post #9000000 GET!
Donmai (and things regarding it)

Posted under General

Holy snap that was quick.

You know, I wasn't expecting that feature until like a week or two later but dang those pixiv engineers work fast. Now it shows up as that little icon under the name, how fancy...

Wonder if it's retrievable through the API. Sometimes artists list their shortlink to their pixiv profile ( and others just don't list it at all, so this could aid in it since they pretty much advertised the new feature on the pawoo home screen.

I think @BrokenEagle98 should know about this, although he probably knows already.

Mikaeri said:

Wonder if it's retrievable through the API.

It is retrievable:

	"id": 20698,
	"username": "kv18",
	"acct": "kv18",
	"display_name": "Kavk@(縺九▒オ縺▒)昏耳懇",
	"locked": false,
	"created_at": "2017-04-15T04:08:39.426Z",
	"followers_count": 358,
	"following_count": 133,
	"statuses_count": 344,
	"oauth_authentications": [{
			"uid": "12216873",
			"provider": "pixiv"
	"note": "邨オ繧偵▒\r\n繧、繝ゥ繧ケ繝医▒ッ <a href=\"\" class=\"mention hashtag\">#<span>kv18</span></a> 縺ァ隕九l縺セ縺吶Κ\r\ntwitter▒シ▒<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"invisible\">https://</span><span class=\"\"></span><span class=\"invisible\"></span></a>▒シ噂r\nHP▒シ▒<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"invisible\">https://</span><span class=\"\"></span><span class=\"invisible\"></span></a>▒シ▒",
	"url": "",
	"avatar": "",
	"avatar_static": "",
	"header": "/headers/original/missing.png",
	"header_static": "/headers/original/missing.png"

albert said:

It turns out you since it's based on Mastodon you can generate your own client id+secret here:

This lets you use an oauth2 workflow to generate your own access tokens. This part is admittedly a bit convoluted, but once you get the token there seems to be no expiry.

See also:


Neeeeato. And by user ID too, that's awesome.

Still though, there does remain that problem of enumerating through all the profiles. This still doesn't quite solve that problem, but it does make another go away -- having users remember to link to Pixiv in their pawoo.

Also reminds me I still need to update all of Kafuka's works here (but shhh... don't tell any other uploader, I like his works a lot)

Thanks for the above information. Searching by Pixiv ID will most likely find more matches than just scraping the profile for URLs. I wonder if the Pixiv API will eventually be modified so that it will return any linked Pawoo accounts...?

On another note, linking my Pawoo account to my Pixiv account was pretty easy... :) However, I'm still bewildered on how I have 4 followers when I haven't posted anything at all. How do these users even find me without some kind of account enumeration...? :/


Also just FYI, I've started image enumeration of accounts using Danbooru's IQDB to find potential matches. So far, I've found several accounts that my prior script missed (due mostly to no URLs being listed).


BrokenEagle98 said:

Thanks for the above information. Searching by Pixiv ID will most likely find more matches than just scraping the profile for URLs. I wonder if the Pixiv API will eventually be modified so that it will return any linked Pawoo accounts...?

I hope so. Right now there is nothing that looks like Pawoo account information:

On another note, linking my Pawoo account to my Pixiv account was pretty easy... :) However, I'm still bewildered on how I have 4 followers when I haven't posted anything at all. How do these users even find me without some kind of account enumeration...? :/

By just following everyone: :P

Also just FYI, I've started image enumeration of accounts using Danbooru's IQDB to find potential matches. So far, I've found several accounts that my prior script missed (due mostly to no URLs being listed).

Nice! (*^ワ^*)

Hmm, just remarking on this but has now sped past users by an amount of around ~8000 users. That being said though, they both have more than a million statuses published, and about the same amount of live connections.

I think the wiki pages will deserve a small rewrite, but just a small rambling.

Mikaeri said:

Looks like Pawoo has a new feature called the Media timeline. Seems to display only media content from the local timeline.

Dunno how useful it'll be, but it's there.

Probably not very, it'd be like tracking new pixiv posts from 'all users' constantly.

That's what I was thinking, and it's probably worse since there's a lot of 'noise' content too (photos of food, game screenshots, etc).

I would much prefer a Media timeline that only displayed content from users you follow though, that would pretty much be pixiv mode. Well, without the tags, but you get the notion.

Mikaeri said:

That's what I was thinking, and it's probably worse since there's a lot of 'noise' content too (photos of food, game screenshots, etc).

I would much prefer a Media timeline that only displayed content from users you follow though, that would pretty much be pixiv mode. Well, without the tags, but you get the notion.

Pretty much this. I'm tired scrolling for photos from the artists I followed. Those artists generates toots too damn fast.

Umm, not really, no. You can search by hashtags though, some artists use artist-specific hashtags to indicate which posts have media attached to them. Let me see if I can find one real quick.

Here we go. Toosaka Asagi posts all his media toots with that hashtag.

Hmm? Well, the Media Timeline (Beta) is pretty much what I thought it would look like ater I read your comment above. It still shows a lot of non-danbooru-worthy post, but for example this was found pretty fast there.

Well, I'm looking forward how it will develope. But I like this change :3.

provence said:

Hmm? Well, the Media Timeline (Beta) is pretty much what I thought it would look like ater I read your comment above. It still shows a lot of non-danbooru-worthy post, but for example this was found pretty fast there.

Well, I'm looking forward how it will develope. But I like this change :3.

Oh, that's from matsui_hiroaki. He says it's a rough though -- there will probably be a more finished version of that Saber Bride soon.

Still though, as CodeKyuubi mentions, it's pretty much like "tracking new pixiv posts from 'all users' constantly."

It seems like they've changed things a lot since this topic was first introduced. There are no longer any links (that I can find) back to the private version of accounts, i.e. at the URL, and not the public one at

Is that URL documented anywhere else, or is it available via hyper-link anywhere else...? It bothers me a bit that I only discovered that link through lucky happenstance, and that I would have been SOL if I had started working on it any later... :/

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