elci said:
This statement dismantles your entire argument. And mine too, for that matter. That's how it works right now, is it not? We already concluded previously that the argument goes both ways. Look, here comes Jack! He's on a mission to find pictures of his favourite character Cordelia from Fire Emblem Awakening. Since Jack loves her so much, he knows what she looks like from the thumbnail alone and does not need tags to locate her. But what is this? When he clicked on one of her pictures, her name is Tiamo? Jack is confused, but intrigued. From now on, regardless of if he searches for either Tiamo or Cordelia, he will get to his destination!
Alright, let's use your example.
Jack is trying to find a picture of Cordelia, and he doesn't know his japanese name. Therefore he has to look for the Fire Emblem: Awakening tag... which is also in japanese.
After finding the Awakening tag (or giving up and searching for fire_emblem + red_hair, he searches for Cordelia, and finds, let's say, post #3230891
But look! There are so many tags! Jack is confused, and he clicks on every tag trying to find Cordelia's japanese name. He spends 3 minutes (including the previous actions) trying to find a tag that would have only took him 2 seconds to find if the tag was in english.
That or Jack searches for Cordelia on the search bar, doesn't find the tag, thinks that the character tag doesn't exist and migrates off to another site.
My objective is not pleasing "the superior fans", but rather pleasing both casual and veteran fans alike. I do appreciate your comment on this, but i don't agree with it.
With that said, i'd like to point out two things:
1) The score under the OP
As you can see, there are 18 users pro-BUR, 7 against, 3 neutral (19 vs 8 including us two). The ratio is over 1:2. But if you want a more "general" pool, you could make a pool on some site and post the link to Reddit and various FE Discord servers (or forums or whatever).
2) Hillside Moose has already approved of this BUR and this entire discussion was pretty much pointless.
forum #157684
Thank you for the constructive criticism. I think the best option for the minority of elitists out there is to alias japanese names to english names (even those that weren't originally in japanese, for consistency and complete coverage. Although it will follow Danbooru's howto:romanize , which doesn't specifically represent fantranslations).