
Deletion request thread

Posted under General

I'm going to also request that post #3453481 be deleted as well. The image pokes fun at the event by dehumanizing the victims into a racist characterization and immortalizes the killer. This event wasn't a fantasy, it happened, people died, kids died. I don't give a damn about the politics but i do care about the integrity of this site and feelings of the surviors which is something everyone one here should at least stop and think about.

Danbooru has integrity outside the weeb community and T&A Appreciation Society? I never knew. Regardless, Danbooru is stated as a high-quality anime art gallery at the exception of all else besides that which beckons widespread problems to come to us (hardcore furry) or are pointlessly shocking (critically intense guro). I don't see images of the example's nature becoming popular enough to cause site-wide problems. And how many survivors of that attack are regular Danbooru users? In case they are, I suppose we could create a "trigger warning" tag for those that want to blacklist "controversial" art related to real-world events since they aren't covered by the rating system.

-I'm author of this profile (View wiki page (bloodcandy)) I'm not working anymore and I don't want My personal webpage Links be noted on this site for privacy reason.

I want my Artist profile be banned and I'm trying to find the way. but My English is poor and I don't check this site frequently. Please understand me

iori98 said:

Requesting the deletion of post #3545218 for being among other things off-topic. I've gone to bat for western art before but this is a clear case of something that should be regulated to deviantart not here.

It is a parody picture of an originally anime-style character. The art is realistic, and we do accept realistic artworks.

All in all, i feel like it belongs to danbooru - it's high quality and based on a japanese character.

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