post #9000000 GET!
Donmai (and things regarding it)

Posted under General

I think it would be good to have both -- that is, both the name with the emoji markup stripped and the name with the emoji markup included. It's always good to have more to draw from, in my opinion.

The :underage: emoji's for loli artists, yup. I'm fine with it present, but I do prefer the name without the emojis also present. Japanese artists tend to add a lot of "noise" to their name, perhaps for lack of a better term. Things like "@" what booth they'll be at for Comiket, COMITIA, Comic1, mimiket, etc... others just put random stuff in there.

I don't know how difficult it'd be to parse different names since a lot of artists mix it up from time to time, but if it makes the artist database easier to search then I'm all for it. Or maybe I'm just missing something, not exactly sure.

Maybe... I'm going by the # portion of


I'm thinking that what's going on is that the # portion includes all Mastodon accounts, and that they are all linked together this way...


Mikaeri said:

Oh also, this extension on Google Chrome disables the sensitive content filter on Found it through LainDog's toot.

Might be useful to a few folks out there.

From my experience, this only applies to your home page feed, browsing through the feeds of other people will still require you to go through the button presses. Also, my pawoo tab is slowing down considerably as I go down deeper into my feed history... Is that normal?

CodeKyuubi said:

From my experience, this only applies to your home page feed, browsing through the feeds of other people will still require you to go through the button presses. Also, my pawoo tab is slowing down considerably as I go down deeper into my feed history... Is that normal?

Hmm, noted.

That happens to me too. I don't think it's optimized at the timeline, so the more you go through it, the slower it gets. Luckily you can just browse their toots from their profile, but then you have to load their content page by page.

In regards to what tapnek mentioned, I hope they do it soon. Pawoo's greatest appeal right now is, well... NSFW content. That's what's bringing in most users over anyway, being a safe haven for loli/shota.

BrokenEagle98 said:

Ah, no, I meant that sometimes artists use a text string (not emoji) as an addon. The ":underage:" text string was one such example.


Maybe... I'm going by the # portion of


I'm thinking that what's going on is that the # portion includes all Mastodon accounts, and that they are all linked together this way...

Oh that's what I mean. You can leave that stuff out when adding alternate names.

As for the # thing, I just checked and I think that's it -- that's how they enumerate through all the users on the Mastodon network as a whole. Pawoo just has most of them now (a plurality with ~20% of all 363k users registered).


CodeKyuubi said:

Also, my pawoo tab is slowing down considerably as I go down deeper into my feed history... Is that normal?

If it loads as you scroll down, sure. That happens to me when I'm browsing people's profiles on Twitter so that should be normal, unless it's slower than Twitter.

@BrokenEagle98 Looks like there might have to be another way to do this script thing... One of the mastodon instances just got more than a million users registered overnight. I don't know what the admin is trying there, but someone might be registering a botnet on it or something.

Wonder if there's a better way to tackle this.

EDIT: Looks like it was excluded from the network.


So, I just woke up, and was wondering something. How should we be relating pawoo pngs to pngs from other sources (twitter, pixiv, nico, tumblr)? I know people said in the past that pngs can have inferior compression to justify parenting, but is that really the case? I was under the impression that lossless is lossless.

CodeKyuubi said:

So, I just woke up, and was wondering something. How should we be relating pawoo pngs to pngs from other sources (twitter, pixiv, nico, tumblr)? I know people said in the past that pngs can have inferior compression to justify parenting, but is that really the case? I was under the impression that lossless is lossless.

Right, so this is a little confusing I think. Pawoo pngs typically have better file compression than Twitter pngs without losing any pixel information, where pixiv/seiga/tumblr usually have the best (although Tumblr's as of late has been really derpy). All pngs are lossless. Twitter just fails miraculously at caching them with a decent filesize. Then again, Twitter's media cache algorithms are all kinds of befuddling and strange -- best way to get around that is just ALWAYS upload png on Twitter.

In terms of parenting priority from most childlike → most parentlike with same dimensions:

Twitter → Pawoo → Tumblr → pixiv/seiga/nijie/etc.

Arguably you can skip uploading Pawoo pngs altogether since all they have is better compression (again, without any loss of data), but it's pretty much the same way Twitter png uploads get parented to pixiv png uploads, even though both are the exact same image bit-for-bit. I think it's just worth uploading since some users like smaller filesizes and/or having a different place to reference a slightly superior upload.

Mikaeri said:

Right, so this is a little confusing I think. Pawoo pngs typically have better file compression than Twitter pngs without losing any pixel information, where pixiv/seiga/tumblr usually have the best (although Tumblr's as of late has been really derpy). All pngs are lossless. Twitter just fails miraculously at caching them with a decent filesize. Then again, Twitter's media cache algorithms are all kinds of befuddling and strange -- best way to get around that is just ALWAYS upload png on Twitter.

In terms of parenting priority from most childlike → most parentlike with same dimensions:

Twitter → Pawoo → Tumblr → pixiv/seiga/nijie/etc.

Arguably you can skip uploading Pawoo pngs altogether since all they have is better compression (again, without any loss of data), but it's pretty much the same way Twitter png uploads get parented to pixiv png uploads, even though both are the exact same image bit-for-bit. I think it's just worth uploading since some users like smaller filesizes and/or having a different place to reference a slightly superior upload.

Right, thanks for the answer (I'm not well-versed in technical aspects of file format).

Mikaeri said:

@BrokenEagle98 Looks like there might have to be another way to do this script thing... One of the mastodon instances just got more than a million users registered overnight at I don't know what the admin is trying there, but someone might be registering a botnet on it or something.

Wonder if there's a better way to tackle this.

EDIT: Looks like it was excluded from the network.

Well, I'll keep going, despite the above. It would probably go faster if the whole process didn't need eyes on for some portions. I could always do what I do for my image testing script, which is save the information for those eyes-on cases into a file for later manual processing.

I might eventually do that, but I'm still making tweeks to the script so that it can do matching better. That way, fewer entries will need to be manually processed.

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