post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

evazion said:

This looks like a networking issue between you and Danbooru. According to the logs, those actions took less than a second on Danbooru's end. The delay appears to be on the network level.

You can try going to directly. This will bypass Cloudflare and connect to one of Danbooru's servers directly, which may or may not give you a better result.

Thanks. Not sure if there's a way to resolve it long-term, or again, if this is just a matter of waiting for something to straighten itself out over the course of X period of time.

Site update

  • Dmails:
    • Dmails can now be marked as unread.
    • Dmails are now soft-deleted instead of hard-deleted. Deleting a dmail moves it to a deleted folder (where it can be undeleted) instead permanently deleting it.
    • Removed the ability to mark dmails as spam. This was a Gold-only feature. Instead spam dmails are now automatically deleted when detected by the spam filter.
    • The dmails page now defaults to showing only received dmails, instead of sent and received dmails.
    • The dmail "Permalink" option has been renamed to "Share". You can give anyone the share link to let them read the dmail. Previously only Mods could open shared dmails.
    • Old permalink to dmails no longer work because of security issues discussed below.
  • If a comment, forum post, or dmail is detected as spam, it's now automatically reported to the mods.
  • If a user receives too many automatic spam reports in a short period of time, they will be automatically banned. (Previously this only happened for spam dmails; now it happens for spam comments and forum posts too).
  • Banned artist pages are now visible to all users.
  • Fixed not being able to edit banned artists.
  • Fixed a bug that let users upload more than their upload limit was supposed to allow.
  • Fixed spam dmails triggering the unread dmail notice.
  • Fixed various security issues related to dmails. To my knowledge none of these were ever exploited:
    • It was possible for Gold users to mark dmails belonging to other users as spam.
    • It was possible to check if and when someone had read a dmail you sent them.
    • It was possible to check if a dmail you sent had been marked as spam.
    • It was possible to check if a dmail you sent had been deleted by the receiver.
    • It was possible for Mods to permanently delete dmails belonging to other users if they were given a permalink to the dmail.
    • If you posted a permalink to a dmail in public, it was possible for anyone to read the contents of the dmail. Only Mods could open the link to the dmail, but anyone could read the message by decoding the key param in the link. The key param contained a full base64-encoded copy of the dmail.
API Changes
  • Removed the search[sort] param from various index pages. This was a deprecated alias for search[order].
  • Removed the search[read] param from the /dmails endpoint. Use search[is_read] instead.

Full changelog:

user #731695, having joined in the past 12 hours, has attempted to add post #3771570 to two separate pools, neither of which are appropriate for it. So far, that's their only activity besides amassing about 50 favorites. It may be too little, too soon to judge whether it's active vandalism or brief cluelessness, but they may bear watching nonetheless.

rrroi said:

Hi guys, someone knows if it's possible to give a keyboard shortcut to Download button?

This thread is for reporting bugs and errors only. If you have a feature request, you should start up a new thread. If you just want a userscript to do the same, you could post a request in topic #8502.

Timewaitsfornoone said:

I clicked "Request alias/implication" link and filled the request form. It automatically ended up here. Is something wrong?

If you do it when in a topic it automatically puts it in that topic, you shouldn't do that for BURs that have no relation to the thread in question.

Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this, but regarding post #3790048, I noticed that the Pixiv image source URL is slightly different than normal, even though I uploaded it like I always do. I couldn't fetch source data (artist,tags) when uploading and now the "source" in the information shows the image URL instead of a link to the artwork page.

So, did I screw up uploading the picture, or has the system on Pixiv changed?

EDIT: Made it's own thread for this: topic #16598.


Site update

  • History pages:
    • Added highlighting of changes made to notes and artist commentaries.
    • Added status columns for summarizing changes made by the edit.
  • Notes:
    • Embedded notes now automatically resize their text when the image is resized. This means that embedded notes will fit better on mobile, but the text inside will be smaller in order to fit. Translators using embedded notes should check that their notes look right on mobile. Usually embedded notes will need a larger font size than normal to still look good on mobile.
  • Artists:
    • Removed the list of most-used domains from artist profiles.
    • Renaming an artist no longer automatically renames the artist's wiki page. Aliases will still automatically move the wiki page, but manually renaming an artist won't.
  • Post disapprovals:
    • Moved the disapprovals index from /moderator/post/disapprovals to /post_disapprovals.
    • Made the disapprovals page visible to all users.
    • Made disapprover names visible to mods only (not to other approvers).
  • Related tags: using related tags on a *_(cosplay) tag now includes tags for the base character tag.
  • Blacklists: removed ability for mods to blacklist uploaders by name with user:<name>. uploaderid:<userid> still works.
  • Fixed Pixiv uploads not working for new urls.
  • Fixed error when editing artist entries containing a bad Pawoo source.
  • Fixed it being possible for unprivileged users to vote on forum posts inside mod-only forum topics.
  • Fixed wildcards not working on the wiki search page when searching by title.
  • Fixed autocomplete removing linebreaks between tags.
API Changes
  • HTML: removed the .category-N CSS classes from tags. These were used for tag colors in some (but not all) places. Now .tag-type-N is used in all places instead.
  • You can now use the only param to include extra data associated with the main record. For example, you can use /posts.json?only=id,rating,tag_string,notes,uploader,parent,children,notes,comments[creator,updater] to fetch posts along with the uploader, the parent post, child posts, notes, and comments (including the comment creator and updater).
    • For the list of things you can use with the only param, refer to available_includes in this commit. Mostly anything with an ID field works, subject to certain limitations.
  • The following fields are no longer returned by the API:
    • /artists.json: creator_id and urls.
    • /artist_urls.json: artist.
    • /comments.json: creator_name and updater_name.
    • /notes.json: creator_id, creator_name, and updater_name.
    • /pools.json: creator_id and creator_name.
    • /posts.json: uploader_name, children_ids, and pixiv_ugoira_frame_data.
    • /post_appeals.json: is_resolved.
    • /post_versions.json: updater_name.
    • /uploads.json: uploader_name.
    • /users.json: can_comment_vote?
    • For most things you can use the only param (described above) to get these fields if you need them. For example, if you need artist urls, you can use /artists.json?only=id,name,urls to include the full list of urls. If you need a creator or updater, you can use only=creator or only=updater.
    • The creator_id field has been removed entirely from artists, notes, and pools. This field was incorrect in many cases. You can find the creator by looking up the first version in the version history instead.

Full changelog: