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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

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This probably isn't relevant for most people, but did something happen recently with the default filenames when downloading?

Some days ago, the filename would default to __[characters]_drawn_by_[artist_name]__[md5_hash].(png/jpg) but now it has only the md5 hash. For some reason, this doesn't count for sample images, those keep the old format.

For example, downloading the sample of post #3837906 will give you the filename "__yorha_no_2_type_b_nier_and_1_more_drawn_by_kelvin_hiu__sample-9d439a5ff8df8007e7450a14e19b22c6.jpg", but the full size will give "9d439a5ff8df8007e7450a14e19b22c6.jpg"

TallosBooru said:

Did the quick tag search buttons/characters (ie >>/+/-) get removed?
All im seeing now is the ? next to tags in the sidebar after todays update and cant find any option that would bring them back

They show up for me on post pages.

TallosBooru said:

Did the quick tag search buttons/characters (ie >>/+/-) get removed?
All im seeing now is the ? next to tags in the sidebar after todays update and cant find any option that would bring them back

Are you using BetterBetterBooru? Those only show on the vanilla site for gold+ accounts I think, and the recent update might have killed the userscript's functionality as a side-effect.

Not really sure what part of that caused things to further mess up for me on my old device, but one thing got 'fixed' and the rest got messed up.

Notes now appear over the note-area itself like it used to. The only problem is that now all notes are vertically placed at the bottom of the image. Before, even with the notes always appearing at 0,0 on the image, I was at least able to scroll up and read them, but now they overlap each other and I can't always tap on each one to read them... not to mention I have no idea which speech bubble they belong to. This is how it looks -->

Yes, I removed my CSS and it doesn't help(although the CSS I was trying to use to indicate translated/translate-request DID mess things up, and removing CSS fixed that issue, but not this). Yes, it's an old device and I want to keep using it, neither can I pay to replace it anyway. I do have an iPhone, but until I'm able to watch/listen-to a Youtube video in one tab AND browse danbooru at the same time, this device is still superior to that. I've seen some solutions to that but I have yet to see any of them work that aren't a year old or more and no longer work.

Fine, people want to be disrespectful about it, never mind then. If you didn't have anything informative to add I'd rather you just drop it and move on, you're not helping otherwise.


MAGNUS-8M said:

Not really sure what part of that caused things to further mess up for me on my old device, but one thing got 'fixed' and the rest got messed up.

Notes now appear over the note-area itself like it used to. The only problem is that now all notes are vertically placed at the bottom of the image. Before, even with the notes always appearing at 0,0 on the image, I was at least able to scroll up and read them, but now they overlap each other and I can't always tap on each one to read them... not to mention I have no idea which speech bubble they belong to. This is how it looks -->

Yes, I removed my CSS and it doesn't help(although the CSS I was trying to use to indicate translated/translate-request DID mess things up, and removing CSS fixed that issue, but not this). Yes, it's an old device and I want to keep using it, neither can I pay to replace it anyway. I do have an iPhone, but until I'm able to watch/listen-to a Youtube video in one tab AND browse danbooru at the same time, this device is still superior to that. I've seen some solutions to that but I have yet to see any of them work that aren't a year old or more and no longer work.

I'm just gonna say that your browser is too old and that you should upgrade.

Recently, full sized images seem to no longer have proper file names. Previously the file name would include the names of the characters and series, now it's just a hexadecimal sequence. The sample size images still have proper file names, but the full size do not.

Kapten-N said:

Recently, full sized images seem to no longer have proper file names. Previously the file name would include the names of the characters and series, now it's just a hexadecimal sequence. The sample size images still have proper file names, but the full size do not.

Known issue. We're waiting for the fix.

nonamethanks said:

Known issue. We're waiting for the fix.

Thank you. I was worried that I would get the answer that it is working as intended. Whenever I find a nice anime girl image I always check to see if it exists on Danbooru so that I can save it with a proper file name, so that would be very sad.

Kapten-N said:

Thank you. I was worried that I would get the answer that it is working as intended. Whenever I find a nice anime girl image I always check to see if it exists on Danbooru so that I can save it with a proper file name, so that would be very sad.

See forum #164483. There are several methods already for downloading the full-size image with the tags in the name as you've described.

When uploading (from a web source, haven't tested with local), the preview image is always at full size no matter what I do ('toggle size' does nothing) , when it would resize previously. This is inconvenient for tagging purposes when the image is too large. Deleting custom CSS makes no difference.

edit: confirmed in both Firefox/latest and Firefox Dev/latest. No, I haven't tried disabling add-ons yet, as it was functioning fine with add-ons enabled before the update. Possibly related to the other resize bugs?

edit2: this bug has been fixed, thanks.


  • Fixed tagged filenames disappearing after clicking view original.
  • Upload page changes:
    • Fixed image previews not being resized to fit the screen.
    • Changed it so that images are fit to both screen width and height by default. In other words, images are sized to fit entirely on the screen. Before they were only fit to screen width.
    • Made it so that you can click the image to toggle the size. Pressing Z also toggles the size.
    • Moved the image size information to above the image and added links for resizing the image.
    • Removed the "Referrer" field.

evazion said:

  • Upload page changes:
    • Changed it so that images are fit to both screen width and height by default. In other words, images are sized to fit entirely on the screen. Before they were only fit to screen width.

I think that might’ve broken notes? Notes are always resized to window width, so if the window is wider than the image, the note boxes are too far right even though the vertical position is correct. See here.
(Custom CSS and scripts are off.)

That changes applies to preview images on the upload page only.

There was a separate change yesterday in how notes in positioned. The change was that notes are now positioned using percentage coordinates instead of pixel coordinates, which is intended to allow them to rescale with the image without using javascript. Please post your browser version, it seems that older browsers are having issues with the CSS used here.

I’m using an up to date Firefox 68.6 ESR. I’m pretty sure it was working fine all day today until maybe 20 minutes ago.

Btw, the scaling seems to be doing something. If I change the window width, the notes move accordingly and everything looks perfect as long as the window is narrower than the original image width. They just don’t stop getting wider when I make the window wider than the image. The problem also exists when 850px samples are on. Clicking the “view original” link gets me the original image but notes stay maxed out horizontally.

Nvm. It was the CSS to make sure that blacklisted images are actually hidden and don’t flash by on page load because that needs to go in my user profile CSS. I had only all my Stylish custom CSS disabled.


I spoke too soon, it's a similar but unrelated note positioning problem that I can trigger intermittently on the Tor browser version of Firefox 68 ESR (but not in the regular Firefox 68 ESR, oddly enough).