post #9000000 GET!
Donmai (and things regarding it)

Posted under General

Sacriven said:

Also, is there any way to find the Pawoo username through Pixiv username easily?

It's only supported by Pixiv, otherwise they have nothing else in common AFAIK. They do not share the same authorization, therefore a user could have two different usernames, and potentially two different display names (much like Twitter in fact).

Sacriven said:

All of those moonrunes confuses me. @Mikaeri, if you don't mind, can you make a small guide about how to follow artists and the function of those small buttons in the future?
Just realized that I can change the language setting. So there is no longer need for this.
What's the difference between Public Timelines with Public Local Timelines? Also, is there any way to find the Pawoo username through Pixiv username easily?

The public timeline is what you see from everyone you follow, I believe. Local timeline = everyone on, and federated timeline = everyone on a registered public instance of mastodon.

Also what brokeneagle said about pawoo. They might support integration with their fork in the future with a connection or integration tool ( has one for Twitter) but afaik their main priority is stability.


I've been using Pawoo account #22833 for testing purposes, and I've come to the part where it checks the Danbooru artist database and it came up with a match for artist #135803. It looks like Mikaeri updated that a few days ago with the Pawoo name url. My question is, should the account ID url be used as well...?

Pawoo ID Url:

The one benefit to the above is that it's standardized across the board. I'm not too sure, but can the Pawoo name url be changed at a later date? For reference, not all Pawoo name urls follow the format I also found other urls, such as being used.

If the Pawoo name urls can be changed, should they be removed with a preference on using the Pawoo ID urls?

Hmmmm... As far as I know, not currently. Pawoo doesn't have the option to change your selected username after you've registered.

I think including both would be a good idea. It's a bit redundant but it's useful in that we'll know alternate names artists go by. Plus it's more intuitive to just add that url instead of finding the account ID link.

Short note, by the way. I read this Japanese article and it seems pawoo's popularity is a large response to Twitter's centralization and control/moderation of content, especially with regards to loli/shota erotic content and users having their accounts suspended because of that.

It seems it's because although Twitter is an American-operated entity, it has to account for other countries' laws in place regarding this kind of content -- which Western society doesn't really take well to. Although loli/shota is allowed in Japan (to some extent), it certainly isn't in many other countries. Pixiv is operated by Pixiv inc. (a Japanese corporation) so they're allowed under their countries' laws to let users publish that kind of content. The same problem is arising though, and it's been brought up by the founder of pawoo in that issue.

So it's a bit concerning given they'll have to account for how to keep illegal/inappropriate content off other instances of Mastodon or off the federated timeline, but I think there will eventually be some resolution to it because Mastodon seems to be all about the moderation of content through these decentralized communities. Just have to see where the conversation and development goes.

For a prime example, bubukka (pawoo) publishes/boosts (boost == retweet) loli/toddlercon content quite frequently, and it's the kind of stuff that would never fly on Twitter.


BrokenEagle98 said:

I've been using Pawoo account #22833 for testing purposes, and I've come to the part where it checks the Danbooru artist database and it came up with a match for artist #135803. It looks like Mikaeri updated that a few days ago with the Pawoo name url. My question is, should the account ID url be used as well...?

Pawoo ID Url:

The one benefit to the above is that it's standardized across the board. I'm not too sure, but can the Pawoo name url be changed at a later date? For reference, not all Pawoo name urls follow the format I also found other urls, such as being used.

Not sure if this was pointed out before but it seems accessing the second and third type of URL doesn't require a Pawoo account.

Now if the website had the option of switching to English on the front page, the website would be much easier to navigate.

After updating several artist records, it seems like many Pixiv users are using the same username, so that could potentially be one method to find the Pawoo account. Unfortunately, what URL to use with that account name is currently unknown for the reason I mentioned above about different Pawoo name URLs.

Just to give an idea, the following list of domains I've already encountered after processing only 500 accounts.

'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''


I wonder if there's something on Pawoo similar to on Pixiv for finding the artist's actual account from just their username...?


Not that I'm aware of. The other domains look like other instances of mastodon, for sure.

We could include the account links and what not, although I'm assuming most media content will be coming off of pawoo's server.

Wow ... Pawoo is now the most popular mastodon instance. Meanwhile, big western instances have blocked Pawoo for allowing loli art.
It's kind of ironic that this is part of the reason why Japanese artists are so interested in a decentralized non-U.S. controlled Twitter alternative. :>

Wow, that was extremely fast. Pixiv also mentioned that in this status update.

Still though, I think it's great that pixiv cares more about their users' freedom of content than Twitter by going this route -- this way we can stop putting up with suspended accounts and the like (gyuunyuu nomio got suspended twice and his work was pretty much borderline loli). AFAIK they don't get anything out of this except good publicity, since there aren't any ads or anything on mastodon keeping the server afloat other than the admins.

Now to just wait until @albert creates a danbooru/teruyo account on It'll eventually happen c:

EDIT: Will be working on a howto:pawoo wiki very soon.

EDIT 2: Preliminary wikipage created and edited.


Don't forget to put the requirement of needing an account to access links like these. I'm not sure how to word it myself.

And Pawoo really needs an English version of the main page for those that want to sign up but can't read Japanese. In the meantime, you might want to put up your tiny guide on how to sign up on the wiki page.

And last question, is Pawoo still under Japan's law of having to censor the genitals?

Sure thing.

I agree, although the option might come in the future when they start to accommodate for those options with IP region detect or just a language option in general. It appears to me they want to get their Japanese users first on board since they operate under Japanese jurisdiction, and users in the West that are allowed to browse this kind of content as a second.

To the last question, yes -- still have to censor the genitals (although some artists will skip that step, either forgetting or intentionally leaving it until they actually have to)

EDIT: Added instructions for signing up.


Yes, that's right. The access token is in the initial GET request to the web account page, i.e. "". I know of know other way at this time to get it.

Luckily it only requires some minor HTML scraping to get the access token, which I do with the REGEX window\.INITIAL_STATE = (.+), and then convert the resulting string to JSON. The access token is found in data['meta']['access_token'].

After that, the before-mentioned API requests are sent with the additional header {"Authorization":"Bearer %s" % accesstoken}.


Just checked, and the access token does work if used in subsequent calls to different accounts, so it does looks like it is reusable, but I don't know for how long since there's no timeout listed.

Example JSON from initial GET
  "settings": {
    "notifications": {
      "alerts": {
        "favourite": true,
        "mention": true,
        "reblog": true,
        "follow": true
      "shows": {
        "favourite": true,
        "mention": true,
        "reblog": true,
        "follow": true
      "sounds": {
        "favourite": true,
        "mention": true,
        "reblog": true,
        "follow": true
    "home": {
      "shows": {
        "reply": true,
        "reblog": true
  "compose": {
    "default_privacy": "public",
    "me": 49162
  "accounts": {
    "49162": {
      "header": "\/headers\/original\/missing.png",
      "note": "",
      "avatar": "\/avatars\/original\/missing.png",
      "url": "https:\/\/\/@BrokenEagle98",
      "header_static": "\/headers\/original\/missing.png",
      "locked": false,
      "username": "BrokenEagle98",
      "display_name": "",
      "created_at": "2017-04-16T01:46:46.845Z",
      "following_count": 0,
      "followers_count": 1,
      "acct": "BrokenEagle98",
      "statuses_count": 0,
      "id": 49162,
      "avatar_static": "\/avatars\/original\/missing.png"
  "meta": {
    "access_token": "361c950c4fb2c592935ae9f384ba52634bda5b654222087b3431f25318702128",
    "locale": "en",
    "boost_modal": false,
    "me": 49162


Pawoo changed a few things last night for the web page HTML. To get the JSON from that initial GET request (i.e. "MyAccount" JSON), I've had to switch to using the following REGEX instead.

<script id=\'initial-state\' type=\'application/json\'>(.+?)</script>

Additionally, they've added a few additional values to that MyAccount JSON.


They added a few values to "meta", but it looks like the biggest change is adding in the details on the admin account to the "accounts" section.

@BrokenEagle98 Just wanted to let you know about since a lot of artists are using this kind of "emoji" markup in their username to indicate stuff they dabble in:


🎨 ←絵師マーク
🚸 ←ロリ絵師マーク
🔞 ←18禁の絵師マーク
☠ ←R-18Gの絵師マーク
💏 ←NL
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 ←GL
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ←BL
💦 ←おしっこ好き
💩 or🚽 ←スカトロ
😺 ←ケモナー
🤰 ←ボテ腹好き
📖 or🖋 or✏ ←字書き
✅ or☑ or✔ ←牙生えるJJJJJ
🐦 ←だまれトリ
🈁 ←私はココスが好きです



Markup list.

🎨 ← artist
🚸 ← loli artist
🔞 ← R-18 artist
☠ ← R-18G artist
💏 ← hetero
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 ← yuri
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ← yaoi
💦 ← likes peeing
💩 or🚽 ← scat fetish
😺 ← furry
🤰 ← likes pregnant women
📖 or🖋 or✏ ← calligrapher
✅ or☑ or✔ ← fangs
🐦 ← lurker
🈁 ← I like it here

Please copy and paste the markup emoji here into your username field.
If there are other markup that you know of, please let me know.


Sort of -- I saw your edits included the emoji markup, and just thought it would be good to let you know if they were necessary or not to include in an artist's alternate names field.

On the other hand, I suppose it would be useful for anyone else using the site that doesn't want to run into unexpected scat/guro/furry, although the emoji are pretty much self-explanatory.

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