post #9000000 GET!

[APPROVED] (Fire Emblem) jp -> en names

Posted under Tags

elci said:

This is such an unnecessary effort. I would laugh if it wasn't for the fact that my image folder now is a mess due to manually having to change the names to their Japanese equivalent.

You're the minority, and again, nothing is stopping you from making a BUR to revert this.

Honestly i don't mind debating with others, hell it's interesting to see others' point of view. However you aren't listening to me or anyonelse, which is why i'm now gonna say that this conversation is pointless and you shouldn't bump forum posts just because you don't like some change that happened a couple months ago.

Mysterious_Uploader said:

You're the minority, and again, nothing is stopping you from making a BUR to revert this.

Honestly i don't mind debating with others, hell it's interesting to see others' point of view. However you aren't listening to me or anyonelse, which is why i'm now gonna say that this conversation is pointless and you shouldn't bump forum posts just because you don't like some change that happened a couple months ago.

It's only pointless to you since you're the one having it your way. I would push for a BUR but I don't have the necessary free time to sit through the days of work needed for it all by myself.

You also say I'm not the one listening, yet you're the ones using my aliasing solution as if it only goes one way. Thany --> Shanna works exactly the same as Shanna --> Thany. That also breaks the main argument of not having stable Japanese names to go by, because afaik, we'd still need to decide on a singular Japanese name to make the aliasing work. Thus, the current endeavor bears little fruit.

elci said:

That also breaks the main argument of not having stable Japanese names to go by, because afaik, we'd still need to decide on a singular Japanese name to make the aliasing work. Thus, the current endeavor bears little fruit.

If we'll get official romanizations, i'll be alright with reverting all of this work. But since i doubt we'll get official romanization for minor/side characters, unless we get those too i'd say to keep english tags for consistency.

Multiple tags can be aliased to one target tag, so you're free to alias any alternative romanizations of the Japanese names to the English name in use.

Unless I'm misunderstanding the complaint.

TNinja said:

I'm pretty unfamiliar with tagging norm, but why don't you guys just have both language names for the tags?

That would mess up any searches with tag counting metatags like fire_emblem chartags:1. Admittedly, there are many accepted tagging practices which do this (within FE, corrin_(fire_emblem) chartags:1 is one example, since properly tagged posts should have an additional character tag specifying which gender of Corrin is/are in the image.) But we try not to do it for pure vanity reasons. You'd also want to have both tags imply each other so that they're all applied to any new posts, which I'm not certain is possible.

Also, it'd resurface the same issue that motivated this tag overhaul of there being divergent romanizations of the "Japanese" names like Marx/Marks/Maakusu, except if we were tagging those as well, we couldn't resolve the issue by either ignoring it or aliasing them all to the English name.

Erogami83 said:

You guys miss a game tag
Fire_emblem_musou -> fire_emblem_warriors

For now, spinoffs are best kept alone. Reason being we're already busy with the main series. After that, we'll see how to move.
Another problem is, FE Warriors is a crossover. Which tagging convention of what series should we use? If we make fire emblem musou -> Fire Emblem Warriors, should we also make zelda musou -> Hyrule Warriors?

This also goes for #FE.

BUR #2074 has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

create implication byleth_(fire_emblem)_(female) -> byleth_(fire_emblem)
create implication byleth_(fire_emblem)_(male) -> byleth_(fire_emblem)
create implication kana_(fire_emblem)_(female) -> kana_(fire_emblem)
create implication kana_(fire_emblem)_(male) -> kana_(fire_emblem)
create alias effie_(fire_emblem_fates) -> effie_(fire_emblem)
create alias myrrh -> myrrh_(fire_emblem)
mass update myrrh_(cosplay) -> myrrh_(fire_emblem)_(cosplay)

Reason: More tag maintenance. I also swapped Effie and Faye's wikis beforehand.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2074 (forum #158940) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Hillside_Moose said:

BUR #2074 has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

create implication byleth_(fire_emblem)_(female) -> byleth_(fire_emblem)
create implication byleth_(fire_emblem)_(male) -> byleth_(fire_emblem)
create implication kana_(fire_emblem)_(female) -> kana_(fire_emblem)
create implication kana_(fire_emblem)_(male) -> kana_(fire_emblem)
create alias effie_(fire_emblem_fates) -> effie_(fire_emblem)
create alias myrrh -> myrrh_(fire_emblem)
mass update myrrh_(cosplay) -> myrrh_(fire_emblem)_(cosplay)

Reason: More tag maintenance. I also swapped Effie and Faye's wikis beforehand.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2074 (forum #158940) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

Wait a second, why remove male/female implications? Byleth is going to have a lot of pictures even if they have a low post count, the game came out not even a month ago), and Kana (son/daughter of the main protagonist) already has a bunch of pictures. I think this distinction is useful, especially for the importance of these characters.

Mysterious_Uploader said:

Wait a second, why remove male/female implications? Byleth is going to have a lot of pictures even if they have a low post count, the game came out not even a month ago), and Kana (son/daughter of the main protagonist) already has a bunch of pictures. I think this distinction is useful, especially for the importance of these characters.

I think you are reading it wrong.

7HS said:
Also, it'd resurface the same issue that motivated this tag overhaul of there being divergent romanizations of the "Japanese" names like Marx/Marks/Maakusu, except if we were tagging those as well, we couldn't resolve the issue by either ignoring it or aliasing them all to the English name.

I still fail to see the issue in this. In fact, we went many years with this system and it was never a problem. If more unity is required then simply pick one of the names and roll with it. Marks is the current alias of your example so it clearly doesn't have anything to do with making a decision regarding which one to use.

It's still a much better solution than taking names from Heroes who aren't even consistent with their own translations, and localisations from other games who take unnecessary liberties with their translations that end up butchering the original name to the point of becoming something different entirely. Just because it's localised doesn't make it a gospel that should be seen as an untouchable monolith.

elci said:

Marks is the current alias of your example so it clearly doesn't have anything to do with making a decision regarding which one to use.

Anyone is free to suggest additional aliases to the character tags Danbooru is using from other romanizations that see use, though I imagine it is possible that they'll be asked to provide links as evidence that the romanization is actually used elsewhere on the web (and the bot might retire them in a couple of years if that ceases to be the case.)

BUR #2102 has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.


remove alias selena_(fire_emblem) -> severa_(fire_emblem)
remove alias mark_(fire_emblem) -> morgan_(fire_emblem)
remove alias mark_(female)_(fire_emblem) -> morgan_(fire_emblem)_(female)
remove alias mark_(male)_(fire_emblem) -> morgan_(fire_emblem)_(male)
mass update clarine -> char:clarine_(fire_emblem)
mass update fir -> char:fir_(fire_emblem)
mass update garret -> char:garret_(fire_emblem)
mass update guinevere -> char:guinevere_(fire_emblem)
mass update hugh -> char:hugh_(fire_emblem)
mass update igrene -> char:igrene_(fire_emblem)
mass update wolt -> char:wolt_(fire_emblem)
mass update zephiel -> char:zephiel_(fire_emblem)
mass update canas -> char:canas_(fire_emblem)
mass update florina -> char:florina_(fire_emblem)
mass update heath -> char:heath_(fire_emblem)
mass update isadora -> char:isadora_(fire_emblem)
mass update karel -> char:karel_(fire_emblem)
mass update karla -> char:karla_(fire_emblem)
mass update legault -> char:legault_(fire_emblem)
mass update louise -> char:louise_(fire_emblem)
mass update lucius -> char:lucius_(fire_emblem)
mass update matthew -> char:matthew_(fire_emblem)
mass update ninian -> char:ninian_(fire_emblem)
mass update rath -> char:rath_(fire_emblem)
mass update sain -> char:sain_(fire_emblem)
mass update serra -> char:serra_(fire_emblem)
mass update vaida -> char:vaida_(fire_emblem)
mass update wolt -> char:wolt_(fire_emblem)
mass update artur -> char:artur_(fire_emblem)
mass update cormag -> char:cormag_(fire_emblem)
mass update dozla -> char:dozla_(fire_emblem)
mass update duessel -> char:duessel_(fire_emblem)
mass update eirika -> char:eirika_(fire_emblem)
mass update ephraim -> char:ephraim_(fire_emblem)
mass update forde -> char:forde_(fire_emblem)
mass update gerik -> char:gerik_(fire_emblem)
mass update gilliam -> char:gilliam_(fire_emblem)
mass update innes -> char:innes_(fire_emblem)
mass update knoll -> char:knoll_(fire_emblem)
mass update l'arachel -> char:l'arachel_(fire_emblem)
mass update moulder -> char:moulder_(fire_emblem)
mass update neimi -> char:neimi_(fire_emblem)
mass update rennac -> char:rennac_(fire_emblem)
mass update ross -> char:ross_(fire_emblem)
mass update syrene -> char:syrene_(fire_emblem)
mass update tana -> char:tana_(fire_emblem)
mass update tethys -> char:tethys_(fire_emblem)
mass update ashnard -> char:ashnard_(fire_emblem)
mass update bastian -> char:bastian_(fire_emblem)
mass update brom -> char:brom_(fire_emblem)
mass update caineghis -> char:caineghis_(fire_emblem)
mass update calill -> char:calill_(fire_emblem)
mass update devdan -> char:devdan_(fire_emblem)
mass update gatrie -> char:gatrie_(fire_emblem)
mass update haar -> char:haar_(fire_emblem)
mass update ilyana -> char:ilyana_(fire_emblem)
mass update kieran -> char:kieran_(fire_emblem)
mass update lethe -> char:lethe_(fire_emblem)
mass update makalov -> char:makalov_(fire_emblem)
mass update marcia -> char:marcia_(fire_emblem)
mass update mordecai -> char:mordecai_(fire_emblem)
mass update muarim -> char:muarim_(fire_emblem)
mass update naesala -> char:naesala_(fire_emblem)
mass update nasir -> char:nasir_(fire_emblem)
mass update nephenee -> char:nephenee_(fire_emblem)
mass update oscar -> char:oscar_(fire_emblem)
mass update ranulf -> char:ranulf_(fire_emblem)
mass update rhys -> char:rhys_(fire_emblem)
mass update rolf -> char:rolf_(fire_emblem)
mass update soren -> char:soren_(fire_emblem)
mass update tanith -> char:tanith_(fire_emblem)
mass update tauroneo -> char:tauroneo_(fire_emblem)
mass update tibarn -> char:tibarn_(fire_emblem)
mass update tormod -> char:tormod_(fire_emblem)
mass update volke -> char:volke_(fire_emblem)
mass update zihark -> char:zihark_(fire_emblem)
mass update aran -> char:aran_(fire_emblem)
mass update ashera -> char:ashera_(fire_emblem)
mass update kyza -> char:kyza_(fire_emblem)
mass update leanne -> char:leanne_(fire_emblem)
mass update micaiah -> char:micaiah_(fire_emblem)
mass update nailah -> char:nailah_(fire_emblem)
mass update nealuchi -> char:nealuchi_(fire_emblem)
mass update nolan -> char:nolan_(fire_emblem)
mass update pelleas -> char:pelleas_(fire_emblem)
mass update reyson -> char:reyson_(fire_emblem)
mass update sephiran -> char:sephiran_(fire_emblem)
mass update sothe -> char:sothe_(fire_emblem)
mass update vika -> char:vika_(fire_emblem)
mass update volug -> char:volug_(fire_emblem)
mass update yune -> char:yune_(fire_emblem)

Reason: There's a FE:SS minor character called Selena (post #2016157), currently Fates Selena is in selena_(fire_emblem_fates), but it looks like someone took the tag and used it for Selena (japanese name for Severa, FE Awakening).

Added Fire Emblem suffix for all characters that didn't have it

EDIT: The bulk update request #2102 (forum #159549) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

Updated by DanbooruBot

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