A sudden platinum upgrade raffle has appeared!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Type-kun said:

Well, it was a bug, and you happened to be the first to find it. I think @albert can recover lost subscriptions from database backups.

I hope so. I feel like I've been tricked into doing something nobody warned me about beforehand.

Site update (2017.04.20 - 2017.04.22)
  • Pawoo upload support has been added.
  • Translation notes now support the <ruby>, <rb>, <rt>, and <rp> HTML tags for formatting furigana.
  • Fixed tag subscription to saved search migrations inadvertently deleting your subscription instead of migrating it.
  • Fixed certain valid mp4 files not being allowed during upload.
  • Fixed the search box dropdown not working on /posts/1234 pages.

Full changelog: https://github.com/r888888888/danbooru/compare/production-2017.04.20-213407-utc...production-2017.04.22-082758-utc

Hmmm... It's kind of buggy, the support for Pawoo. Are you supposed to use the bookmarklet on only the toot page? Or from the toot timeline? It seems that the batch bookmarklet doesn't work either...

I can report some bugs more in detail, but it's just what I experienced so far.

Mikaeri said:

Hmmm... It's kind of buggy, the support for Pawoo. Are you supposed to use the bookmarklet on only the toot page? Or from the toot timeline? It seems that the batch bookmarklet doesn't work either...

I can report some bugs more in detail, but it's just what I experienced so far.

It looks like it's not working right now because the server doesn't have the pawoo login credentials properly configured.

Sacriven said:


Do we have a way to change the layout? I prefer the old one, where everything is categorized under label. The current layout is a bit confusing to look at.

If you click the Labels heading it will group searches together by label. That's pretty much the same as the old layout, just without the headings between each group.

provence said:

Tagger report shows a blank page:

Translator Tags and Wiki pages didn't update. They should be updated every week, right?

Looks like the file was generated but it has a filesize of zero. I guess something failed while it was generating the report.

evazion said:

If you click the Labels heading it will group searches together by label. That's pretty much the same as the old layout, just without the headings between each group.

TBH, headings are much better because you can see the list of searches under it. Current layout is a bit confusing, because you need CTRL+F to find any searches under the same label. Even if we clicked the label and showed all the posts under that label, we don't know the list of searches behind those posts.

I mean click the word Labels at the very top of the list. That should sort the column so that searches with the same label are listed next to each other.

(Yes, the fact that clicking Labels does something is very non-obvious. This could be improved.)

evazion said:

I mean click the word Labels at the very top of the list. That should sort the column so that searches with the same label are listed next to each other.

(Yes, the fact that clicking Labels does something is very non-obvious. This could be improved.)

Wow, it works. Thanks
Yeah, it's very non-obvious until you pointed it out.


I found a weird bug on this comment. If you try to reply it, only the first paragraph appears on the comment box, while the other two are completely omitted.


Hmm... clicking on Subscriptions now re-points me to Posts. Which is fine by me - I migrated to Saved Searches weeks ago - but figured I'd mention it in case that's not actually suppose to do that.

Site update (2017.04.22 - 2017.04.25)
  • Uploading from Pawoo with the bookmarklet should now work.
  • /notes now defaults to listing notes instead of posts. Use order:note or the "Posts" link the navbar to see posts.
  • /notes and /note_versions now use page numbers instead of next/prev links.
  • Fixed tag autocomplete not working on the responsive (aka mobile) layout.
  • Fixed tag autocomplete not working on a few other pages, most notably on /tag_aliases and /tag_implications.
  • Fixed wiki page autocomplete not including meta-wikis.
  • Single metatag searches, such as order:rank or user:evazion or fav:evazion, should be noticeably faster.

Full changelog: https://github.com/r888888888/danbooru/compare/production-2017.04.22-082758-utc...production-2017.04.25-004513-utc

Bookmarklet still doesn't fix pawoo sources yet, even though uploading works just fine... during upload, the source is correct, but after that, it still points to the direct link.