
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

DeusExCalamus said:

Is there an easy way to revert to the old behavior of the commentary box? It's messing up my tagging...Keep adding tags to the commentary box...

Oh yes please. Have a drop down tab where if you click it, it displays the fields you enter for the commentary.

I can't remove the tag hot pants from post #1032257. According to the tag history I added the tag, but I was actually trying to remove the shorts tags. The tag is not being implied from another tag, and should actually be aliased to short shorts, which the post is tagged as. Removing the tag together with the shorts tags doesn't work either.

Danaii said:

I can't remove the tag hot pants from post #1032257. According to the tag history I added the tag, but I was actually trying to remove the shorts tags. The tag is not being implied from another tag, and should actually be aliased to short shorts, which the post is tagged as. Removing the tag together with the shorts tags doesn't work either.

I see the problem here.

Hot Pants (cosplay) automatically adds the hot pants tag (as in the garment) to the picture instead of the Hot Pants (SBR) one.
Maybe we could rename that cosplay tag to Hot Pants (SBR) (cosplay)?

Edit: That was fast! Thank you, Provence.

andalus said:

Tag at Fetch source data is broken?

Apollyon said:

Definitely seems like it. I keep seeing things like c_(control) and romeo_(naval_flag) in the translated tags if I upload something from Pixiv.

Already commented on this issue on the previous page. Check forum #131219.

keonas said:

Getting the artist name doesn't work anymore either, for Pixiv.

This has already been noted... it seems like artists on Pixiv can change their usernames. Danbooru currently relies on the Pixiv username to look up the artist. The fix would be to look up by Pixiv ID instead.


Created issue #3048 for artist lookup issue.


I just want to note that, even with a 1920x1080 screen, I have to scroll down now to add tags because the artist commentary boxes are in the way and this is without using the bookmarklet. Is it possible to make the Artist Commentary boxes drop down like this when you check the box to "Include Artist Commentary"?

Artist Commentary

Artist Commentary Title

Artist Commentary

[check] Include Commentary

I sent albert a patch that allows you to show/hide the commentary box. Default is hidden unless the source has commentary. issue #3045.

EDIT: I should also note that you can use shift+E to popout the tag edit box so that you can tag the upload without scrolling up and down.


Site update (2017.05.10 - 2017.05.15)
  • Added ability for approvers to replace posts.
  • Added show/hide toggle to commentary on the uploads page.
  • Added RSS feeds for comments and forum topics: /comments.atom, /forum_topics.atom, /forum_topics/9127.atom.
  • Pixiv: translated tags include the medium used by the artist (e.g. ボールペン : ballpoint_pen_(medium)).
  • When searching for an artist on /posts, the "Artist" tab now includes a breakdown of the artist's uploads by domain.
  • Moderators: on user profiles, there's a "sample" link showing you a random sampling of that user's uploads/deletions/favs.
  • Pixiv: the artist finder now finds matches using the artist's Pixiv member ID instead of by their Pixiv username. Artist entries must contain a url for the artist finder to work.
  • Fixed the bug with translated tags returning the wrong tags for Pixiv.
  • Fixed Pixiv artist name links being broken in the "Fetch source data" box.
  • Fixed user name changes forcing your new name to lowercase.
  • Fixed API requests to /forum_topics/1234.json marking the topic as read.

Full changelog:

evazion said:

  • Posts now have a three day cooldown after they have been flagged before they can be flagged again.

This apparently works to prevent flagged posts from being outright deleted. I was wanting to delete some samples among my uploads (and transfer favorites) but can't because of the cooldown. Is that intentional?

The text of a very long tag in the Recent Searches box will spill over onto the rest of the screen, and can run over onto the text of a post's wiki when opened on the post page. It's not a big problem, because the wiki page can simply be opened in the wiki itself to read any text that was covered up. Not sure how to fix it, other than truncating a tag over a certain number of characters with an ellipses or substituting a shorter aliased tag like /watamote for the longer tag if the tag is over a certain number of characters.

It looks like this:

bigrich said:

The text of a very long tag in the Recent Searches box will spill over onto the rest of the screen, and can run over onto the text of a post's wiki when opened on the post page. It's not a big problem, because the wiki page can simply be opened in the wiki itself to read any text that was covered up. Not sure how to fix it, other than truncating a tag over a certain number of characters with an ellipses or substituting a shorter aliased tag like /watamote for the longer tag if the tag is over a certain number of characters.

It looks like this:

What browser are you using? Tags in the lists are supposed to be word-wrapped.

Type-kun said:

What browser are you using? Tags in the lists are supposed to be word-wrapped.

The latest version of chrome. The only extension I use is Adblock Plus and disabling that makes no difference. I don't use any custom CSS.