post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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忍猫 said:

I tried to upload this image and I got this error message:

MD5: 7e25588a78f2a2ae5b5f8ce91dfee661
Size: 8.42 KB
An error occurred: error: ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid - Validation failed: File ext is invalid (only JPEG, PNG, GIF, SWF, MP4, and WebM files are allowed

Drawr isn't supported by the Bookmarklet, so it's trying to upload the HTML instead, which is of course invalid. You'll have to use the Bookmarklet from the image link instead, and then correct the source afterwards.

Tried to edit one tag, but no tags would pop up in the typing field. If I typed in a tag in the field and pressed Edit, ALL of the previous tags on the image would be erased and replaced with the one I changed. Not good for fixing spelling errors or adding additional tags.

HNTI said:

Then why I'm getting MD5 checksum errors randomly on upload attempt ?

Are you uploading from disk? If you do that don't put in a source since that gives an error, just add it after the upload. If it's not that I'm not really sure what.

That's cool and all but it was more convenient to search by URL when you're browsing an artist's page. Now it looks like I have to click an extra link to go to the page where I can actually do that.

tapnek said:

That's cool and all but it was more convenient to search by URL when you're browsing an artist's page. Now it looks like I have to click an extra link to go to the page where I can actually do that.

The previous version only showed exact matches. The new one also matches against wildcards and regexes.

tapnek said:

That's cool and all but it was more convenient to search by URL when you're browsing an artist's page. Now it looks like I have to click an extra link to go to the page where I can actually do that.

This has been bothering me as well.

Speaking from a UI design perspective, having the quick search be overloaded as it was with not only names but URLs was poor, plus it was completely out of line with how the rest of the site works. Every other quick search on the site is for one field only. Anything beyond that should be done with a specialized search form.

If you want a URL search in the menu bar, you can still write up a userscript to do that.

I'm not sure how to reproduce this, but sometimes on the upload page when I click the button to pop out the tag box, the screen scrolls up to the picture but the box doesn't pop out, and I have to scroll back down and click it again