
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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It seems you need to have access to the search bar to browse new posts from the main index. What I did was go to my favorites, clicked on a post, then type in a blacklist of very uncommon tag like "-scat" or whatever you're not hungry for.

Trying to visit the Tag Changes Report on anyone's profile gives the following error:

ActionView::Template::Error exception raised

undefined method `reports_upload_tag_path' for #<#<Class:0x000055a3291e7860>:0x000055a329073cb8> Did you mean? reports_upload_tags_path reports_uploads_path reports_upload_tags_url

app/views/posts/partials/index/_preview.html.erb:1:in `block in _app_views_posts_partials_index__preview_html_erb___3294958512830887165_47079628966000'
app/views/posts/partials/index/_preview.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_posts_partials_index__preview_html_erb___3294958512830887165_47079628966000'
app/presenters/post_presenter.rb:78:in `preview'
app/views/reports/upload_tags.html.erb:18:in `block in _app_views_reports_upload_tags_html_erb__4508966179048559077_47079635233120'
app/views/reports/upload_tags.html.erb:16:in `_app_views_reports_upload_tags_html_erb__4508966179048559077_47079635233120'

issue #3975

Moonspeaker said:

Is there some reason the main Pools link in the navbar now defaults to the gallery view instead of the list view?

I wonder this as well, I much prefer the text listing of pools.

@RaisingK this breaks UPW, just so you know.
@albert can you shed some light on this?


Moonspeaker said:

Is there some reason the main Pools link in the navbar now defaults to the gallery view instead of the list view?

If I were to guess (taking other recent changes into account) it's to make the site more mobile friendly. Squarer buttons and links are a lot more touch-screen friendly than denser text is. Google penalizes sites that can't default to a mobile friendly interface these days (though I don't think there's any requirement for sites to default to mobile friendly layouts for desktop browsers). I tend to be more of a desktop user for this sort of site myself, but I can understand the argument.

The listing is still available; it's one click away on the secondary nav bar.

I switched it because that's how almost every other site presents groups of images. The preview gives a big clue as to the contents of the pool.

albert said:

The listing is still available; it's one click away on the secondary nav bar.

I switched it because that's how almost every other site presents groups of images. The preview gives a big clue as to the contents of the pool.

It was like that before, but it was changed back to a text listing as default after some complaints, consider this a complaint towards changing it back to text only. Perhaps there's a way to detect desktop vs mobile and change it accordingly? Edit: I'd like to add that even on mobile, I prefer the text listing. Much higher information density.


Why not just make the default view a togglable option that can be switched at anytime, under user settings or the pools page itself. For both mobile and desktop users, of course.

A number of buttons on the site (for example, the "Submit" button on the "Add commentary" popup, and the heart button to favorite an image) seem to ignore my clicks most of the time. I click the button and nothing happens, probably upwards of 90% of the time. Whether the click works or not seems to be pretty random. I'm using Tor browser. It seems like there must be some JavaScript that's broken, or something like that.

Is this a known issue, and/or does anyone know of a way to fix it?

I'm looking at pool #14454 and something weird is happening

I check the posts and they're not getting the pool navigation on the bar (Example post #3312895) and when I search for pool:14454 I get something strange

Strange Output ScreenShotted

I click show pool and it directs me the output of doing a search for the title would result in.

It's like the pool is simultaneously populated and completely empty at the same time

Anyone know how fix this? Is it a bug or just something configured wrong?

Zelinkokitsune said:

Anyone know how fix this? Is it a bug or just something configured wrong?

You might be able to fix it by removing all posts and adding them again. That would make it harder to debug, though.

My guess is that the pool data has all the post IDs but the post data doesn’t have the pool ID.