post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

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That flag check only goes into effect if you have flagged more than 10 times in the past 30 days.

For the flag check, it checks all of your flags from the previous 90 days. It's not as simple as 50% though (but I believe it's somewhat similar???).

def self.ci_lower_bound(pos, n, confidence = 0.95)
    if n == 0
        return 0

    z = Statistics2.pnormaldist(1-(1-confidence)/2)
    phat = 1.0*pos/n
    100 * (phat + z*z/(2*n) - z * Math.sqrt((phat*(1-phat)+z*z/(4*n))/n))/(1+z*z/n)

The pos value represents the number of flags against any one user, and n value represents the total sum of flags done by the flagger. If the value returned by the above function is greater than 50, then that user is identified as a targeted account.

I don't know exactly what mathematical function the above represents, but perhaps somebody else recognizes it...? <_<

BrokenEagle98 said:

I don't know exactly what mathematical function the above represents, but perhaps somebody else recognizes it...? <_<

It looks like the "lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter" as from this blog post.

I can't seem to find where the threshold is built exactly, it looks sort of like 50 count to me, but then I don't really know Ruby. In any case I think here it's asking if it is more than 95% likely that the flagger has exceeded the threshold with respect to the targeted poster over the last 90 day period. As n and pos increase the confidence interval should get tighter, with low values, it'd be looser.

It looks like there's a bit more on Wikipedia about this here.

Shinjidude said:

It looks like the "lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter" as from this blog post.

I can't seem to find where the threshold is built exactly, it looks sort of like 50 count to me, but then I don't really know Ruby. In any case I think here it's asking if it is more than 95% likely that the flagger has exceeded the threshold with respect to the targeted poster over the last 90 day period. As n and pos increase the confidence interval should get tighter, with low values, it'd be looser.

It looks like there's a bit more on Wikipedia about this here.

Yeah, I was thinking that it looked similar to the same formula used to determine upload limits for limited users. forum #107500

So yeah, as the number of total flags increases, the more the output of the above formula will approach the actual ratio.

Examples of ratios for a targeted attack

Note: The following illustrate the point where the value exceeds 50

  • 7 / 10 flags
  • 55 / 100 flags
  • 514 / 1000 flags
  • 5042 / 10000 flags
  • 50133 / 100000 flags
So given the above, if you had a 100 total flags and 54 were against a user, it wouldn't be identified as a targeted account, but if there were 55 against the user then it would.

Trying to upload from Twitter and keep getting an error meaasge.

An error occurred: error: Vips::Error - icc_transform: no input profile

app/logical/danbooru_image_resizer.rb:30:in `resize_ruby'
app/logical/danbooru_image_resizer.rb:16:in `resize'
app/logical/upload_service/utils.rb:109:in `generate_resizes'
app/logical/upload_service/utils.rb:154:in `process_file'
app/logical/upload_service.rb:56:in `start!'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:55:in `create'

I get this when using the address of the twitter post and also when using the direct image link as the source.

Edit: Tried a different Twitter upload which worked fine, so I have no idea why this one keeps giving the above error message.


Monki said:

Trying to upload from Twitter and keep getting an error meaasge.

I get this when using the address of the twitter post and also when using the direct image link as the source.

Edit: Tried a different Twitter upload which worked fine, so I have no idea why this one keeps giving the above error message.

It's the same bug as topic #15653

From the "Related Tags" -> Recent section shows some pretty random tags.
Doesn't show tags from the most recent image, especially not from the most recent you saw/tagged.

Don't know if this was an intentional change but, it's become worthless like this.

Your recent tags are the tags you've used the most in your recent tag edits. Previously it was just the first 30 tags alphabetically from whichever post you edited last. It depends on what you're doing, but in many circumstances that was not useful.

The only times I've really found recent tags to be useful in the past is when I was frequently uploading the same character and it always showed the first tags added, which for me is usually the person (hair color, eye color, etc) and costume tags. If the character had a decent wiki with person and costume info in it though, this usually became a moot point.

evazion said:

Previously it was just the first 30 tags alphabetically from whichever post you edited last.

Like I mentioned above, for uploads at least, the tags were ordered by the order you input them into the tag box, which for uploading WAS useful. However annoyingly enough, any subsequent correction edits to that post would reset it to be like you said.

keonas said:

From the "Related Tags" -> Recent section shows some pretty random tags.
Doesn't show tags from the most recent image, especially not from the most recent you saw/tagged.

Don't know if this was an intentional change but, it's become worthless like this.

Yeah, as it stands right now, I never even glance at that column anymore. I'm not sure how it could be made to be useful.

evazion said:

Your recent tags are the tags you've used the most in your recent tag edits. Previously it was just the first 30 tags alphabetically from whichever post you edited last. It depends on what you're doing, but in many circumstances that was not useful.

the previous version was really useful, because the only time i'd use it is when tagging
- children which were different enough that you wouldn't 80% copy paste the last one's tags
- posting a lot of 1 character/series, as BrokenEagle98 said

The new system suggests very useless general tags, and only when i tagged 11 images in a row did it finally start showing copyright and character tags.

DeviantArt changed it so accessing the full download of an image is more complicated. Tried uploading this image with a direct link to the full version and this is the result.


Date: 2018-11-03 01:20:32 -0400
Tags: nikunja jojo_no_kimyou_na_bouken vento_aureo giorno_giovanna bruno_buccellati narancia_ghirga trish_una pannacotta_fugo leone_abbacchio guido_mista black_eyes hat blonde_hair blue_eye single_braid bob_cut hairclip hairband hair_over_face short_hair messy_hair white_hair medium_hair choker necktie signature turtleneck purple_lipstick grin frown serious profile

An error occurred: error: Downloads::File::Error - HTTP error code: 405 Method Not Allowed

    app/logical/downloads/file.rb:29:in `block in is_cloudflare?'
    app/logical/cache.rb:18:in `get'
    app/logical/downloads/file.rb:27:in `is_cloudflare?'
    app/logical/downloads/file.rb:17:in `uncached_url'
    app/logical/downloads/file.rb:53:in `block in download!'
    app/logical/downloads/file.rb:52:in `download!'
    app/logical/upload_service/utils.rb:214:in `download_for_upload'
    app/logical/upload_service.rb:52:in `start!'
    app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:55:in `create'

And this is not the only example.

Possibly related to issue #3968, while trying to upload post #3307465 I ran into some trouble. At first, the bookmarklet displayed the wrong preview and tried to upload the wrong image even though I used the direct link. Then I tried opening the image and using the bookmarklet in a way so it wouldn't create a referer and got this error:


ActionView::Template::Error exception raised
Nil location provided. Can't build URI.

app/views/uploads/_image.html.erb:5:in `_app_views_uploads__image_html_erb__2912351183678957411_70183124249020'
app/views/uploads/new.html.erb:14:in `_app_views_uploads_new_html_erb___749238357476033043_70183124376960'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:12:in `new'

Then I opened the upload page directly, pasted the direct link and tried to upload it that way and got another error:


An error occurred: error: NoMethodError - undefined method `origin' for nil:NilClass

app/logical/downloads/file.rb:27:in `is_cloudflare?'
app/logical/downloads/file.rb:17:in `uncached_url'
app/logical/downloads/file.rb:53:in `block in download!'
app/logical/downloads/file.rb:52:in `download!'
app/logical/upload_service/utils.rb:214:in `download_for_upload'
app/logical/upload_service.rb:52:in `start!'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:55:in `create'

Seems like danbooru does not like nijie's diff links very much.