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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Site update (2017.07.11 - 2017.08.02)
  • Fixed several exploits that allowed non-Gold users to view loli/shota and banned posts. Before people start asking: this is why Better Better Booru no longer works.
  • Added automatic character tag detection:
    • Danbooru automatically analyzes the image and tries to detect which characters are present, based on the visual qualities of the image.
    • The guessed tags show up in the Related Tags section, under "Guessed Characters".
    • Currently this is only enabled on the upload page, and only for Builders.
  • Allow replacing a post with the same file that it already has:
    • This allows approvers to fix corrupted or missing images. The image will be redownloaded and the thumbnails will be regenerated.
    • This type of replacement won't leave a comment or log a mod action. It will be listed in /post_replacements though.
  • Added new options to filter the /tag_aliases and /tag_implications listings by status (pending vs approved), tag type, and post count.
  • Added autocomplete for search:<label> metatags.
  • Disallowed adding malformed URLs to artist entries.
  • Disallowed creating empty wiki pages.
  • Fixed replacements deleting active files in certain cases (specifically, when a post is replaced to something else then replaced back to the original file).
  • Fixed incorrect filesize being displayed on upload page for Pixiv uploads.
  • Fixed exception when viewing posts that contain notes with malformed links (post #2660179).
  • Allow unfavoriting expunged posts. Fixed orphaned favorites.
  • Fixed expunged posts not being removed from deleted pools.
  • Fixed expunged posts not setting the has_children flag when reparenting children.
  • Add missing blacklist controls to artist pages and to pool/favgroup order editing pages.
  • Fixed issues with the Related Tag section in the detached tag edit dialog not being sized properly.
  • Fixed notes creating a new version even when the body/position didn't change.
  • Fixed the Deleted post filter not working with -status:pending / -status:flagged / status:banned searches.
  • Updated outdated info on the account upgrade page. Mention debit cards.

Full changelog:


Hey, I noticed some recent change made it so a status:any search gets added to the navbar whenever you open a picture without a previous search. Since this pushes pool navs to second place in the bar, the hotkeys will navigate the status:any search and not the pool, making traversing pools quite annoying.

There's a problem with Better Better Booru, but part of it might be on Danbooru's side, so I guess I'll ask.

My user level lets me view loli and shota, but today they started disappearing from searches with BBB on.
However, it doesn't happen every time, but only if there are specific tags in the query. It doesn't happen if the query is an artist or a copyright (at least as far as I have checked). It does happen with character tags and some general tags, but not all of them - e.g. loli works but shota doesn't. It happens with parent or order metatags, but not id.

This also doen't happen anywhere other than search results, such as on a user page (recent uploads, favorites and subscriptions) or in parent/child list within a post page.

This is weirdly specific. Does it have anything to do with Danbooru itself, or is it entirely a BBB problem?

worldendDominator said:

There's a problem with Better Better Booru, but part of it might be on Danbooru's side, so I guess I'll ask.

My user level lets me view loli and shota, but today they started disappearing from searches with BBB on.
However, it doesn't happen every time, but only if there are specific tags in the query. It doesn't happen if the query is an artist or a copyright (at least as far as I have checked). It does happen with character tags and some general tags, but not all of them - e.g. loli works but shota doesn't. It happens with parent or order metatags, but not id.

This also doen't happen anywhere other than search results, such as on a user page (recent uploads, favorites and subscriptions) or in parent/child list within a post page.

This is weirdly specific. Does it have anything to do with Danbooru itself, or is it entirely a BBB problem?

You can check this by temporarily disabling BBB. I'd say the problem is on their side; if I had to guess, it's because they re-create the links regardless of whether those are already present.

Could we perhaps get a list of all posts that need to be replaced due to corruption or missing thumbnails? Regarding:

  • Allow replacing a post with the same file that it already has:
    • This allows approvers to fix corrupted or missing images. The image will be redownloaded and the thumbnails will be regenerated.
  • Fixed replacements deleting active files in certain cases (specifically, when a post is replaced to something else then replaced back to the original file).

Would be much appreciated. By the way, are the jobs to delete active posts before the bug was fixed still active? I imagine new posts might still resurface if that's the case...

EDIT: Replaced all the ones I could find in forum #134015. post #2763617, post #2763618, post #2763618 I say should get double deletions -- don't really see a point in downloading and replacing samples.

On that note, could we consider doing double deletions for samples with their full-size already upped? Dunno if it's in demand, but I think it'd help heighten the upload ratios of those users that have uploaded samples, hm.


BrokenEagle98 said:

forum #134015 is a good starting place... I don't know what you mean by the rest. Do you have an example besides those listed in the forum post I linked that I could look over?

I believe there were bugs regarding ugoira replacements, and also a few more have popped up since you posted that (of which I've already replaced now). One of them was post #2780471 -- I just want to know if there'll be more like that (posts where the delete job is still active when it shouldn't be) or if those jobs are erased for good, while images that shouldn't be active will go to deletion.

post #2763617, post #2763625, and post #2763618 are the only missing files not replaced. You can double check these by going through /post_replacements?limit=1000 and looking for broken thumbnails (checking for failures in the dev console is easiest). As for ugoiras, I think post #2750277 is the only one that still needs to be replaced.

Would be much appreciated. By the way, are the jobs to delete active posts before the bug was fixed still active? I imagine new posts might still resurface if that's the case...

The deletion jobs will still run, but now they check that files are unused before deleting them. If a file belongs to a post then the deletion job will fail. You can see jobs that failed in this way in the /delayed_jobs listing (an admin may have to clear these jobs if they start piling up).

The reason these jobs haven't been canceled is because doing so isn't so easy. It's hard to detect when a file scheduled for deletion has become active again and find the job that needs to be cancelled, therefore the fix is to let the job run but fail once it sees the file is in use.

I'd look into the above, but the Danbooru API is giving me issues right now. Using one library (urllib), I get nothing but 403 errors, and using another library (requests), it sometimes works but is as slow as hell and sometimes gives 502 errors instead. Is anyone else experiencing problems with the API...?

Yeah, I don't know what's going on either...? I occasionally saw something with the 502 errors in regards to a CDN CloudFlare issue... sometimes even through the browser. I wonder if that's somehow related...?

Regardless, I recoded my Danbooru library at the speed of light and now have something working... :) I've been meaning to do that anyways, but my typical mantra is "If it's not broke, don't fix it"...

RaisingK said:

Well, for some reason, Danbooru has started throwing 422 errors if the "artist[url_string]" value has surrounding whitespace.

Probably related to the new URL checks put into place with issue #2346 and issue #3247. I've already encountered this where my script was blocked from updating an artist because the existing URL list had an email address in it. I had to go in and fix those manually before I could continue on... :/

evazion said:

Ah, okay, I see. Much appreciated, thanks ye. Indeed that does sound like a much easier fix.

Well, that covers everything I think. Luckily I didn't have to do much digging (no bad id's or anything).

BrokenEagle98 said:

Yeah, I don't know what's going on either...? I occasionally saw something with the 502 errors in regards to a CDN CloudFlare issue... sometimes even through the browser. I wonder if that's somehow related...?

Interesting. Apparently albert switched to Cloudflare recently. Sonohara and hijiribe still resolve to the old IPs though. Cloudflare does have options to block malicious traffic, maybe you're running into something with that?

RaisingK said:

Well, for some reason, Danbooru has started throwing 422 errors if the "artist[url_string]" value has surrounding whitespace.

Fixed in a56c1bb.

Here's a major new feature I forgot to list:

  • Added automatic character tag detection:
    • Danbooru automatically analyzes the image and tries to detect which characters are present, based on the visual qualities of the image.
    • The guessed tags show up in the Related Tags section, under "Guessed Characters".
    • Currently this is only enabled on the upload page, and only for Builders.

See issue #3021 for more details.

BrokenEagle98 said:

I'd look into the above, but the Danbooru API is giving me issues right now. Using one library (urllib), I get nothing but 403 errors, and using another library (requests), it sometimes works but is as slow as hell and sometimes gives 502 errors instead. Is anyone else experiencing problems with the API...?

Getting 403 Error codes as well.

What's going on?