post #9000000 GET!

[APPROVED] (Fire Emblem) jp -> en names

Posted under Tags

Updated the Gaiden and Echoes part. Almost every character was missing, so i had to add them. It took longer than i thought it would.

Also i noticed I, again, made a mistake. Silk -> Silque went under the radar. Added her to the BUR.

Apparently there are no missed tags left, it was just part of the first few games. It should go smoothly from there on, so if someone could approve the previous BUR it'll fix all the missing links in the character wiki.

BUR #2066 has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

create alias lilina -> lilina_(fire_emblem)
create alias sothis -> sothis_(fire_emblem)
create alias marth -> marth_(fire_emblem)
create alias ike -> ike_(fire_emblem)
create alias lucina -> lucina_(fire_emblem)
create alias sheeda -> caeda_(fire_emblem)
create alias byleth -> byleth_(fire_emblem)
create alias byleth_(female) -> byleth_(fire_emblem)_(female)
create alias byleth_(male) -> byleth_(fire_emblem)_(male)
mass update byleth_(female)_(cosplay) -> byleth_(fire_emblem)_(cosplay)
mass update dieck -> char:dieck_(fire_emblem)
mass update flayn -> char:flayn_(fire_emblem)
mass update seteth -> char:seteth_(fire_emblem)

Reason: Qualifying some more singular names, including the Byleths. Also includes Caeda, which was unaliased in the previous BUR.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2066 (forum #158673) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Some things I noticed:

  • The following characters are not aliased to their english names:
  • The following characters have game-specific qualifiers that should either be changed to just "(fire emblem)" or changed to the english name of the game, according to circunstances:
  • The following characters should have a _(fire_emblem) qualifier in their tags:

Some other stuff:

  • If we are using English names, should we alias Mamkute to Manakete (and do the same with any such tags)?
  • manuela (fire emblem) has the full name Manuela Casagranda, that could be used as a unique tag, without a qualifier.
  • When editing the list of fire emblem characters I found three tags that were empty and I couldn't identify what they were supposed to be. I marked them with a "?" so I could find them easily again. If anyone familiar with FE could identify them and fix the list it'd be great. They were Selena, Black Knight and Rin (fire emblem)

That's it for now. Hope it helps.


LonelyMagnet said:

When editing the list of fire emblem characters I found three tags that were empty and I couldn't identify what they were supposed to be. I marked them with a "?" so I could find them easily again. If anyone familiar with FE could identify them and fix the list it'd be great. They were Selena, Black Knight and Rin (fire emblem)

That's it for now. Hope it helps.

Thank you for your input. I will only answer for this atm since it's 3am atm, will answer to the rest tomorrow.

Selena is a character in FE Fates. She's the same-but-not-the-same as Severa (FE Awakening.)

The Black Knight is one of the primary antagonists in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. in Radiant dawn he'll reveal his true name, Zelgius, and become an ally. They're tagged differently because they have different armours.

The Rin tag is apparently a dead tag. I can't find anything about her on the wiki, so i think it's safe to delete it.

Mysterious_Uploader said:

Selena is a character in FE Fates. She's the same-but-not-the-same as Severa (FE Awakening.)

Thank you, although I guess I should just say that this particular "Selena" was listed with the Sacred Stones characters linking to just Selena without a qualifier. That's why I couldn't figure out who it was meant to be.

LonelyMagnet said:

Thank you, although I guess I should just say that this particular "Selena" was listed with the Sacred Stones characters linking to just Selena without a qualifier. That's why I couldn't figure out who it was meant to be.

Nevermind. Selena is ALSO a character in Sacred Stones. Revert that edit. A fates/sacred stones qualifier should be added to the two character tags.

LonelyMagnet said:


Some things I noticed:

  • The following characters are not aliased to their english names:
  • The following characters have game-specific qualifiers that should either be changed to just "(fire emblem)" or changed to the english name of the game, according to circunstances:
  • The following characters should have a _(fire_emblem) qualifier in their tags:

Yep, this should go in a BUR. I'll get to write it in a minute or two.

Edit: regarding marzia_(fire_emblem_if) - Apparently an anonymous user edited the wiki without any basis (the tag refers to Camilla's wyvern), and others accepted it as canon. This is why you add sources folks.

I think this tag should be nuked.

Some other stuff:

This is a side-effect of migrating the former tag usage into the new one (Effie is Faye's japanese name.)

  • If we are using English names, should we alias Mamkute to Manakete (and do the same with any such tags)?

This is actually a good point, i didn't even notice it was a tag. I will add it to the next BUR.

  • manuela (fire emblem) has the full name Manuela Casagranda, that could be used as a unique tag, without a qualifier.

Adding this to the BUR too.

Veradux said:

While on the subject of Fates breaking the series long tradition of not having multiple same-name characters duplicate names, Arthur is present in both Fates and Geneology. Searching arthur_(fire_emblem) results in images of both characters.

And that is the main reason why Fates is one of the worst FE games

@Hillside_Moose is it possible to reverse some tag edit? If not, i guess i can offer myself for tag cleanup...

LonelyMagnet said:

When editing the list of fire emblem characters I found three tags that were empty and I couldn't identify what they were supposed to be. I marked them with a "?" so I could find them easily again. If anyone familiar with FE could identify them and fix the list it'd be great. They were Selena, Black Knight and Rin (fire emblem)

Since it was 3 am i actually minunderstood you!
There are two different Selenas in FE (it was probably used for the older one), BK has been mass updated to black_knight_(fire_emblem), and i still don't know what that Rin tag is supposed to be.


BUR #2068 has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.


create alias tiamat_(fire_emblem) -> titania_(fire_emblem)
create alias xene_(fire_emblem) -> xane_(fire_emblem)
create alias sairi_(fire_emblem) -> say'ri_(fire_emblem)
create alias kanna_(fire_emblem) -> kana_(fire_emblem)
create alias kanna_(fire_emblem)_(male) -> kana_(fire_emblem)_(male)
create alias kanna_(fire_emblem)_(female) -> kana_(fire_emblem)_(female)
create alias leon_(fire_emblem_if) -> leo_(fire_emblem)
create alias leo_(fire_emblem_fates) -> leo_(fire_emblem)
create alias leo_(fire_emblem_echoes) -> leon_(fire_emblem)
create alias leon_(fire_emblem_echoes) -> leon_(fire_emblem)
create alias marth_(fire_emblem:_kakusei) -> marth_(fire_emblem_awakening)
create alias minerva_(fire_emblem:_kakusei) -> minerva_(fire_emblem_awakening)
create alias sumeragi_(fire_emblem_if) -> sumeragi_(fire_emblem)
create alias haitaka_(fire_emblem_if) -> haitaka_(fire_emblem)
create alias mamkute -> manakete
create alias manuela_(fire_emblem) -> manuela_casagranda
create alias lysithea_von_cordelia -> lysithea_von_ordelia

Reason: Other than the usual jp->en aliases, i added a couple leo/leon aliases to avoid confusion and reusing dead tags. (They were stylized like that as to not cause an accidental merge during the swap)

Marth in FE Awakening is Lucina with the mask and tucked-in hair, when she was using the facade of Marth.
Minerva is Cherche's wyvern. Unlike Camilla's this name is official.

I'm going to make a different BUR for the undefined -> _(fire_emblem) later.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2068 (forum #158815) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

Updated by DanbooruBot

This is such an unnecessary effort. I would laugh if it wasn't for the fact that my image folder now is a mess due to manually having to change the names to their Japanese equivalent.

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