post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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I have a fix for the comment threshold issue but I'm holding off until Monday to deploy it.

I can't reproduce the issue with mass updates myself. Ping me if you see it happen again.

MaxAndEmilytate said:

Dunno if this is the right place to ask, but it seems that the Bookmarklet hasn't been working with DeviantArt for a while?

This is only an issue on those images the artist doesn't allow downloading of the original resolution, if there is a Download button in the sidebar the bookmarklet should still work.

The artist tag "umo (cookie)" seems bugged.

It shows in the dark red color of all artist tags, however when clicking on the '?' to see the artist page it says the entry does not exist. Upon attempting to create it, the following error message gets spat out:


nico seiga api call failed (code=404, body=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response />)

RuntimeError exception raised
app/logical/nico_seiga_api_client.rb:73:in `illust_xml'
app/logical/nico_seiga_api_client.rb:52:in `user_id'
app/logical/sources/strategies/nico_seiga.rb:128:in `tag_name'
app/logical/sources/strategies/base.rb:188:in `new_artist'
app/models/artist.rb:325:in `new_with_defaults'
app/controllers/artists_controller.rb:9:in `new'

BrokenEagle98 said:

It works just fine for me (artist #190937). You have to pick a Nicoseiga post that isn't deleted, or the API call will fail.

It wasn't deleted, the post in question was post #1859306. Despite having a valid looking link (, it wasn't working. I realized that it was missing an http:// prefix. After I fixed that, it linked successfully, but trying to create the artist gave that error.

On a tangent, the "fetch source data" for nico seiga posts seems to only grab up to the first five tags. For example, post #3605097 is tagged ぺったんこ at the source, but that tag does not appear here, and flat chest is not listed under "translated tags"

Arcana55 said:

It wasn't deleted, the post in question was post #1859306. Despite having a valid looking link (, it wasn't working. I realized that it was missing an http:// prefix. After I fixed that, it linked successfully, but trying to create the artist gave that error.

When you try to create an artist, it checks the first/newest post from that artist when you click the "?" in the tag bar instead of clicking "Create new artist" from post edit display. In this case, the first post was a deleted post on NicoSeiga, and hence it failed. However, Danbooru should probably grab the first post that's not a bad id post.

On a tangent, the "fetch source data" for nico seiga posts seems to only grab up to the first five tags. For example, post #3605097 is tagged ぺったんこ at the source, but that tag does not appear here, and flat chest is not listed under "translated tags"

That's because it uses the <meta> element on the page through HTML-scraping to get the tag list, which currently only shows 5 tags. I believe the other tags are loaded later by Javascript, which I'm not sure that Danbooru can currently mimic.

Hillside_Moose said:

Mass edits don't seem to clear out a tag cleanly. marie_(pokemon) and claude_von_regan still have count numbers showing up, despite having no posts within the tags, deleted or not.

Here are some other tags I've found that have incorrect count numbers: asuka, dark-skin, third-party, vestrille

Arcana55 said:

On a tangent, the "fetch source data" for nico seiga posts seems to only grab up to the first five tags. For example, post #3605097 is tagged ぺったんこ at the source, but that tag does not appear here, and flat chest is not listed under "translated tags"

Fetching the source data for Pawoo posts also causes some issues that haven't been resolved. The last I've read of it was in
forum #154887 by inkuJerr and I suggested that the error message could be something less cryptic sounding.

I'm seeing "Hidden" comments as barely grayed out but fully there now. All clicking "Show Hidden Posts" does is changes the font colors to standard.

Bug or new behavior. If it's the later it's not a change I like as when I want a low voted post hidden, I'd like it not to show up at all unless I want to reveal them.

Zelinkokitsune said:

I'm seeing "Hidden" comments as barely grayed out but fully there now. All clicking "Show Hidden Posts" does is changes the font colors to standard.
Bug or new behavior. If it's the later it's not a change I like as when I want a low voted post hidden, I'd like it not to show up at all unless I want to reveal them.

Already reported on the previous page; evazion is working on a fix (see top of this page).

Site update

  • Added spam detection for comments and forum posts. The site will now reject (refuse to post) comments or forum posts that are detected as spam. The spam detection system is Akismet, which is the same system we've been using for dmails for over a year now. I'll be monitoring things to make sure legitimate messages aren't getting falsely rejected as spam.
  • You can now use the pool ordering page to reorder pools of up to 1000 posts. Previously the pool ordering page was hidden for pools with more than 100 posts.
  • Removed the 'sign in securely' link from the login page. This hasn't done anything ever since the site moved to HTTPS only.
  • Fixed thresholded comments not being hidden.
  • Fixed deleted comments not being visible to moderators when a post contained only deleted comments.
  • Fixed the pool ordering page not working.
  • Fixed banned posts being visible to Members in the /posts.atom feed.
  • Fixed negative feedback not being left on the user's profile when a spammer is automatically banned.
API Changes
  • JSON requests that result in an access denied (403), authentication failed (401), or rate limit exceeded (429) error now return the error message in the 'message' field, not in 'reason'.

Full changelog:

Minor update:

  • Upgraded to Rails 6.
  • Removed that annoying "utf8=✓" param from URLs.
  • Fixed a bug causing /related_tags.json to fail in certain cases. This mainly affected users of the IndexedAutocomplete userscript.

For whatever reason, whenever I try to access 'My Account' it takes forever, like 30 seconds, while viewing other peoples' accounts happens in a second or two.

I've been having this for a couple of months now, thought it was a cookie issue but I cleared them to no avail.

CodeKyuubi said:

For whatever reason, whenever I try to access 'My Account' it takes forever, like 30 seconds, while viewing other peoples' accounts happens in a second or two.

I've been having this for a couple of months now, thought it was a cookie issue but I cleared them to no avail.

Do you have any Saved Searches? Visiting your profile makes the site go through them all and update them so it takes longer the more you have.

Trying to upload from pixiv, getting this error:

Pixiv API access token call failed (status=400 body={"has_error":true,"errors":{"system":{"message":"access_denied","code":1508}}})

PixivApiClient::Error exception raised
app/logical/pixiv_api_client.rb:242:in `block in access_token'
app/logical/cache.rb:18:in `get'
app/logical/pixiv_api_client.rb:221:in `access_token'
app/logical/pixiv_api_client.rb:163:in `work'
app/logical/sources/strategies/pixiv.rb:361:in `metadata'
app/logical/sources/strategies/pixiv.rb:249:in `image_urls_sub'
app/logical/sources/strategies/pixiv.rb:98:in `image_urls'
app/logical/sources/strategies/base.rb:75:in `image_url'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:12:in `new'