I brought up the idea on Discord that it'd be helpful to have a daily accounting of all of the new tags created or repopulated that meet certain thresholds in order to more easily find tagging mistakes.
- Change columns to use checkmarks instead <nonamethanks forum #153685> **DONE**
- Add separation between tag categories <nonamethanks Discord> **DONE**
- Add way to search for all versions of a tag <nonamethanks Discord> **DONE**
Please keep any discussions limited to the reports and how they can be changed or updated, and use topic #16337 to talk about new/repopulated tags.
Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated.
- (2019-01-01) - Initial report version
- (2019-01-03)
- Group tags by category, adding separation between groups
- Changed has wiki/artist to use checkmarks instead of yes/no
- (2019-01-15) Track changes
- Wiki and artist creation
- Post count
- Prior repopulating of the tag (in this topic)
- (2019-02-10) - Added attribution to repopulated tags
- (2019-06-30)
- Fixed issue with repopulated tags being placed under large tags
- Add BUR table and information for tags created/populated by a BUR/alias/implication
- (2019-09-15)
- Added statement above indicating what discussions this topic should be limited to.
- (2021-01-05)
- Revised the post info column and added it to all sections except for the BUR
- It now delineates by date, plus also has a link to go to all versions with that tag changed
- Removed the posts link since there is already a post link in the name column, plus the usefulness of saving the IDs of posts was questionable.
- Added the updater column to all sections except for BUR