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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

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紫希貴 said:

Also, is there a way to turn the users' links there (which are currently absolute) to relative links?

How is that supposed to work across domains? isshiki only has reports but not user profiles.

kittey said:

How is that supposed to work across domains? isshiki only has reports but not user profiles.

Oh, it seems that there is none. I'm sorry. I just thought that it might be possible, but it is not.

eumesmo said:

Unfavoriting posts seems broken. I've opened an issue over at github:

Unbreakable said:

I can still unfavourite posts as normal.

Same here... favorite and unfavorite works just fine.


DeusExCalamus was experiencing a similar issue 2 weeks ago which he resolved by clearing his Danbooru cookies (topic #9127/p197). Why don't you give that a try.

Also just for reference, it's usually a good idea to post a problem on the forum first before creating an issue on GitHub, as the issue may only be experienced on your machine.

evazion said:

It looks like it's missing on hijiribe but not on sonohara. Don't know why, I guess an error during file syncing. As for fixing it, it's either get albert to sync the files manually or replace the post. Fixing cases like this is what the recent change to replacements was meant for.

EDIT: actually there were a few ugoiras with broken thumbnails, I think it came from back when hijiribe was experiencing problems a couple months ago.

Still lots of ugoiras, especially newly uploaded ones, with missing thumbs. Out of 70 uploaded in the last month or so, only like 4 of them have working thumbnails.

Any word when there will be an automated fix to this? Sounds like something manual for the time being.

Are Frequent Tags not showing up for anyone else? They disappeared for me just now.

EDIT: Nevermind, they're back somehow. I tried clearing my cache and cookies, maybe something funky happened.

Godel said:

Still lots of ugoiras, especially newly uploaded ones, with missing thumbs. Out of 70 uploaded in the last month or so, only like 4 of them have working thumbnails.

Any word when there will be an automated fix to this? Sounds like something manual for the time being.

I believe this is a caching problem with Cloudflare:

The first link is broken because a) someone viewed the thumbnail before it was fully generated, which caused the broken thumb to be cached by Cloudflare and b) Cloudflare is apparently configured to cache files indefinitely, so broken files never get refreshed.

Is the random looking floating FAVORITE button that keeps having it's text expanded normal?


Since we already got a favorite button on the sidebar I wasn't sure if this was some sorta error or intended actions, especially with how out of place it looks.

Zelinkokitsune said:

Is the random looking floating FAVORITE button that keeps having it's text expanded normal?

What do you mean with “having its text expanded”? It always looked the same to me until I got rid of it with someone’s tip from the CSS thread.

kittey said:

What do you mean with “having its text expanded”? It always looked the same to me until I got rid of it with someone’s tip from the CSS thread.

It looked like it scaled up from yesterday like it was one notch larger. I still don't know where the button came from as I don't remember it being there until yesterday.

Zelinkokitsune said:

It looked like it scaled up from yesterday like it was one notch larger. I still don't know where the button came from as I don't remember it being there until yesterday.

It was added in a recent update a few days ago and yes, it got bolded yesterday.

Unbreakable said:

It was added in a recent update a few days ago and yes, it got bolded yesterday.

Okay good so I'm NOT crazy. That was one of those things I wasn't sure about. Still Could they possibly have it match the style of the 'Comments Edit Share' line under it.

Because right now it's kinda an eyesore

That Favorite button is now floating centered to images instead of left bellow.
It's pretty ugly and it also leaves an ugly white space before and after it.

Can we fix it, or have it optional?