope this makes some difference, I love it.

Normally, I just prefer to lurk around but there was something I noticed while gathering pictures.

Also, excuse me if I am sloppy and/or bad at reporting this 'bug' and sorry if hot-linking pictures is not really allowed. I don't know where to go and this seemed to be the best/only place to mention what I discovered and I need to link the pictures needed for the example of this error.

Whatever the latest update did, it seemed to have messed with the file name whenever I save the picture (Via Right Click 'Save As') whenever I views the original picture and it needs to be 'smaller'.

Using this picture as an example ( https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3837169?q=okota_mikan ) here. Whenever I right-click 'Save As' I get the '__drawn_by_okota_mikan__sample-f9b98333f8ed789007d47ecc54d8405c' filename to save wherever I please. However, whenever I view the picture Original Size and try the Right-Click 'Save As'. I only get the 'f9b98333f8ed789007d47ecc54d8405c' filename (This even happens whenever I right-click 'view original' then try to save it.) and I tried it with multiple other pictures that have the 'view original' feature and all of them seem to have this bug (from what I noticed.)

Note: The reason why I am seeing this as a bug is that pictures that do not have the 'view original' feature don't have this bug. Using this picture ( https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3837154 ) as an example of what I have discovered.

Tryst said:

Normally, I just prefer to lurk around but there was something I noticed while gathering pictures.

Also, excuse me if I am sloppy and/or bad at reporting this 'bug' and sorry if hot-linking pictures is not really allowed. I don't know where to go and this seemed to be the best/only place to mention what I discovered and I need to link the pictures needed for the example of this error.

Whatever the latest update did, it seemed to have messed with the file name whenever I save the picture (Via Right Click 'Save As') whenever I views the original picture and it needs to be 'smaller'.

Using this picture as an example ( https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3837169?q=okota_mikan ) here. Whenever I right-click 'Save As' I get the '__drawn_by_okota_mikan__sample-f9b98333f8ed789007d47ecc54d8405c' filename to save wherever I please. However, whenever I view the picture Original Size and try the Right-Click 'Save As'. I only get the 'f9b98333f8ed789007d47ecc54d8405c' filename (This even happens whenever I right-click 'view original' then try to save it.) and I tried it with multiple other pictures that have the 'view original' feature and all of them seem to have this bug (from what I noticed.)

Note: The reason why I am seeing this as a bug is that pictures that do not have the 'view original' feature don't have this bug. Using this picture ( https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3837154 ) as an example of what I have discovered.

I also noticed this. I liked the ability to save the original image size with the full name as it provides more details. However, across every web browser, even after clearing my cache, I noticed this occurs now. I'm glad I'm not the only one, I assumed it was an issue on my end. I do not know if this is a bug or a change that occurred but I did prefer it the way it was before.

Tryst said:


I'm not sure I would consider that a bug, however there are already several other methods provided to download the image with the tags in the link. Either of the "View original" links (one at the top, the other in the side menu under Options) contain the link to the image, so you can right-click and download it that way. The same with the "view smaller" link if you want that version. There is also a download link in that same Options section which will download the image in that format.

A few hours ago my Firefox on Linux Mint desktop began not resizing the image to fit the window. I have always had view Original, rather than the 850px option, and this is the first time it hasn't resized automagically.

I don't use a cache any more, cos, well, fast broadband, so that's not it. I thought it was the browser gone wonky.


However don't have the name problem above, the Original images still save the admirable detailed titles. One of the best changes ever made here !

evazion said:

API Changes

Removed the ability to authenticate using the login and password_hash params. If you were using this method you should generate an API key and use login and api_key instead.

Nothing in the documentation suggests what 'login' should be nor whether the parameters should be in the body or header.

Claverhouse said:

A few hours ago my Firefox on Linux Mint desktop began not resizing the image to fit the window. I have always had view Original, rather than the 850px option, and this is the first time it hasn't resized automagically.

Are you using any userscripts or custom CSS? Try disabling them if so.

EMUltra3 said:

Nothing in the documentation suggests what 'login' should be nor whether the parameters should be in the body or header.

'Login' is your username. The parameters can be given as URL parameters or as an HTTP Basic authentication header. The format of the HTTP Basic auth header is Authorization: Basic $string where $string is base64($username + ":" + $api_key) (i.e., your username and API key separated with a colon and encoded with base64).


  • https://danbooru.donmai.us/profile.json?login=your_username_here&api_key=your_api_key_here
  • curl --user "your_username_here:your_api_key_here" https://danbooru.donmai.us/profile.json
  • curl -H "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n "$username:$api_key" | base64)" https://danbooru.donmai.us/profile.json

evazion said:

Are you using any userscripts or custom CSS? Try disabling them if so.



Only this, kindly donated to me to push Options up to the top of the picture, which I find rather essential to hit Favorite [ still grateful ]:

.post-preview.blacklisted-active {display: none;}

#sidebar {
  position: relative;
#c-posts #a-show #search-box {
  margin-bottom: 18em;
#post-options {
  top: 4em;
  position: absolute;


I removed it and restarted the browser. Still not resizing.

And the Resize to window bit in Options doesn't even register.


I've added back that snippet...

Old: 45.02 [ to avoid minimalist modern browsers without extensions ( Australis, I'm looking at you ) ]. Used almost solely to visit Image Sites.

But I can't see why that would be anything to do with it as I've used it for 3 years+, and nothing had altered since last night.


I will assume it's a javascript problem but I no longer use NoScript or any other interferer, nor have installed any other extensions for a year.

Thanks again.

I'm seeing the same thing as Claverhouse with Firefox 72.0.2. The original image will be loaded, either because you selected [Default image width: original] or because you clicked the "view original" link, but the image will still be scaled down when it's displayed in the page. For example, post #3669768 is 1,678px × 1,104px originally, but gets scaled down to 859px × 565px. This started very recently, perhaps after the update today.I'm using some custom CSS, but nothing that could reasonably cause something like this. No Firefox extensions.

Edit: Oops. I took a closer look, and Claverhouse is actually having the opposite of the problem I'm having. If I understand the latest changelog correctly, the mandatory resize-to-window is actually a feature. FWIW, I'm not perceiving it that way (I have search-as-you-start-typing enabled in the browser, so I can't even zoom by pressing 'z'), but maybe I'm in a small minority. Still, was it really necessary to not even give us the option to see the full-size image (at its actual full size) by default?

Edit 2: It was easy to restore the full-size display with CSS, so the absence of a setting isn't really a big deal to me.


evazion said:

    • Removed the "Fit images to window" account setting. This is now always on by default.
    • Added "Z" shortcut for toggling images between fit-to-window and full size. Mnemonic: z for zoom.

Why remove the option to pick which setting you want? Now its extra effort to see if a picture is very high resolution, requiring all users to either hit z to check or find the image dimensions text in the variable length of the image properties on the left. Adding resize hotkey is nice I guess (now instead of ctrl-mousewheel, just hit z), but removing the choice is why.